o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@created_atf1327290175.4193029Υά:@expires_in0:@compressedF: @value"‡!{"content_type"application/javascript" class"ProcessedAsset"dependency_digest"%69134429da2e98a232f276ede1107582" mtime"2012-01-19T18:17:29+11:00" _version"%45a9b34d2c65935f21d8f90f1e1b2836"dependency_paths[{" mtime"2012-01-19T18:17:29+11:00" digest"%998be5f1ce8b8a18837468aacef0a506" path"7$root/app/assets/javascripts/vendor/jquery-pjax.js" digest"%ca98799a7bba8aa7688318baf7781beb"required_paths["7$root/app/assets/javascripts/vendor/jquery-pjax.js" pathname"7$root/app/assets/javascripts/vendor/jquery-pjax.js"logical_path"vendor/jquery-pjax.js" lengthi<" source"<// jquery.pjax.js // copyright chris wanstrath // https://github.com/defunkt/jquery-pjax (function($){ // When called on a link, fetches the href with ajax into the // container specified as the first parameter or with the data-pjax // attribute on the link itself. // // Tries to make sure the back button and ctrl+click work the way // you'd expect. // // Accepts a jQuery ajax options object that may include these // pjax specific options: // // container - Where to stick the response body. Usually a String selector. // $(container).html(xhr.responseBody) // push - Whether to pushState the URL. Defaults to true (of course). // replace - Want to use replaceState instead? That's cool. // // For convenience the first parameter can be either the container or // the options object. // // Returns the jQuery object $.fn.pjax = function( container, options ) { if ( options ) options.container = container else options = $.isPlainObject(container) ? container : {container:container} // We can't persist $objects using the history API so we must use // a String selector. Bail if we got anything else. if ( options.container && typeof options.container !== 'string' ) { throw "pjax container must be a string selector!" return false } return this.live('click', function(event){ // Middle click, cmd click, and ctrl click should open // links in a new tab as normal. if ( event.which > 1 || event.metaKey ) return true var defaults = { url: this.href, container: $(this).attr('data-pjax'), clickedElement: $(this), fragment: null } $.pjax($.extend({}, defaults, options)) event.preventDefault() }) } // Loads a URL with ajax, puts the response body inside a container, // then pushState()'s the loaded URL. // // Works just like $.ajax in that it accepts a jQuery ajax // settings object (with keys like url, type, data, etc). // // Accepts these extra keys: // // container - Where to stick the response body. Must be a String. // $(container).html(xhr.responseBody) // push - Whether to pushState the URL. Defaults to true (of course). // replace - Want to use replaceState instead? That's cool. // // Use it just like $.ajax: // // var xhr = $.pjax({ url: this.href, container: '#main' }) // console.log( xhr.readyState ) // // Returns whatever $.ajax returns. var pjax = $.pjax = function( options ) { var $container = $(options.container), success = options.success || $.noop // We don't want to let anyone override our success handler. delete options.success // We can't persist $objects using the history API so we must use // a String selector. Bail if we got anything else. if ( typeof options.container !== 'string' ) throw "pjax container must be a string selector!" options = $.extend(true, {}, pjax.defaults, options) if ( $.isFunction(options.url) ) { options.url = options.url() } options.context = $container options.success = function(data){ if ( options.fragment ) { // If they specified a fragment, look for it in the response // and pull it out. var $fragment = $(data).find(options.fragment) if ( $fragment.length ) data = $fragment.children() else return window.location = options.url } else { // If we got no data or an entire web page, go directly // to the page and let normal error handling happen. if ( !$.trim(data) || / tag in the response, use it as // the page's title. var oldTitle = document.title, title = $.trim( this.find('title').remove().text() ) if ( title ) document.title = title // No ? Fragment? Look for data-title and title attributes. if ( !title && options.fragment ) { title = $fragment.attr('title') || $fragment.data('title') } var state = { pjax: options.container, fragment: options.fragment, timeout: options.timeout } // If there are extra params, save the complete URL in the state object var query = $.param(options.data) if ( query != "_pjax=true" ) state.url = options.url + (/\?/.test(options.url) ? "&" : "?") + query if ( options.replace ) { window.history.replaceState(state, document.title, options.url) } else if ( options.push ) { // this extra replaceState before first push ensures good back // button behavior if ( !pjax.active ) { window.history.replaceState($.extend({}, state, {url:null}), oldTitle) pjax.active = true } window.history.pushState(state, document.title, options.url) } // Google Analytics support if ( (options.replace || options.push) && window._gaq ) _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']) // If the URL has a hash in it, make sure the browser // knows to navigate to the hash. var hash = window.location.hash.toString() if ( hash !== '' ) { window.location.href = hash } // Invoke their success handler if they gave us one. success.apply(this, arguments) } // Cancel the current request if we're already pjaxing var xhr = pjax.xhr if ( xhr && xhr.readyState < 4) { xhr.onreadystatechange = $.noop xhr.abort() } pjax.options = options pjax.xhr = $.ajax(options) $(document).trigger('pjax', [pjax.xhr, options]) return pjax.xhr } pjax.defaults = { timeout: 650, push: true, replace: false, // We want the browser to maintain two separate internal caches: one for // pjax'd partial page loads and one for normal page loads. Without // adding this secret parameter, some browsers will often confuse the two. data: { _pjax: true }, type: 'GET', dataType: 'html', beforeSend: function(xhr){ this.trigger('pjax:start', [xhr, pjax.options]) // start.pjax is deprecated this.trigger('start.pjax', [xhr, pjax.options]) xhr.setRequestHeader('X-PJAX', 'true') }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown){ if ( textStatus !== 'abort' ) window.location = pjax.options.url }, complete: function(xhr){ this.trigger('pjax:end', [xhr, pjax.options]) // end.pjax is deprecated this.trigger('end.pjax', [xhr, pjax.options]) } } // Used to detect initial (useless) popstate. // If history.state exists, assume browser isn't going to fire initial popstate. var popped = ('state' in window.history), initialURL = location.href // popstate handler takes care of the back and forward buttons // // You probably shouldn't use pjax on pages with other pushState // stuff yet. $(window).bind('popstate', function(event){ // Ignore inital popstate that some browsers fire on page load var initialPop = !popped && location.href == initialURL popped = true if ( initialPop ) return var state = event.state if ( state && state.pjax ) { var container = state.pjax if ( $(container+'').length ) $.pjax({ url: state.url || location.href, fragment: state.fragment, container: container, push: false, timeout: state.timeout }) else window.location = location.href } }) // Add the state property to jQuery's event object so we can use it in // $(window).bind('popstate') if ( $.inArray('state', $.event.props) < 0 ) $.event.props.push('state') // Is pjax supported by this browser? $.support.pjax = window.history && window.history.pushState && window.history.replaceState // pushState isn't reliable on iOS yet. && !navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad|WebApps\/.+CFNetwork)/) // Fall back to normalcy for older browsers. if ( !$.support.pjax ) { $.pjax = function( options ) { window.location = $.isFunction(options.url) ? options.url() : options.url } $.fn.pjax = function() { return this } } })(jQuery);