4.3 2012-07-10 EAW 60 1 Insulate hot water cylinder with 80 mm jacket Inswleiddio’r silindr dŵr poeth gyda siaced 80 mm Hot water cylinder insulation Inswleiddiad silindr dŵr poeth Insulate hot water cylinder with 80 mm jacket Inswleiddiad silindr dŵr poeth 2 Increase hot water cylinder insulation Cynyddu inswleiddiad dŵr poeth Hot water cylinder insulation Inswleiddiad silindr dŵr poeth Increase hot water cylinder insulation Cynyddu inswleiddiad dŵr poeth 3 Add additional 80 mm jacket to hot water cylinder Ychwanegu siaced 80 mm ychwanegol i’r siaced dŵr poeth Hot water cylinder insulation Inswleiddiad silindr dŵr poeth Add additional 80 mm jacket to hot water cylinder Inswleiddiad silindr dŵr poeth 4 Hot water cylinder thermostat Thermostat silindr dŵr poeth Cylinder thermostat Thermostat silindr Hot water cylinder thermostat Thermostat silindr dŵr poeth 5 Increase loft insulation to 270 mm Cynyddu inswleiddiad croglofft i 270 mm Loft insulation Inswleiddiad croglofft Increase loft insulation to 270 mm Cynyddu inswleiddiad croglofft i 270 mm 6 Cavity wall insulation Inswleiddio waliau ceudod Cavity wall insulation Inswleiddio waliau ceudod Cavity wall insulation Inswleiddio waliau ceudod 7 Internal or external wall insulation Inswleiddio waliau mewnol neu allanol Internal or external wall insulation Inswleiddio waliau mewnol neu allanol Internal or external wall insulation Inswleiddio waliau mewnol neu allanol 8 Replace single glazed windows with low-E double glazing Newid ffenestri gwydr sengl am rai gwydr dwbl E-isel Double glazing Gwydr dwbl Double glazing Gwydr dwbl 9 Secondary glazing to single glazed windows Gwydriad eilaidd i ffenestri gwydr sengl Secondary glazing Gwydriad eilaidd Secondary glazing to single glazed windows Gwydriad eilaidd i ffenestri gwydr sengl 10 Draught proofing Atal drafftiau Draught proofing Atal drafftiau Draught proofing Atal drafftiau 11 Heating controls (programmer, room thermostat and TRVs) Rheolyddion gwres (rhaglennydd, thermostat ystafell a TRVs) Heating controls Uwchraddio rheolyddion gwres Heating controls (programmer, thermostat, TRVs) Uwchraddio rheolyddion gwres 12 Heating controls (room thermostat and TRVs) Rheolyddion gwres (thermostat ystafell a falfiau rheiddiadur thermostatig) Heating controls Uwchraddio rheolyddion gwres Heating controls (room thermostat and TRVs) Uwchraddio rheolyddion gwres 13 Heating controls (thermostatic radiator valves) Rheolyddion gwresogi (falfiau rheiddiadur thermostatig) Heating controls Uwchraddio rheolyddion gwres Heating controls (TRVs) Uwchraddio rheolyddion gwres 14 Heating controls (room thermostat) Rheolyddion gwres (thermostat ystafell) Heating controls Uwchraddio rheolyddion gwres Heating controls (room thermostat) Uwchraddio rheolyddion gwres 15 Heating controls (programmer and TRVs) Rheolyddion gwresogi (rhaglennydd a falfiau rheiddiadur thermostatig) Heating controls Uwchraddio rheolyddion gwres Heating controls (programmer and TRVs) Uwchraddio rheolyddion gwres 16 Heating controls (time and temperature zone control) Rheolyddion gwresogi (rheolydd amser a pharth gwres) Heating controls Uwchraddio rheolyddion gwres Heating controls (zone control) Uwchraddio rheolyddion gwres 17 Heating controls (programmer and room thermostat) Rheolyddion gwresogi (rhaglennydd a thermostat ystafell) Heating controls Uwchraddio rheolyddion gwresogi Heating controls (programmer and thermostat) Uwchraddio rheolyddion gwresogi 18 Heating controls (room thermostat) Rheolyddion gwresogi (thermostat ystafell) Heating controls Uwchraddio rheolyddion gwresogi Heating controls (room thermostat) Uwchraddio rheolyddion gwresogi 19 Solar water heating Gwresogi dŵr solar Solar water heating Gwresogi dŵr solar Solar water heating Gwresogi dŵr solar 20 Replace boiler with new condensing boiler Cyfnewid y bwyler am fwyler cyddwyso newydd Condensing boiler Bwyler cyddwyso newydd Condensing boiler Bwyler cyddwyso newydd 22 Replace boiler with biomass boiler Cyfnewid bwyler am fwyler biomas Biomass boiler Bwyler biomas Biomass boiler Bwyler biomas 23 Wood pellet stove with boiler and radiators Ffwrn pelennau coed gyda bwyler a rheiddiaduron Biomass stove with boiler Ffwrn biomas gyda bwyler Biomass stove with boiler Ffwrn biomas gyda bwyler 24 Fan assisted storage heaters and dual immersion cylinder Gwresogyddion stôr â chymorth ffan a silindr trochi deuol Fan assisted storage heaters Gwresogyddion stôr â chymorth ffan Fan assisted storage heaters Gwresogyddion stôr â chymorth ffan 25 Fan-assisted storage heaters Gwresogyddion stôr â chymorth ffan Fan assisted storage heaters Gwresogyddion stôr â chymorth ffan Fan assisted storage heaters Gwresogyddion stôr â chymorth ffan 26 Replacement warm air unit Cyfnewid uned aer poeth Replacement warm air unit Cyfnewid uned aer poeth Replacement warm air unit Cyfnewid uned aer poeth 27 Change heating to gas condensing boiler Newid system wresogi i fwyler cyddwyso nwy Gas condensing boiler Bwyler cyddwyso nwy Gas condensing boiler Bwyler cyddwyso nwy 28 Condensing oil boiler with radiators Bwyler cyddwyso olew gyda rheiddiaduron Condensing oil boiler Bwyler cyddwyso olew Condensing oil boiler Bwyler cyddwyso olew 29 Change heating to gas condensing boiler Newid system wresogi i fwyler cyddwyso nwy Gas condensing boiler Bwyler cyddwyso nwy Gas condensing boiler Bwyler cyddwyso nwy 30 Fan assisted storage heaters and dual immersion cylinder Gwresogyddion stôr â chymorth ffan a silindr trochi deuol Fan assisted storage heaters Gwresogyddion stôr â chymorth ffan Fan assisted storage heaters Gwresogyddion stôr â chymorth ffan 31 Fan-assisted storage heaters Gwresogyddion stôr â chymorth ffan Fan assisted storage heaters Gwresogyddion stôr â chymorth ffan Fan assisted storage heaters Gwresogyddion stôr â chymorth ffan 34 Solar photovoltaic panels, 2.5 kWp Paneli solar