module ActiveFedora module Relationships extend ActiveSupport::Concern # Return array of objects for a given relationship name # @param [String] Name of relationship to find # @return [Array] Returns array of objects linked via the relationship name given def find_relationship_by_name(name) rels = nil if inbound_relationship_names.include?(name) rels = relationships_by_name(false)[:inbound][name] elsif outbound_relationship_names.include?(name) rels = relationships_by_name[:self][name] end rels = [] if rels.nil? return rels end # Return array of relationship names for all inbound relationships (coming from other objects' RELS-EXT and Solr) # @return [Array] of inbound relationship names for relationships declared via has_relationship in the class def inbound_relationship_names relationships_desc.has_key?(:inbound) ? relationships_desc[:inbound].keys : [] end # Return hash of relationships_by_name defined within other objects' RELS-EXT # It returns a hash of relationship name to arrays of objects. It requeries # solr each time this method is called. # @return [Hash] Return hash of each relationship name mapped to an Array of objects linked to this object via inbound relationships def inbound_relationships_by_name rels = {} if relationships_desc.has_key?(:inbound)&&!relationships_desc[:inbound].empty?() inbound_rels = inbound_relationships if relationship_predicates.has_key?(:inbound) relationship_predicates[:inbound].each do |name, predicate| rels[name] = inbound_rels.has_key?(predicate) ? inbound_rels[predicate] : [] end end end return rels end # Call this method to return the query used against solr to retrieve any # objects linked via the relationship name given. # # Instead of this method you can also use the helper method # [relationship_name]_query, i.e. method "parts_query" for relationship "parts" to return the same value # @param [String] The name of the relationship defined in the model # @return [String] The query used when querying solr for objects for this relationship # @example # Class SampleAFObjRelationshipFilterQuery < ActiveFedora::Base # #points to all parents linked via is_member_of # has_relationship "parents", :is_member_of # #returns only parents that have a level value set to "series" # has_relationship "series_parents", :is_member_of, :solr_fq=>level_t:series" # end # s = # obj = # s.parents_append(obj) # s.series_parents_query # #=> "(id:changeme\\:13020 AND level_t:series)" # SampleAFObjRelationshipFilterQuery.relationship_query("series_parents") # #=> "(id:changeme\\:13020 AND level_t:series)" def relationship_query(relationship_name) query = "" if self.class.is_bidirectional_relationship?(relationship_name) predicate = outbound_relationship_predicates["#{relationship_name}_outbound"] id_array = ids_for_outbound(predicate) query = self.class.bidirectional_relationship_query(pid,relationship_name,id_array) elsif outbound_relationship_names.include?(relationship_name) predicate = outbound_relationship_predicates[relationship_name] id_array = ids_for_outbound(predicate) query = self.class.outbound_relationship_query(relationship_name,id_array) elsif inbound_relationship_names.include?(relationship_name) query = self.class.inbound_relationship_query(pid,relationship_name) end query end # Gets the relationships hash with subject mapped to relationship # names instead of relationship predicates (unlike the "relationships" method in SemanticNode) # It has an optional parameter of outbound_only that defaults true. # If false it will include inbound relationships in the results. # Also, it will only reload outbound relationships if the relationships hash has changed # since the last time this method was called. # @param [Boolean] if false it will include inbound relationships (defaults to true) # @return [Hash] Returns a hash of subject name (:self or :inbound) mapped to nested hashs of each relationship name mapped to an Array of objects linked via the relationship def relationships_by_name(outbound_only=true) @relationships_by_name = relationships_by_name_from_class() outbound_only ? @relationships_by_name : @relationships_by_name.merge(:inbound=>inbound_relationships_by_name) end # Gets relationships by name from the class using the current relationships hash # and relationship name,predicate pairs. # @return [Hash] returns the outbound relationships with :self mapped to nested hashs of each relationship name mapped to an Array of objects linked via the relationship def