# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe "AMQP transaction rollback" do # # Environment # include EventedSpec::AMQPSpec default_timeout 4.5 amqp_before do @producer_channel = AMQP::Channel.new @consumer_channel = AMQP::Channel.new end # ... # # Examples # it "voids messages published since the last tx.select" do exchange = @producer_channel.fanout("amq.fanout") queue = @consumer_channel.queue("", :exclusive => true) queue.bind(exchange).subscribe do |metadata, payload| fail "Consumer received a message before transaction committed" end @producer_channel.tx_select EventMachine.add_timer(0.5) do 50.times { exchange.publish("before tx.commit") } @producer_channel.tx_rollback end done(3.5) end # it end # describe describe "AMQP connection closure that follows tx.select" do # # Environment # include EventedSpec::AMQPSpec default_timeout 4.5 amqp_before do @producer_channel = AMQP::Channel.new @consumer_channel = AMQP::Channel.new end # ... # # Examples # it "voids messages published since the last tx.select" do exchange = @producer_channel.fanout("amq.fanout") queue = @consumer_channel.queue("", :exclusive => true) queue.bind(exchange).subscribe do |metadata, payload| fail "Consumer received a message before transaction committed" end @producer_channel.tx_select EventMachine.add_timer(0.5) do 3.times { exchange.publish("before tx.commit") } @producer_channel.connection.close end done(3.5) end # it end # describe describe "AMQP channel closure that follows tx.select" do # # Environment # include EventedSpec::AMQPSpec default_timeout 4.5 amqp_before do @producer_channel = AMQP::Channel.new @consumer_channel = AMQP::Channel.new end # ... # # Examples # it "voids messages published since the last tx.select" do exchange = @producer_channel.fanout("amq.fanout") queue = @consumer_channel.queue("", :exclusive => true) queue.bind(exchange).subscribe do |metadata, payload| fail "Consumer received a message before transaction committed" end @producer_channel.tx_select EventMachine.add_timer(0.5) do 3.times { exchange.publish("before tx.commit") } @producer_channel.close end done(3.5) end # it end # describe describe "AMQP transaction rollback attempt on a non-transactional channel" do # # Environment # include EventedSpec::AMQPSpec default_timeout 4.5 amqp_before do @producer_channel = AMQP::Channel.new @consumer_channel = AMQP::Channel.new end # ... # # Examples # it "causes channel-level exception" do exchange = @producer_channel.fanout("amq.fanout") queue = @consumer_channel.queue("", :exclusive => true) queue.bind(exchange).subscribe do |metadata, payload| fail "Consumer received a message before transaction committed" end @producer_channel.on_error do |ch, channel_close| puts "#{channel_close.reply_text}" done end EventMachine.add_timer(0.5) { @producer_channel.tx_rollback } done(3.5) end # it end # describe