ffotofoltäig, 2.5 kWp Solar photovoltaic panels Paneli solar ffotofoltäig Solar photovoltaic panels Paneli solar ffotofoltäig 35 Low energy lighting for all fixed outlets Goleuo ynni isel ar gyfer yr holl osodiadau sefydlog Low energy lighting Goleuo ynni isel Low energy lighting Goleuo ynni isel 36 Replace heating unit with condensing unit Cyfnewid uned wresogi am uned gyddwyso newydd Condensing heating unit Gosod uned wresogi gyddwyso Condensing heating unit Gosod uned wresogi gyddwyso 37 Condensing boiler (separate from the range cooker) Gosod bwyler cyddwyso (ar wahân i’r popty estynedig) Condensing boiler Gosod bwyler cyddwyso Condensing boiler Gosod bwyler cyddwyso 38 Condensing boiler (separate from the range cooker) Gosod bwyler cyddwyso (ar wahân i’r cwcer estynedig) Condensing boiler Gosod bwyler cyddwyso Condensing boiler Gosod bwyler cyddwyso 39 Wood pellet stove with boiler and radiators Stôf pelenni pren gyda bwyler a rheiddiaduron Biomass stove with boiler Stôf biomas gyda bwyler Biomass stove with boiler Stôf biomas gyda bwyler 40 Change room heaters to condensing boiler Newid gwresogyddion ystafell i fwyler cyddwyso Condensing boiler Bwyler cyddwyso Condensing boiler Bwyler cyddwyso 42 Replace heating unit with mains gas condensing unit Cyfnewid uned wresogi am uned gyddwyso prif gyflenwad nwy Mains gas condensing heating unit Uned wresogi gyddwyso prif gyflenwad nwy Mains gas condensing heating unit Uned wresogi gyddwyso prif gyflenwad nwy 44 Wind turbine Tyrbin gwynt Wind turbine Tyrbin gwynt Wind turbine Tyrbin gwynt 45 Flat roof insulation Insiwleiddio to fflat Flat roof insulation Insiwleiddio to fflat Flat roof insulation Insiwleiddio to fflat 46 Room-in-roof insulation Insiwleiddio ystafell-yn-y-to Room-in-roof insulation Insiwleiddio ystafell-yn-y-to Room-in-roof insulation Insiwleiddio ystafell-yn-y-to 47 Floor insulation Insiwleiddio llawr Floor insulation Insiwleiddio llawr Floor insulation Insiwleiddio llawr 48 High performance external doors Drysau allanol perfformiad uchel High performance external doors Drysau allanol perfformiad uchel High performance external doors Drysau allanol perfformiad uchel 49 Heat recovery system for mixer showers System adfer gwres ar gyfer cawodydd cymysgu Heat recovery system for mixer showers System adfer gwres ar gyfer cawodydd cymysgu Heat recovery system for mixer showers System adfer gwres ar gyfer cawodydd cymysgu 50 Flue gas heat recovery device in conjunction with boiler Dyfais adfer gwres nwyon ffliw ar y cyd â boeler Flue gas heat recovery Adfer gwres nwyon ffliw Flue gas heat recovery Adfer gwres nwyon ffliw 51 Air or ground source heat pump Pwmp gwres o’r aer neu’r ddaear Air or ground source heat pump Pwmp gwres o’r aer neu’r ddaear .. .. 52 Air or ground source heat pump with underfloor heating Pwmp gwres o’r aer neu’r ddaear gyda gwresogi tanlawr Air or ground source heat pump with underfloor heating Pwmp gwres o’r aer neu’r ddaear gyda gwresogi tanlawr .. .. 53 Micro CHP CHP meicro Micro CHP CHP meicro .. .. 54 Biomass boiler (Exempted Appliance if in Smoke Control Area) Boeler biomàs (Cyfarpar wedi’i Eithrio os mewn Ardal Reoli Mwg) Biomass boiler Boeler biomàs .. .. 55 External insulation with cavity wall insulation Insiwleiddio allanol gydag insiwleiddio waliau ceudod External and cavity wall insulation Insiwleiddio waliau ceudod ac allanol .. .. 1 6 New dwelling false 2 1 Marketed sale true 3 2 Non-marketed sale true 4 8 Rental true 5 9 Assessment for Green Deal true 6 10 Following Green Deal true 7 11 FiT application true 8 5 None of the above true SCT 0 1 Insulate hot water cylinder with 80 mm jacket Hot water cylinder insulation Insulate hot water cylinder with 80 mm jacket 2 Increase hot water cylinder insulation Hot water cylinder insulation Increase hot water cylinder insulation 3 Add additional 80 mm jacket to hot water cylinder Hot water cylinder insulation Add additional 80 mm jacket to hot water cylinder 4 Hot water cylinder thermostat Cylinder thermostat Hot water cylinder thermostat 5 Increase loft insulation to 270 mm Loft insulation Increase loft insulation to 270 mm 6 Cavity wall insulation Cavity wall insulation Cavity wall insulation 7 Internal or external wall insulation Internal or external wall insulation Internal or external wall insulation 8 Replace single glazed windows with low-E double glazing Double glazing Double glazing 9 Secondary glazing to single glazed windows Secondary glazing Secondary glazing to single glazed windows 10 Draught proofing Draught proofing Draught proofing 11 Heating controls (programmer, room thermostat and TRVs) Heating controls Heating controls (programmer, thermostat, TRVs) 12 Heating controls (room thermostat and TRVs) Heating controls Heating controls (room thermostat and TRVs) 13 Heating controls (thermostatic radiator valves) Heating controls Heating controls (TRVs) 14 Heating controls (room thermostat) Heating controls Heating controls (room thermostat) 15 Heating controls (programmer and TRVs) Heating controls Heating controls (programmer and TRVs) 16 Heating controls (time and temperature zone control) Heating controls Heating controls (zone control) 17 Heating controls (programmer and room thermostat) Heating controls Heating controls (programmer and thermostat) 18 Heating controls (room thermostat) Heating controls Heating controls (room thermostat) 19 Solar water heating Solar water heating Solar water heating 20 Replace boiler with new condensing boiler Condensing boiler Condensing boiler 22 Replace boiler with biomass boiler Biomass boiler Biomass boiler 23 Wood pellet stove with boiler and radiators Biomass stove with boiler Biomass stove with boiler 24 Fan assisted storage heaters and dual immersion cylinder Fan assisted storage heaters Fan assisted storage heaters 25 Fan-assisted storage heaters Fan assisted storage