class Hash
# Returns the values from the soap:Body element or an empty Hash in case the soap:Body tag could
# not be found.
def find_soap_body
envelope = self[keys.first] || {}
body_key = envelope.keys.find { |key| /.+:Body/ =~ key } rescue nil
body_key ? envelope[body_key].map_soap_response : {}
# Translates the Hash into SOAP request compatible XML.
# { :find_user => { :id => 123, "wsdl:Key" => "api" } }.to_soap_xml
# # => "123api"
# ==== Mapping
# * Hash keys specified as Symbols are converted to lowerCamelCase Strings
# * Hash keys specified as Strings are not converted and may contain namespaces
# * DateTime values are converted to xs:dateTime Strings
# * Objects responding to to_datetime (except Strings) are converted to xs:dateTime Strings
# * TrueClass and FalseClass objects are converted to "true" and "false" Strings
# * All other objects are expected to be converted to Strings using to_s
# An example:
# { :magic_request => {
# :perform_move => true,
# "perform_at" =>, 11, 22, 11, 22, 33)
# }
# }.to_soap_xml
# true
# 2012-06-11T10:42:21
# ==== Escaped XML values
# By default, special characters in XML String values are escaped.
# ==== Fixed order of XML tags
# In case your service requires the tags to be in a specific order (parameterOrder), you have two
# options. The first is to specify your body as an XML string. The second is to specify the order
# through an additional array stored under the +:order!+ key.
# { :name => "Eve", :id => 123, :order! => [:id, :name] }.to_soap_xml
# # => "123Eve"
# ==== XML attributes
# If you need attributes, you could either go with an XML string or add another hash under the
# +:attributes!+ key.
# { :person => "Eve", :attributes! => { :person => { :id => 666 } } }.to_soap_xml
# # => 'Eve'
def to_soap_xml
xml =
attributes = delete(:attributes!) || {}
order.each do |key|
attrs = attributes[key] || {}
value = self[key]
escape_xml = key.to_s[-1, 1] != "!"
key = key.to_soap_key
case value
when Array then xml << value.to_soap_xml(key, escape_xml, attrs)
when Hash then xml.tag!(key, attrs) { xml << value.to_soap_xml }
else xml.tag!(key, attrs) { xml << (escape_xml ? value.to_soap_value : value.to_soap_value!) }
# Maps keys and values of a Hash created from SOAP response XML to more convenient Ruby Objects.
def map_soap_response
inject({}) do |hash, (key, value)|
value = case value
when Hash then value["xsi:nil"] ? nil : value.map_soap_response
when Array then { |val| val.map_soap_response rescue val }
when String then value.map_soap_response
hash.merge key.strip_namespace.snakecase.to_sym => value
# Deletes and returns an Array of keys stored under the :order! key. Defaults to return the actual
# keys of this Hash if no :order! key could be found. Raises an ArgumentError in case the :order!
# Array does not match the Hash keys.
def order
order = delete :order!
order = keys unless order.kind_of? Array
missing, spurious = keys - order, order - keys
raise ArgumentError, "Missing elements in :order! #{missing.inspect}" unless missing.empty?
raise ArgumentError, "Spurious elements in :order! #{spurious.inspect}" unless spurious.empty?