require 'openssl' require 'openssl-extensions/all' require 'digest/sha1' module Yawast module Scanner class Ssl def, check_ciphers, tdes_session_count) begin socket =, uri.port) ctx = ctx.ciphers = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::DEFAULT_PARAMS[:ciphers] ssl =, ctx) ssl.hostname = ssl.connect cert = ssl.peer_cert unless cert.nil? Yawast::Utilities.puts_info 'Found X509 Certificate:' Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\tIssued To: #{cert.subject.common_name} / #{cert.subject.organization}" Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\tIssuer: #{cert.issuer.common_name} / #{cert.issuer.organization}" Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\tVersion: #{cert.version}" Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\tSerial: #{cert.serial}" Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\tSubject: #{cert.subject}" #check to see if cert is expired if cert.not_after > Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\tExpires: #{cert.not_after}" else Yawast::Utilities.puts_vuln "\t\tExpires: #{cert.not_after} (Expired)" end #check for SHA1 & MD5 certs if cert.signature_algorithm.include?('md5') || cert.signature_algorithm.include?('sha1') Yawast::Utilities.puts_vuln "\t\tSignature Algorithm: #{cert.signature_algorithm}" else Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\tSignature Algorithm: #{cert.signature_algorithm}" end Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\tKey: #{cert.public_key.class.to_s.gsub('OpenSSL::PKey::', '')}-#{get_x509_pub_key_strength(cert)}" Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\t\tKey Hash: #{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(cert.public_key.to_s)}" Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\tExtensions:" cert.extensions.each { |ext| Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\t\t#{ext}" unless ext.oid == 'subjectAltName' } #alt names alt_names = cert.extensions.find {|e| e.oid == 'subjectAltName'} unless alt_names.nil? Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\tAlternate Names:" alt_names.value.split(',').each { |name| Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\t\t#{name.strip.delete('DNS:')}" } end hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(cert.to_der) Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\tHash: #{hash}" puts "\t\t\t{hash}" puts "\t\t\t{hash}" puts '' end cert_chain = ssl.peer_cert_chain if cert_chain.count == 1 #HACK: This is an ugly way to guess if it's a missing intermediate, or self-signed #tIt looks like a change to Ruby's OpenSSL wrapper is needed to actually fix this right. if cert.issuer == cert.subject Yawast::Utilities.puts_vuln "\t\tCertificate Is Self-Singed" else Yawast::Utilities.puts_warn "\t\tCertificate Chain Is Incomplete" end puts '' end unless cert_chain.nil? Yawast::Utilities.puts_info 'Certificate: Chain' cert_chain.each do |c| Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\tIssued To: #{c.subject.common_name} / #{c.subject.organization}" Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\t\tIssuer: #{c.issuer.common_name} / #{c.issuer.organization}" Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\t\tExpires: #{c.not_after}" Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\t\tKey: #{c.public_key.class.to_s.gsub('OpenSSL::PKey::', '')}-#{get_x509_pub_key_strength(c)}" Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\t\tSignature Algorithm: #{c.signature_algorithm}" Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\t\tHash: #{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(c.to_der)}" puts '' end puts '' end puts "\t\tQualys SSL Labs:{}&hideResults=on" puts '' if check_ciphers get_ciphers(uri) end ssl.sysclose get_tdes_session_msg_count(uri) if tdes_session_count rescue => e Yawast::Utilities.puts_error "SSL: Error Reading X509 Details: #{e.message}" end end def self.get_ciphers(uri) puts 'Supported Ciphers (based on your OpenSSL version):' dns = ip = dns.getaddresses([0] #find all versions that don't include '_server' or '_client' versions = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::METHODS.find_all { |v| !v.to_s.include?('_client') && !v.to_s.include?('_server')} versions.each do |version| #ignore SSLv23, as it's an auto-negotiate, which just adds noise if version.to_s != "SSLv23" ciphers = puts "\tChecking for #{version.to_s} suites (#{ciphers.count} possible suites)" ciphers.each do |cipher| #try to connect and see what happens begin socket =, uri.port) context = context.ciphers = cipher[0] ssl =, context) ssl.hostname = ssl.connect if cipher[2] < 112 || cipher[0].include?('RC4') #less than 112 bits or RC4, flag as a vuln Yawast::Utilities.puts_vuln "\t\tVersion: #{ssl.ssl_version.ljust(7)}\tBits: #{cipher[2]}\tCipher: #{cipher[0]}" elsif cipher[2] >= 128 #secure, probably safe Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "\t\tVersion: #{ssl.ssl_version.ljust(7)}\tBits: #{cipher[2]}\tCipher: #{cipher[0]}" else #weak, but not "omg!" weak. Yawast::Utilities.puts_warn "\t\tVersion: #{ssl.ssl_version.ljust(7)}\tBits: #{cipher[2]}\tCipher: #{cipher[0]}" end ssl.sysclose rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => e unless e.message.include?('alert handshake failure') || e.message.include?('no ciphers available') || e.message.include?('wrong version number') Yawast::Utilities.puts_error "\t\tVersion: #{ssl.ssl_version.ljust(7)}\tBits: #{cipher[2]}\tCipher: #{cipher[0]}\t(Supported But Failed)" end rescue => e Yawast::Utilities.puts_error "\t\tVersion: #{''.ljust(7)}\tBits: #{cipher[2]}\tCipher: #{cipher[0]}\t(#{e.message})" ensure ssl.sysclose unless ssl == nil end end end end puts '' end def self.check_hsts(head) found = '' head.each do |k, v| if k.downcase.include? 'strict-transport-security' found = "#{k}: #{v}" end end if found == '' Yawast::Utilities.puts_warn 'HSTS: Not Enabled' else Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "HSTS: Enabled (#{found})" end puts '' end def self.get_tdes_session_msg_count(uri) # this method will send a number of HEAD requests to see # if the connection is eventually killed. puts 'TLS Session Request Limit: Checking number of requests accepted using 3DES suites...' count = 0 begin req = Yawast::Shared::Http.get_http(uri) req.use_ssl = uri.scheme == 'https' req.keep_alive_timeout = 600 headers = Yawast::Shared::Http.get_headers #force 3DES - this is to ensure that 3DES specific limits are caught req.ciphers = ["3DES"] req.start do |http| 10000.times do |i| http.head(uri.path, headers) # hack to detect transparent disconnects if http.instance_variable_get(:@ssl_context).session_cache_stats[:cache_hits] != 0 raise 'TLS Reconnected' end count += 1 if i % 20 == 0 print '.' end end end rescue => e puts if e.message.include? 'alert handshake failure' Yawast::Utilities.puts_info 'TLS Session Request Limit: Server does not support 3DES cipher suites' else Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "TLS Session Request Limit: Connection terminated after #{count} requests (#{e.message})" end return end puts Yawast::Utilities.puts_vuln 'TLS Session Request Limit: Connection not terminated after 10,000 requests; possibly vulnerable to SWEET32' end #private methods class << self private def get_x509_pub_key_strength(cert) begin if cert.public_key.class == OpenSSL::PKey::EC else cert.public_key.strength end rescue => e "(Strength Unknown: #{e.message})" end end end end end end