heaters Fan assisted storage heaters 26 Replacement warm air unit Replacement warm air unit Replacement warm air unit 27 Change heating to gas condensing boiler Gas condensing boiler Gas condensing boiler 28 Condensing oil boiler with radiators Condensing oil boiler Condensing oil boiler 29 Change heating to gas condensing boiler Gas condensing boiler Gas condensing boiler 30 Fan assisted storage heaters and dual immersion cylinder Fan assisted storage heaters Fan assisted storage heaters 31 Fan-assisted storage heaters Fan assisted storage heaters Fan assisted storage heaters 34 Solar photovoltaic panels, 2.5 kWp Solar photovoltaic panels Solar photovoltaic panels 35 Low energy lighting for all fixed outlets Low energy lighting Low energy lighting 36 Replace heating unit with condensing unit Condensing heating unit Condensing heating unit 37 Condensing boiler (separate from the range cooker) Condensing boiler Condensing boiler 38 Condensing boiler (separate from the range cooker) Condensing boiler Condensing boiler 39 Wood pellet stove with boiler and radiators Biomass stove with boiler Biomass stove with boiler 40 Change room heaters to condensing boiler Condensing boiler Condensing boiler 42 Replace heating unit with mains gas condensing unit Mains gas condensing heating unit Mains gas condensing heating unit 44 Wind turbine Wind turbine Wind turbine 45 Flat roof insulation Flat roof insulation Flat roof insulation 46 Room-in-roof insulation Room-in-roof insulation Room-in-roof insulation 47 Floor insulation Floor insulation Floor insulation 48 High performance external doors High performance external doors High performance external doors 49 Heat recovery system for mixer showers Heat recovery system for mixer showers Heat recovery system for mixer showers 50 Flue gas heat recovery device in conjunction with boiler Flue gas heat recovery Flue gas heat recovery 51 Air or ground source heat pump Air or ground source heat pump .. 52 Air or ground source heat pump with underfloor heating Air or ground source heat pump with underfloor heating .. 53 Micro CHP Micro CHP .. 54 Biomass boiler (Exempted Appliance if in Smoke Control Area) Biomass boiler .. 55 External insulation with cavity wall insulation External and cavity wall insulation .. 1 6 New dwelling false 2 1 Marketed sale true 3 2 Non-marketed sale true 4 8 Rental true 5 9 Assessment for Green Deal true 6 10 Following Green Deal true 7 11 FiT application true 8 5 None of the above true NIR 57 1 Insulate hot water cylinder with 80 mm jacket Hot water cylinder insulation Installing an 80 mm thick cylinder jacket around the hot water cylinder will help to maintain the water at the required temperature; this will reduce the amount of energy used and lower fuel bills. A cylinder jacket is a layer of insulation that is fitted around the hot water cylinder. The jacket should be fitted over any thermostat clamped to the cylinder. Hot water pipes from the hot water cylinder should also be insulated, using pre-formed pipe insulation of up to 50 mm thickness (or to suit the space available) for as far as they can be accessed to reduce losses in summer. All these materials can be purchased from DIY stores and installed by a competent DIY enthusiast. 2 Increase hot water cylinder insulation Hot water cylinder insulation Increasing the thickness of existing insulation around the hot water cylinder will help to maintain the water at the required temperature; this will reduce the amount of energy used and lower fuel bills. An additional cylinder jacket or other suitable insulation layer can be used. The insulation should be fitted over any thermostat clamped to the cylinder. Hot water pipes from the hot water cylinder should also be insulated, using pre-formed pipe insulation of up to 50 mm thickness (or to suit the space available) for as far as they can be accessed to reduce losses in summer. All these materials can be purchased from DIY stores and installed by a competent DIY enthusiast. 3 Add additional 80 mm jacket to hot water cylinder Hot water cylinder insulation Increasing the thickness of existing insulation by adding an 80 mm cylinder jacket around the hot water cylinder will help maintain the water at the required temperature; this will reduce the amount of energy used and lower fuel bills. The jacket should be fitted over the top of the existing foam insulation and over any thermostat clamped to the cylinder. Hot water pipes from the hot water cylinder should also be insulated, using pre-formed pipe insulation of up to 50 mm thickness (or to suit the space available) for as far as they can be accessed to reduce losses in summer. All these materials can be purchased from DIY stores and installed by a competent DIY enthusiast. 4 Hot water cylinder thermostat Cylinder thermostat A hot water cylinder thermostat enables the boiler to switch off when the water in the cylinder reaches the required temperature; this minimises the amount of energy that is used and lowers fuel bills. The thermostat is a temperature sensor that sends a signal to the boiler when the required temperature is reached. To be fully effective it needs to be sited in the correct position and hard wired in place, so it should be installed by a competent plumber or heating engineer. 