require 'rubygems' require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/gempackagetask' require 'hanna/rdoctask' require 'fileutils' include FileUtils task :default => :package # CONFIG ============================================================= # Change the following according to your needs README = "README.rdoc" CHANGES = "CHANGES.txt" LICENSE = "LICENSE.txt" # Files and directories to be deleted when you run "rake clean" CLEAN.include [ 'doc', 'pkg', '*.gem', '.config' ] # Virginia assumes your project and gemspec have the same name name = (Dir.glob('*.gemspec') || ['rye']).first.split('.').first load "#{name}.gemspec" version = @spec.version # That's it! The following defaults should allow you to get started # on other things. # TESTS/SPECS ========================================================= # INSTALL ============================================================= do |p| p.need_tar = true if RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /mswin/ end task :release => [ :rdoc, :package ] task :install => [ :rdoc, :package ] do sh %{sudo gem install pkg/#{name}-#{version}.gem} end task :uninstall => [ :clean ] do sh %{sudo gem uninstall #{name}} end # RUBYFORGE RELEASE / PUBLISH TASKS ================================== if @spec.rubyforge_project desc 'Publish website to rubyforge' task 'publish:rdoc' => 'doc/index.html' do sh "scp -rp doc/*{name}/" end desc 'Public release to rubyforge' task 'publish:gem' => [:package] do |t| sh <<-end rubyforge add_release -o Any -a #{CHANGES} -f -n #{README} #{name} #{name} #{@spec.version} pkg/#{name}-#{@spec.version}.gem && rubyforge add_file -o Any -a #{CHANGES} -f -n #{README} #{name} #{name} #{@spec.version} pkg/#{name}-#{@spec.version}.tgz end end end # RUBY DOCS TASK ================================== do |t| t.rdoc_dir = 'doc' t.title = @spec.summary t.options << '--line-numbers' << '-A cattr_accessor=object' t.options << '--charset' << 'utf-8' t.rdoc_files.include(LICENSE) t.rdoc_files.include(README) t.rdoc_files.include(CHANGES) #t.rdoc_files.include('bin/*') t.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb') end