Given /^I am at the project root$/ do expect(Dir.pwd.split('/').last).to eq("flapjack") end Then /^I should see (\d+) lines of output$/ do |number| expect(@output.split.size).to eq(number.to_i) end Then /^every file in the output should start with "([^\"]*)"$/ do |string| @output.split.each do |file| expect(`head -n 1 #{file}`).to match(/^#{string}\s*$/) end end When /^I run `([^"]*)`$/ do |cmd| @cmd = cmd @output = `#{cmd} 2>&1` @exit_status = $?.exitstatus puts "output: #{@output}" if @debug puts "exit_status: #{@exit_status}" if @debug end Then /^the exit status should( not)? be (\d+)$/ do |negativity, number| expect(@exit_status).send(negativity ? :not_to : :to, eq(number.to_i)) end Then /^the output should( not)? contain "([^"]*)"$/ do |negativity, matcher| expect(@output).send(negativity ? :not_to : :to, include(matcher)) end