5 Increase loft insulation to 270 mm Loft insulation Loft insulation laid in the loft space or between roof rafters to a depth of at least 270 mm will significantly reduce heat loss through the roof; this will improve levels of comfort, reduce energy use and lower fuel bills. Insulation should not be placed below any cold water storage tank; any such tank should also be insulated on its sides and top, and there should be boarding on battens over the insulation to provide safe access between the loft hatch and the cold water tank. The insulation can be installed by professional contractors but also by a capable DIY enthusiast. Loose granules may be used instead of insulation quilt; this form of loft insulation can be blown into place and can be useful where access is difficult. The loft space must have adequate ventilation to prevent dampness; seek advice about this if unsure (particularly if installing insulation between rafters because a vapour control layer and ventilation above the insulation are required). Further information about loft insulation and details of local contractors can be obtained from the National Insulation Association (www.nationalinsulationassociation.org.uk). 6 Cavity wall insulation Cavity wall insulation Cavity wall insulation, to fill the gap between the inner and outer layers of external walls with an insulating material, reduces heat loss; this will improve levels of comfort, reduce energy use and lower fuel bills. The insulation material is pumped into the gap through small holes that are drilled into the outer walls, and the holes are made good afterwards. As specialist machinery is used to fill the cavity, a professional installation company should carry out this work, and they should carry out a thorough survey before commencing work to ensure that this type of insulation is suitable for this home. They should also provide a guarantee for the work and handle any building control issues. Further information about cavity wall insulation and details of local installers can be obtained from the National Insulation Association (www.nationalinsulationassociation.org.uk). 7 50 mm internal or external wall insulation Internal or external wall insulation Solid wall insulation involves adding a layer of insulation to either the inside or the outside surface of the external walls, which reduces heat loss and lowers fuel bills. As it is more expensive than cavity wall insulation it is only recommended for walls without a cavity, or where for technical reasons a cavity cannot be filled. Internal insulation, known as dry-lining, is where a layer of insulation is fixed to the inside surface of external walls; this type of insulation is best applied when rooms require redecorating and can be installed by a competent DIY enthusiast. External solid wall insulation is the application of an insulant and a weather-protective finish to the outside of the wall. This may improve the look of the home, particularly where existing brickwork or rendering is poor, and will provide long-lasting weather protection. Further information can be obtained from the National Insulation Association (www.nationalinsulationassociation.org.uk). 8 Replace single glazed windows with low-E double glazing Double glazing Double glazing is the term given to a system where two panes of glass are made up into a sealed unit. Replacing existing single-glazed windows with double glazing will improve comfort in the home by reducing draughts and cold spots near windows. Double-glazed windows may also reduce noise, improve security and combat problems with condensation. 9 Secondary glazing to single glazed windows Secondary glazing Secondary glazing is the addition of a second pane of glass inside the existing window. Adding secondary glazing will improve comfort in the home by reducing draughts and cold spots near windows. It may also reduce noise and combat problems with condensation. Installation can be carried out by a competent DIY enthusiast. 10 Draught proof single-glazed windows Draught proofing Fitting draught proofing, strips of insulation around windows and doors, will improve the comfort in the home. A contractor can be employed but draught proofing can be installed by a competent DIY enthusiast. 11 Upgrade heating controls Heating controls (programmer, room thermostat and thermostatic radiator valves) The heating system would benefit from a programmer and room thermostat to enable the boiler to switch off when no heat is required; this will reduce the amount of energy used and lower fuel bills. Thermostatic radiator valves should also be installed, to allow the temperature of each room to be controlled to suit individual needs, adding to comfort and reducing heating bills. For example, they can be set to be warmer in the living room and bathroom than in the bedrooms. Ask a competent heating engineer to install thermostatic radiator valves and a fully pumped system with the pump and the boiler turned off by the room thermostat. Thermostatic radiator valves should be fitted to every radiator except one – the radiator in the same room as the room thermostat. Remember the room thermostat is needed as well as the thermostatic radiator valves, to enable the boiler to switch off when no heat is required. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. 12 Upgrade heating controls Heating controls (room thermostat and thermostatic radiator valves) A room thermostat will increase the efficiency of the heating system by enabling the boiler to switch off when no heat is required; this will reduce the amount of energy used and lower fuel bills. Thermostatic radiator valves should also be installed, to allow the temperature of each room to be controlled to suit individual needs, adding to comfort and reducing heating bills provided internal doors are kept closed. For example, they can be set to be warmer in the living room and bathroom than in the bedrooms. Ask a competent heating engineer to install thermostatic radiator valves and a fully pumped system with the pump and the boiler turned off by the room thermostat. Thermostatic radiator valves should be fitted to every radiator except for the radiator in the same room as the room thermostat. Remember the room thermostat is needed as well as the thermostatic radiator valves, to enable the boiler to switch off when no heat is required. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. 