describe "SugarCube::Anonymous" do before do @h = SugarCube::Anonymous[{ foo: 'FOO', "bar" => 'BAR' }] end describe "NSDictionary#to_object" do it 'should return an instance of SugarCube::Anonymous' do SugarCube::Anonymous.should === { foo: 'FOO', "bar" => 'BAR' }.to_object end end describe "constructor" do it 'should give an instance of SugarCube::Anonymous' do SugarCube::Anonymous.should === @h end end describe "getter" do it 'should have an #foo method, and return "FOO"' do == 'FOO' end it 'should have an #bar method, and return "BAR"' do == 'BAR' end it 'should raise NoMethodError on non-existing keys' do should.raise(NoMethodError) { @h.hoge } end end describe "setter" do it 'should have an #foo= method, and return "Foo"' do = 'Foo' == 'Foo' end it 'should have a #bar= method, and return "Bar"' do = 'Bar' == 'Bar' end it 'should raise NoMethodError on non-existing keys' do should.raise(NoMethodError) { @h.hoge.should == 'Hoge' } end end end describe "SugarCube::Anonymous nested case" do before do @h = SugarCube::Anonymous[ { dictionary: { foo: 'FOO', array: [ { is_fine: 'is_fine' } ] }, array: [ { bar: 'BAR' }, [ 1, 2, 3 ] ] } ] end describe "dictionary" do it 'should return an instance of SugarCube::Anonymous' do @h.dictionary.class.should == SugarCube::Anonymous end it 'should return a hash which contains a string and an array' do @h.dictionary.should == { foo: 'FOO', array: [ { is_fine: 'is_fine' } ] } end it 'should not copy again' do @h.dictionary.object_id.should == @h.dictionary.object_id end it 'should return is_fine' do @h.dictionary.array[0].is_fine.should == 'is_fine' end describe "Enumerable" do describe "each" do it 'should return an instance of [SugarCube::Anonymous, SugarCube::AnonymousArray]' do a = [] @h.each{|k,v| a << v.class} a[0].should == SugarCube::Anonymous a[1].should == SugarCube::AnonymousArray end end describe "map" do it 'should return an instance of [SugarCube::Anonymous, SugarCube::AnonymousArray]' do a ={|k,v| v.class} a[0].should == SugarCube::Anonymous a[1].should == SugarCube::AnonymousArray end end describe "collect" do it 'should return an instance of [SugarCube::Anonymous, SugarCube::AnonymousArray]' do a = @h.collect{|k,v| v.class} a[0].should == SugarCube::Anonymous a[1].should == SugarCube::AnonymousArray end end end end describe "array" do it 'should return an instance of SugarCube::AnonymousArray' do @h.array.class.should == SugarCube::AnonymousArray end it 'should not copy again' do @h.array.object_id.should == @h.array.object_id end describe "inner object" do it 'should return an instance of SugarCube::Anonymous' do @h.array[0].class.should == SugarCube::Anonymous end it 'should return an instance of SugarCube::Anonymous' do @h.array.first.class.should == SugarCube::Anonymous end it 'should return an instance of SugarCube::AnonymousArray' do @h.array[1].class.should == SugarCube::AnonymousArray end it 'should return an instance of SugarCube::AnonymousArray' do @h.array.last.class.should == SugarCube::AnonymousArray end end describe "Enumerable" do describe "each" do it 'should return an instance of [SugarCube::Anonymous, SugarCube::AnonymousArray]' do a = [] @h.array.each{|e| a << e.class} a[0].should == SugarCube::Anonymous a[1].should == SugarCube::AnonymousArray end end describe "each_with_index" do it 'should return an instance of [0,1]' do a = [] @h.array.each_with_index{|e,i| a << i} a.should == [0,1] end end describe "map" do it 'should return an instance of [SugarCube::Anonymous, SugarCube::AnonymousArray]' do a ={|e| e.class} a[0].should == SugarCube::Anonymous a[1].should == SugarCube::AnonymousArray end end describe "collect" do it 'should return an instance of [SugarCube::Anonymous, SugarCube::AnonymousArray]' do a = @h.array.collect{|e| e.class} a[0].should == SugarCube::Anonymous a[1].should == SugarCube::AnonymousArray end end describe "find" do it 'should return then first object' do r = @h.array.find{|e| e.is_a? Hash} r.should == @h.array[0] end it 'should return the second object' do r = @h.array.find{|e| e.is_a? Array} r.should == @h.array[1] end end end end end