require 'rbconfig' require 'time' require 'thread' module Lumberjack autoload :Device, File.expand_path("../lumberjack/device.rb", __FILE__) autoload :Formatter, File.expand_path("../lumberjack/formatter.rb", __FILE__) autoload :LogEntry, File.expand_path("../lumberjack/log_entry.rb", __FILE__) autoload :Logger, File.expand_path("../lumberjack/logger.rb", __FILE__) autoload :Rack, File.expand_path("../lumberjack/rack.rb", __FILE__) autoload :Severity, File.expand_path("../lumberjack/severity.rb", __FILE__) autoload :Template, File.expand_path("../lumberjack/template.rb", __FILE__) LINE_SEPARATOR = (RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'].match(/mswin/i) ? "\r\n" : "\n") class << self # Define a unit of work within a block. Within the block supplied to this # method, calling +unit_of_work_id+ will return the same value that can # This can then be used for tying together log entries. # # You can specify the id for the unit of work if desired. If you don't supply # it, a 12 digit hexidecimal number will be automatically generated for you. # # For the common use case of treating a single web request as a unit of work, see the # Lumberjack::Rack::UnitOfWork class. def unit_of_work(id = nil) save_val = Thread.current[:lumberjack_logger_unit_of_work_id] id ||= rand(0xFFFFFFFFFFFF).to_s(16).rjust(12, '0').upcase Thread.current[:lumberjack_logger_unit_of_work_id] = id begin return yield ensure Thread.current[:lumberjack_logger_unit_of_work_id] = save_val end end # Get the UniqueIdentifier for the current unit of work. def unit_of_work_id Thread.current[:lumberjack_logger_unit_of_work_id] end end end