13 Upgrade heating controls Heating controls (thermostatic radiator valves) Thermostatic radiator valves allow the temperature of each room to be controlled to suit individual needs, adding to comfort and reducing heating bills provided internal doors are kept closed. For example, they can be set to be warmer in the living room and bathroom than in the bedrooms. Ask a competent heating engineer to install thermostatic radiator valves. Thermostatic radiator valves should be fitted to every radiator except the radiator in the same room as the room thermostat. Remember the room thermostat is needed as well as the thermostatic radiator valves, to enable the boiler to switch off when no heat is required. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. 14 Upgrade heating controls Heating controls (room thermostat) The heating system should have a room thermostat to enable the boiler to switch off when no heat is required. A competent heating engineer should be asked to do this work. Insist that the thermostat switches off the boiler as well as the pump and that the thermostatic radiator valve is removed from any radiator in the same room as the thermostat. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. 15 Upgrade heating controls Heating controls (programmer and thermostatic radiator valves) The heating system would benefit from a programmer to provide better comfort through automatic control of the system. A modern programmer can provide different time programmes for heating and hot water, allowing different time periods to be set for each; seven-day programmers also allow different heating and/or hot water patterns to be set for weekdays and weekends and holidays. Thermostatic radiator valves should also be installed, to allow the temperature of each room to be controlled to suit individual needs, adding to comfort and reducing heating bills provided internal doors are kept closed. For example, they can be set to be warmer in the living room and bathroom than in the bedrooms. Ask a competent heating engineer to install thermostatic radiator valves and a fully pumped system with the pump and the boiler turned off by the room thermostat. Thermostatic radiator valves should be fitted to every radiator except for the radiator in the same room as the room thermostat. Remember the room thermostat is needed as well as the thermostatic radiator valves, to enable the boiler to switch off when no heat is required. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. 16 Time and temperature zone control Heating controls (time and temperature zone control) The heating system controls should be improved so that both the temperature and time of heating can be set differently in separate areas of your house; this will reduce the amount of energy used and lower fuel bills. For example, it is possible to have cooler temperatures in the bedrooms than in the living room provided internal doors are kept closed, and to have a longer heating period for the living room. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. 17 Upgrade heating controls Heating controls (programmer and room thermostat) The warm air heating system would benefit from the addition of a programmer and room thermostat so that it switches off when no heat is required; this will reduce the amount of energy used and lower fuel bills. Insist that the thermostat switches off the warm air burner as well as the blower. A modern programmer can provide different time programmes for heating and hot water, allowing different time periods to be set for each; seven-day programmers also allow different heating patterns to be set for weekdays and weekends and holidays. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. 18 Upgrade heating controls Heating controls (room thermostat) The warm air heating system in this home would benefit from the addition of a room thermostat so that it switches off when no heat is required; this will reduce the amount of energy used and lower fuel bills. Insist that the thermostat switches off the warm air burner as well as the blower. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. 19 Solar water heating Solar water heating A solar water heating panel, usually fixed to the roof, uses the sun to pre-heat the hot water supply. This will significantly reduce the demand on the heating system to provide hot water and hence save fuel and money. The Solar Trade Association has up-to-date information on local installers. 20 Replace boiler with new condensing boiler New condensing boiler A condensing boiler is capable of much higher efficiencies than other types of boiler, meaning it will burn less fuel to heat this property. This improvement is most appropriate when the existing central heating boiler needs repair or replacement, but there may be exceptional circumstances making this impractical. Condensing boilers need a drain for the condensate which limits their location; remember this when considering remodelling the room containing the existing boiler even if the latter is to be retained for the time being (for example a kitchen makeover). It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. Ask the engineer to explain the options. 22 Replace boiler with biomass boiler Biomass boiler Modern boilers are cleaner burning and more efficient than the boiler in this home and cost less to run. A biomass boiler burns renewable fuel such as wood pellets and therefore is less damaging to the environment. This improvement is most appropriate when the existing heating system needs repair or replacement. Provisions under the Clean Air Act apply to this work. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. Ask the engineer to explain the options. 