require 'rdiscount' module Cosgrove class CommentJob include Utils include Support def perform(event, slug, template, message = nil) chain = :steem author_name, permlink = parse_slug slug muted = muted by: steem_account, chain: chain author = find_author(chain: chain, author_name: author_name) return if author.nil? post = find_comment(chain: chain, author: author_name, permlink: permlink) if post.nil? cannot_find_input(event) return end created ||= post.created cashout_time ||= post.cashout_time if created.class == String created = Time.parse(created + 'Z') cashout_time = Time.parse(cashout_time + 'Z') end nope = if post.nil? "Sorry, couldn't find that." elsif cashout_time < 'Unable to comment on that. Too old.' elsif post.parent_permlink == 'nsfw' puts "Won't comment because parent_permlink: nsfw" 'Unable to comment on that.' elsif post.json_metadata.include?('nsfw') puts "Won't comment because json_metadata includes: nsfw" 'Unable to comment on that.' elsif{ |v| v['voter'] }.include?('blacklist-a') puts "Won't comment blacklist-a voted." 'Unable to comment on that.' elsif (rep = to_rep(post.author_reputation).to_f) < 25.0 puts "Won't comment because rep too low: #{rep}" 'Unable to comment on that.' elsif muted.include? author_name puts "Won't vote because author muted." 'Unable to vote.' # elsif template == :welcome && author.post_count != 1 # 'Sorry, this function is intended to welcome new authors.' elsif find_comment(chain: :steem, author: steem_account, parent_permlink: post.permlink).any? title = post.title title = post.permlink if title.empty? "I already commented on #{title} by #{}." end if !!nope event.respond nope return end now = comment = { type: :comment, parent_permlink: post.permlink, author: steem_account, permlink: "re-#{[^a-z0-9\-]+/, '-')}-#{post.permlink}-#{now.utc.strftime('%Y%m%dt%H%M%S%Lz')}", # e.g.: 20170225t235138025z title: '', body: merge(template, message,, json_metadata: "{\"tags\":[\"#{post.parent_permlink}\"],\"app\":\"#{Cosgrove::AGENT_ID}\"}", parent_author: } ap comment tx = new_tx :steem op = tx.operations << op response = tx.process(true) ap response.inspect if !!response.error 'Unable to comment right now. Maybe I already commented on that. Try again later.' elsif !! "Wrote #{template} comment on: #{post.title} by #{author_name}" else ':question:' end end def merge(template, message = nil, username = 'someone', markup = :html) @comment_md ||= "support/#{template}.md" @comment_body ||= {} @comment_body[template] ||= if File.exist?(@comment_md) end raise "Cannot read #{template} template or template is empty." unless @comment_body[template].present? merged = @comment_body[template] merged = merged.gsub('${message}', message) unless message.nil? merged = merged.gsub('${username}', username) unless username.nil? case markup when :html then when :markdown then merged end end def preview(template, event, message) m = "Your Message Here" discord_id = @author = if (a = Cosgrove::Account.find_by_discord_id(discord_id)).nil? else "@#{a.account_name}" end if message.present? @message = message end preview = [] preview << "Set by **#{@author}**" if @author.present? preview << "```md\n" preview << merge(template, @message || m, @author, :markdown) preview << "\n```" preview.join('') end end end