require 'spec_helper' describe 'ProblemChild' do it 'knows the root' do expected = File.expand_path '../lib/problem_child', File.dirname(__FILE__) expect(ProblemChild.root).to eql(expected) end it 'knows the views dir' do expected = File.expand_path '../lib/problem_child/views', File.dirname(__FILE__) expect(ProblemChild.views_dir).to eql(expected) end it 'allows users to set the views dir' do old = ProblemChild.views_dir ProblemChild.views_dir = './foo' expect(ProblemChild.views_dir).to eql('./foo') ProblemChild.views_dir = old end end describe 'logged in user' do before(:each) do @user = make_user('login' => 'benbaltertest') login_as @user ENV['GITHUB_TEAM_ID'] = nil ENV['GITHUB_ORG_ID'] = nil ENV['GITHUB_TOKEN'] = nil ENV['GITHUB_REPO'] = nil end include Rack::Test::Methods def app ProblemChild::App end it 'shows the securocat when github returns an oauth error' do with_env 'GITHUB_ORG_ID', 'balter-test-org' do get '/auth/github/callback?error=redirect_uri_mismatch' follow_redirect! expect(last_response.body).to match(/securocat\.png/) end end it "shows the form when properly org auth'd" do with_env 'GITHUB_ORG_ID', 'balter-test-org' do stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 204) get '/' expect(last_response.status).to eql(200) expect(last_response.body).to match(/Submit an issue/) end end it "shows the form when properly team auth'd" do with_env 'GITHUB_TEAM_ID', '1234' do stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 204) get '/' expect(last_response.status).to eql(200) expect(last_response.body).to match(/Submit an issue/) end end it 'refuses to show the site with no auth strategy' do with_env 'GITHUB_TEAM_ID', nil do with_env 'GITHUB_ORG_ID', nil do with_env 'GITHUB_TOKEN', nil do expect { get '/' }.to raise_error(/Must define GITHUB_TEAM_ID, GITHUB_ORG_ID, OR GITHUB_TOKEN/) end end end end it 'allows the user to create an issue' do with_env 'GITHUB_ORG_ID', 'balter-test-org' do with_env 'GITHUB_REPO', 'benbalter/test-repo-ignore-me' do stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 204) stub_request(:post, '') .with(body: '{"labels":[],"title":"title","body":"* **Foo**: bar"}') .to_return(status: 200, body: '{"number": 1234}', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) post '/', title: 'title', foo: 'bar' expect(last_response.status).to eql(200) expected = 'benbalter/test-repo-ignore-me#1234' expect(last_response.body).to match(expected) end end end end describe 'logged out user' do include Rack::Test::Methods def app ProblemChild::App end it 'asks the user to log in' do with_env 'GITHUB_ORG_ID', 'balter-test-org' do with_env 'GITHUB_TOKEN', nil do get '/' expect(last_response.status).to eql(302) expect(last_response.headers['Location']).to match(%r{^https://github\.com/login/oauth/authorize}) end end end it 'allows anonymous users to see the form' do with_env 'GITHUB_TOKEN', '1234' do get '/' expect(last_response.status).to eql(200) expect(last_response.body).to match(/Submit an issue/) end end it 'allows anonymous submissions' do with_env 'GITHUB_TOKEN', '1234' do with_env 'GITHUB_REPO', 'benbalter/test-repo-ignore-me' do stub_request(:post, '') .with(body: '{"labels":[],"title":"title","body":"* **Foo**: bar"}') .to_return(status: 200, body: '{"number": 1234}', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 200, body: '{"private": true}', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) post '/', title: 'title', foo: 'bar' expect(last_response.status).to eql(200) expect(last_response.body).to match(/Your issue was successfully submitted\./) end end end it 'supports submissions > 4k' do with_env 'GITHUB_TOKEN', '1234' do with_env 'GITHUB_REPO', 'benbalter/test-repo-ignore-me' do long_string = '0' * 5000 stub_request(:post, '') .with(body: "{\"labels\":[],\"title\":\"title\",\"body\":\"* **Foo**: #{long_string}\"}") .to_return(status: 200, body: '{"number": 1234}', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 200, body: '{"private": true}', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) post '/', title: 'title', foo: long_string expect(last_response.status).to eql(200) expect(last_response.body).to match(/Your issue was successfully submitted\./) end end end end