23 Wood pellet stove with boiler and radiators Biomass stove with boiler A closed-in solid fuel stove (also called a room heater) is about twice as efficient as an open fire. Modern heaters with glass doors are clean, easy to use and provide an attractive source of heating. A biomass boiler burns renewable fuel such as wood pellets and therefore is much less damaging to the environment. This improvement is most appropriate when the existing heating system needs repair or replacement. Provisions under the Clean Air Act apply to this work. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. Ask the engineer to explain the options. 24 Fan assisted storage heaters and dual immersion cylinder Fan assisted storage heaters Modern storage heaters are smaller and easier to control than the older type in the property. Ask for a quotation for new, fan-assisted heaters with automatic charge control. A dual-immersion cylinder, which can be installed at the same time, will provide cheaper hot water than the system currently installed. As installations should be in accordance with the current regulations covering electrical wiring, only a qualified electrician should carry out the installation. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. Ask the engineer to explain the options, which might also include switching to other forms of electric heating. 25 Fan-assisted storage heaters Fan assisted storage heaters Modern storage heaters are smaller and easier to control than the older type in the property. Ask for a quotation for new, fan-assisted heaters with automatic charge control. As installations should be in accordance with the current regulations covering electrical wiring, only a qualified electrician should carry out the installation. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. Ask the engineer to explain the options which might also include switching to other forms of electric heating. 26 Replacement warm air unit Replacement warm air unit A modern warm air unit is capable of higher efficiency than older types, meaning it will burn less fuel for heating and (if fitted) the hot water system in your property. This improvement is most appropriate when the existing central heating warm air unit or hot water service needs repair or replacement. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. Ask the engineer to explain the options. 27 Change heating to gas condensing boiler Gas condensing boiler Changing the heating to use a mains gas boiler that provides both space and water heating will save money, as mains gas is currently cheaper than the fuel being used at present. A condensing boiler is capable of much higher efficiencies than other types of boiler, meaning it will burn less fuel to heat the property, but there may be exceptional circumstances making this impractical. Condensing boilers need a drain for the condensate which limits their location; remember this when considering remodelling the room containing the existing boiler even if the latter is to be retained for the time being (for example a kitchen makeover). This improvement is most appropriate when the existing heating system needs repair or replacement. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. Ask the engineer to explain the options. It is also recommended to change the electricity tariff to standard tariff when off-peak is no longer used. 28 Condensing oil boiler with radiators Condensing oil boiler Condensing boilers have a much higher efficiency than other types of heating appliance, meaning they will burn less fuel to heat the property. This option is best taken up when the present warm air unit requires repair or replacement. Building Regulations require replacement oil boilers to be of the condensing type unless there are exceptional circumstances. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. Ask the engineer to explain the options. 29 Change heating to gas condensing boiler Gas condensing boiler Changing the heating to use a mains gas boiler that provides both space and water heating will save money, as mains gas is currently cheaper than the fuel being used at present. A condensing boiler is capable of much higher efficiencies than other types of boiler, meaning it will burn less fuel to heat the property, but there may be exceptional circumstances making this impractical. Condensing boilers need a drain for the condensate which limits their location; remember this when considering remodelling the room containing the existing boiler even if the latter is to be retained for the time being (for example a kitchen makeover). This improvement is most appropriate when the existing heating system needs repair or replacement. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. Ask the engineer to explain the options. 30 Fan assisted storage heaters and dual immersion cylinder Fan assisted storage heaters Modern storage heaters are less expensive to run than the direct acting, on-peak heating system in the property. A dual-rate electricity supply is required to provide the off-peak electricity that these heaters use; this is easily obtained by contacting the energy supplier. Ask for a quotation for fan-assisted heaters with automatic charge control. A dual-immersion cylinder, which can be installed at the same time, will provide cheaper hot water than the system currently installed. As installations should be in accordance with the national wiring standards, only a qualified electrician should carry out the installation. Ask a qualified electrical heating engineer to explain the options, which might also include switching to other forms of electric heating. 31 Fan-assisted storage heaters Fan assisted storage heaters Modern storage heaters are less expensive to run than the direct acting, on-peak heating system in the property. A dual-rate electricity supply is required to provide the off-peak electricity that these heaters use; this is easily obtained by contacting the energy supplier. Ask for a quotation for fan-assisted heaters with automatic charge control. As installations should be in accordance with the national wiring standards, only a qualified electrician should carry out the installation. