require 'pry' require 'drb' require 'readline' require 'open3' module PryRemote DefaultHost = "" DefaultPort = 9876 # A class to represent an input object created from DRb. This is used because # Pry checks for arity to know if a prompt should be passed to the object. # # @attr [#readline] input Object to proxy InputProxy = :input do # Reads a line from the input def readline(prompt) case readline_arity when 1 then input.readline(prompt) else input.readline end end def completion_proc=(val) input.completion_proc = val end def readline_arity input.method_missing(:method, :readline).arity rescue NameError 0 end end # Class used to wrap inputs so that they can be sent through DRb. # # This is to ensure the input is used locally and not reconstructed on the # server by DRb. class IOUndumpedProxy include DRb::DRbUndumped def initialize(obj) @obj = obj end def completion_proc=(val) if @obj.respond_to? :completion_proc= @obj.completion_proc = val end end def completion_proc @obj.completion_proc if @obj.respond_to? :completion_proc end def readline(prompt) if Readline == @obj @obj.readline(prompt, true) elsif @obj.method(:readline).arity == 1 @obj.readline(prompt) else $stdout.print prompt @obj.readline end end def puts(*lines) @obj.puts(*lines) end def print(*objs) @obj.print(*objs) end def printf(*args) @obj.printf(*args) end def write(data) @obj.write data end def <<(data) @obj << data self end # Some versions of Pry expect $stdout or its output objects to respond to # this message. def tty? false end end # Ensure that system (shell command) output is redirected for remote session. System = proc do |output, cmd, _| status = nil Open3.popen3 cmd do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| stdin.close # Send EOF to the process until stdout.eof? and stderr.eof? if res =[stdout, stderr]) res[0].each do |io| next if io.eof? output.write io.read_nonblock(1024) end end end status = wait_thr.value end unless status.success? output.puts "Error while executing command: #{cmd}" end end # A client is used to retrieve information from the client program. Client = :input, :output, :thread, :stdout, :stderr do # Waits until both an input and output are set def wait sleep 0.01 until input and output and thread end # Tells the client the session is terminated def kill end # @return [InputProxy] Proxy for the input def input_proxy input end end class Server def, host = DefaultHost, port = DefaultPort, options = {}) new(object, host, port, options).run end def initialize(object, host = DefaultHost, port = DefaultPort, options = {}) @host = host @port = port @object = object @options = options @client = DRb.start_service uri, @client puts "[pry-remote] Waiting for client on #{uri}" @client.wait puts "[pry-remote] Client received, starting remote session" end # Code that has to be called for Pry-remote to work properly def setup # If client passed stdout and stderr, redirect actual messages there. @old_stdout, $stdout = if @client.stdout [$stdout, @client.stdout] else [$stdout, $stdout] end @old_stderr, $stderr = if @client.stderr [$stderr, @client.stderr] else [$stderr, $stderr] end # Before Pry starts, save the pager config. # We want to disable this because the pager won't do anything useful in # this case (it will run on the server). Pry.config.pager, @old_pager = false, Pry.config.pager # As above, but for system config Pry.config.system, @old_system = PryRemote::System, Pry.config.system end # Code that has to be called after setup to return to the initial state def teardown # Reset output streams $stdout = @old_stdout $stderr = @old_stderr # Reset config Pry.config.pager = @old_pager # Reset sysem Pry.config.system = @old_system puts "[pry-remote] Remote session terminated" begin @client.kill rescue DRb::DRbConnError puts "[pry-remote] Continuing to stop service" ensure puts "[pry-remote] Ensure stop service" DRb.stop_service end end # Actually runs pry-remote def run setup Pry.start(@object, @options.merge(:input => client.input_proxy, :output => client.output)) ensure teardown end # @return Object to enter into attr_reader :object # @return [PryServer::Client] Client connecting to the pry-remote server attr_reader :client # @return [String] Host of the server attr_reader :host # @return [Integer] Port of the server attr_reader :port # @return [String] URI for DRb def uri "druby://#{host}:#{port}" end end # Parses arguments and allows to start the client. class CLI def initialize(args = ARGV) params = Pry::Slop.parse args, :help => true do banner "#$PROGRAM_NAME [OPTIONS]" on :s, :server=, "Host of the server (#{DefaultHost})", :argument => :optional, :default => DefaultHost on :p, :port=, "Port of the server (#{DefaultPort})", :argument => :optional, :as => Integer, :default => DefaultPort on :w, :wait, "Wait for the pry server to come up", :default => false on :c, :capture, "Captures $stdout and $stderr from the server (true)", :default => true on :f, "Disables loading of .pryrc and its plugins, requires, and command history " end exit if @host = params[:server] @port = params[:port] @wait = params[:wait] @capture = params[:capture] Pry.initial_session_setup unless params[:f] end # @return [String] Host of the server attr_reader :host # @return [Integer] Port of the server attr_reader :port # @return [String] URI for DRb def uri "druby://#{host}:#{port}" end attr_reader :wait attr_reader :capture alias wait? wait alias capture? capture # Connects to the server # # @param [IO] input Object holding input for pry-remote # @param [IO] output Object pry-debug will send its output to def run(input = Pry.config.input, output = Pry.config.output) local_ip = {|s| s.connect(@host, 1); s.addr.last} DRb.start_service "druby://#{local_ip}:0" client =, uri) input = output = begin client.input = input client.output = output rescue DRb::DRbConnError => ex if wait? sleep 1 retry else raise ex end end if capture? client.stdout = $stdout client.stderr = $stderr end client.thread = Thread.current sleep DRb.stop_service end end end class Object # Starts a remote Pry session # # @param [String] host Host of the server # @param [Integer] port Port of the server # @param [Hash] options Options to be passed to Pry.start def remote_pry(host = PryRemote::DefaultHost, port = PryRemote::DefaultPort, options = {}), host, port, options).run end # a handy alias as many people may think the method is named after the gem # (pry-remote) alias pry_remote remote_pry end