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified electrical heating engineer. Ask a qualified electrical heating engineer to explain the options, which might also include switching to other forms of electric heating. 34 Solar photovoltaic panels, 2.5 kWp Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels A solar PV system is one which converts light directly into electricity via panels placed on the roof with no waste and no emissions. This electricity is used throughout the home in the same way as the electricity purchased from an energy supplier. The British Photovoltaic Association has up-to-date information on local installers who are qualified electricians. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified electrician. Ask the electrician to explain the options. 35 Low energy lighting for all fixed outlets Low energy lighting Replacement of traditional light bulbs with energy saving recommended ones will reduce lighting costs over the lifetime of the bulb, and they last up to 12 times longer than ordinary light bulbs. Also consider selecting low energy light fittings when redecorating; contact the Lighting Association for your nearest stockist of Domestic Energy Efficient Lighting Scheme fittings. 36 Replace heating unit with condensing unit Install condensing heating unit A condensing unit is capable of much higher efficiencies than other types, meaning it will burn less fuel to heat this property but there may be exceptional circumstances making this impractical. Condensing boilers need a drain for the condensate which limits their location. Remember this when considering remodelling the room containing the existing boiler even if the latter is to be retained for the time being (for example a kitchen makeover). This improvement is most appropriate when the existing central heating unit needs repair or replacement. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. Ask the engineer to explain the options. 37 Install condensing boiler Install condensing boiler (separate from the range cooker) A condensing boiler is capable of much higher efficiencies than other types of boiler, meaning it will burn less fuel to heat the property. It is recommended to install a separate condensing boiler, independent of the range cooker, but there may be exceptional circumstances making this impractical. Condensing boilers need a drain for the condensate which limits their location. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. Ask the engineer to explain the options. 38 Install condensing boiler Install condensing boiler (separate from the range cooker) A condensing boiler is capable of much higher efficiencies than other types of boiler, meaning it will burn less fuel to heat the property. It is recommended to install a separate condensing boiler, independent of the range cooker, but there may be exceptional circumstances making this impractical. Condensing boilers need a drain for the condensate which limits their location. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. Ask the engineer to explain the options. 39 Wood pellet stove with boiler and radiators Biomass stove with boiler A biomass stove (also called a room heater) burns renewable fuel such as wood pellets and therefore is less damaging to the environment than the solid fuel room heater in this home. This improvement is most appropriate when the existing heating system needs repair or replacement. Provisions under the Clean Air Act apply to this work. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. Ask the engineer to explain the options. 40 Change room heaters to condensing boiler Condensing boiler A full central heating system using a condensing boiler will provide space and water heating at greater efficiency than gas room heaters, meaning it will burn less fuel to heat this property, but there may be exceptional circumstances making this impractical. Condensing boilers need a drain for the condensate which limits their location. Remember this when considering remodelling the room containing the existing boiler even if the latter is to be retained for the time being (for example a kitchen makeover). It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. Ask the engineer to explain the options. 42 Replace heating unit with mains gas condensing unit Mains gas condensing heating unit Changing the heating to use a mains gas heating unit will save money, as mains gas is currently cheaper than the fuel being used at present. A condensing unit is capable of much higher efficiencies than other types, meaning it will burn less fuel to heat this property, but there may be exceptional circumstances making this impractical. Condensing units need a drain for the condensate which limits their location. Remember this when considering remodelling the room containing the existing boiler even if the latter is to be retained for the time being (for example a kitchen makeover). This improvement is most appropriate when the existing central heating unit needs repair or replacement. It is best to obtain advice from a qualified heating engineer. Ask the engineer to explain the options. 44 Wind turbine Wind turbine A wind turbine provides electricity from wind energy. This electricity is used throughout the home in the same way as the electricity purchased from an energy supplier. The British Wind Energy Association has up-to-date information on suppliers of small-scale wind systems. Wind turbines are not suitable for all properties. The system’s effectiveness depends on local wind speeds and the presence of nearby obstructions, and a site survey should be undertaken by an accredited installer. 45 Flat roof insulation Flat roof insulation Insulation of a flat roof will significantly reduce heat loss through the roof; this will improve levels of comfort, reduce energy use and lower fuel bills. Where the weatherproof membrane is sound and the roof construction is appropriate, suitable insulation can be placed on top of the roof membrane (inverted roof). Alternatively, where the weatherproof membrane needs to be replaced insulation can be provided under the weatherproof membrane (warm roof). Further information about roof insulation and details of local contractors can be obtained from the National Insulation Association (www.nationalinsulationassociation.org.uk). 46 Room-in-roof insulation Room-in-roof insulation Insulating roof rooms will significantly reduce heat loss; this will improve levels of comfort, reduce energy use and lower fuel bills. If it has a flat ceiling insulation can usually be added above the ceiling, and sloping ceilings and walls of roof rooms can be insulated using an internal lining board. Further information about roof room insulation and details of local contractors can be obtained from the National Insulation Association (www.nationalinsulationassociation.org.uk). 47 Floor insulation Floor insulation Insulation of a floor will significantly reduce heat loss; this will improve levels of comfort, reduce energy use and lower fuel bills. Suspended floors can sometimes be insulated from below which means that the floor does not need to be lifted to install the insulation. Further information about floor insulation and details of local contractors can be obtained from the National Insulation Association (www.nationalinsulationassociation.org.uk). 48 High performance external doors High performance external doors High performance external doors contain insulation and lose heat at about half the rate of conventional external doors. 49 Heat recovery system for mixer showers Heat recovery system for mixer showers A shower heat recovery system extracts heat from the water in the shower drain and transfers it to incoming cold water. This reduces the amount of energy needed per shower. 50 Flue gas heat recovery in conjunction with boiler Flue gas heat recovery A flue gas heat recovery system extracts heat from the boiler flue gases and transfers it to the incoming cold water so that the boiler needs to supply heat. It is suitable for use only with a modern condensing gas boiler and should be fitted when a replacement boiler is installed. 51 Air or ground source heat pump Air or ground source heat pump .. 52 Air or ground source heat pump with underfloor heating Air or ground source heat pump with underfloor heating .. 53 Micro CHP Micro CHP .. 54 Biomass boiler (Exempted Appliance if in Smoke Control Area) Biomass boiler .. 55 External insulation with cavity wall insulation External and cavity wall insulation .. 1 6 New dwelling false 2 1 Marketed sale true 3 2 Non-marketed sale true 4 8 Rental true 8 5 None of the above true 1 1. Wall type does not correspond to options available in RdSAP The dwelling has a type of wall that is not included in the available options. The nearest equivalent type was used for the assessment. Mae gan yr annedd fath o wal sydd heb ei gynnwys yn yr opsiynau sydd ar gael. Defnyddiwyd y math cyfatebol agosaf ar gyfer yr asesiad. 4 4. Dwelling has a swimming pool The energy assessment for the dwelling does not include energy used to heat the swimming pool. Dydy asesiad ynni’r annedd ddim yn cynnwys yr ynni a gaiff ei ddefnyddio i wresogi’r pwll nofio. 5 5. Dwelling has micro-CHP not found in database The performance characteristics of the micro-CHP system in this dwelling are not known and default values were used for the assessment. Nid yw nodweddion perfformiad y system CHP meicro yn yr annedd hon yn hysbys a chafodd gwerthoedd diofyn eu defnyddio at yr asesiad. 6 6. Storage heater or dual immersion, and single electric meter A dual rate appliance(s) is present with a single-rate supply. A single-rate appliance has been used for the assessment. Changing the electricity tariff to an off-peak (dual rate) supply is likely to reduce fuel costs and improve the energy rating. Mae yma gyfarpar cyfradd ddeuol a chyflenwad cyfradd sengl. At ddibenion yr asesiad, cyfarpar cyfradd sengl sydd wedi’i ddefnyddio. Mae’n debyg y byddai newid y tariff trydan i gyflenwad heblaw’r cyflenwad oriau brig (cyfradd ddeuol) yn lleihau costau tanwydd ac yn gwella’r cyfraddiad ynni. 8 8. PVs or wind turbine present on the property (England, Wales or Scotland) The assessment does not include any feed-in tariffs that may be applicable to this property. Dydy’r asesiad ddim yn cynnwys unrhyw dariff dechreuol a allai fod yn gymwys ar gyfer yr eiddo hwn. 9 9. Two main heating systems and heating system upgrade is recommended As there is more than one heating system, you should seek professional advice on the most cost-effective option for upgrading the systems. Gan fod mwy nag un system wresogi, dylech ofyn am gyngor proffesiynol am y dewis mwyaf cost-effeithiol i uwchraddio’r systemau. 1 Owner-occupied 2 Rented (social) 3 Rental (private) ND Unknown 1 No related party Dim parti perthnasol 2 Relative of homeowner or of occupier of the property Perthynas i berchennog y cartref neu ddeiliad yr eiddo 3 Residing at the property Yn byw yn yr eiddo 4 Financial interest in the property Buddiant ariannol yn yr eiddo 5 Owner or Director of the organisation dealing with the property transaction Perchennog neu Gyfarwyddwr y corff sy’n delio â’r trafodyn eiddo 6 Employed by the professional dealing with the property transaction Wedi’i gyflogi gan y person proffesiynol sy’n delio â’r trafodyn eiddo 7 Relative of the professional dealing with the property transaction Perthynas i’r person proffesiynol sy’n delio â’r trafodyn eiddo