relationships_by_name_from_class() rels = {} relationship_predicates.each_pair do |subj, names| case subj when :self rels[:self] = {} names.each_pair do |name, predicate| set = [] res = relationships.query(:predicate => Predicates.find_graph_predicate(predicate)) res.each_object do |o| set << o.to_s end rels[:self][name] = set end when :inbound #nop end end return rels end # Throws an assertion error if conforms_to? returns false for object and model_class # @param [String] Name of object (just label for output) # @param [ActiveFedora::Base] Expects to be an object that has ActiveFedora::Base as an ancestor of its class # @param [Class] The model class used in conforms_to? check on object def assert_conforms_to(name, object, model_class) raise "Assertion failure: #{name}: #{} does not have model #{model_class}, it has model #{relationships[:self][:has_model]}" unless object.conforms_to?(model_class) end # Returns a Class symbol for the given string for the class name # @param [String] the class name as a string # @return [Class] the class as a Class object def class_from_name(name) klass = name.to_s.split('::').inject(Kernel) {|scope, const_name| scope.const_get(const_name)} (!klass.nil? && klass.is_a?(::Class)) ? klass : nil end # Return array of relationship names for all outbound relationships (coming from this object's RELS-EXT) # @return [Array] of outbound relationship names for relationships declared via has_relationship in the class def outbound_relationship_names relationships_desc.has_key?(:self) ? relationships_desc[:self].keys : [] end # Returns true if the given relationship name is a relationship # @param [String] Name of relationship # @param [Boolean] If false checks inbound relationships as well (defaults to true) def is_relationship_name?(name, outbound_only=true) if outbound_only outbound_relationship_names.include?(name) else (outbound_relationship_names.include?(name)||inbound_relationship_names.include?(name)) end end def load_inbound_relationship(name, predicate, opts={}) opts = {:rows=>25}.merge(opts) query = self.class.inbound_relationship_query(,"#{name}") return [] if query.empty? solr_result = SolrService.instance.conn.query(query, :rows=>opts[:rows]) if opts[:response_format] == :solr return solr_result else if opts[:response_format] == :id_array id_array = [] solr_result.hits.each do |hit| id_array << hit[SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID] end return id_array elsif opts[:response_format] == :load_from_solr || self.load_from_solr return ActiveFedora::SolrService.reify_solr_results(solr_result,{:load_from_solr=>true}) else return ActiveFedora::SolrService.reify_solr_results(solr_result) end end end def load_bidirectional(name, inbound_method_name, outbound_method_name, opts) opts = {:rows=>25}.merge(opts) if opts[:response_format] == :solr || opts[:response_format] == :load_from_solr predicate = outbound_relationship_predicates["#{name}_outbound"] outbound_id_array = ids_for_outbound(predicate) query = self.class.bidirectional_relationship_query(,"#{name}",outbound_id_array) solr_result = SolrService.instance.conn.query(query, :rows=>opts[:rows]) if opts[:response_format] == :solr return solr_result elsif opts[:response_format] == :load_from_solr || self.load_from_solr return ActiveFedora::SolrService.reify_solr_results(solr_result,{:load_from_solr=>true}) else return ActiveFedora::SolrService.reify_solr_results(solr_result) end else ary = send(inbound_method_name,opts) + send(outbound_method_name, opts) return ary.uniq end end def load_outbound_relationship(name, predicate, opts={}) id_array = ids_for_outbound(predicate) if opts[:response_format] == :id_array && !self.relationship_has_solr_filter_query?(:self,"#{name}") return id_array else query = self.class.outbound_relationship_query(name,id_array) solr_result = SolrService.instance.conn.query(query) if opts[:response_format] == :solr return solr_result elsif opts[:response_format] == :id_array id_array = [] solr_result.hits.each do |hit| id_array << hit[SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID] end return id_array elsif opts[:response_format] == :load_from_solr || self.load_from_solr return ActiveFedora::SolrService.reify_solr_results(solr_result,{:load_from_solr=>true}) else return ActiveFedora::SolrService.reify_solr_results(solr_result) end end end # Check if a relationship has any solr query filters defined by has_relationship call # @param [Symbol] subject to use such as :self or :inbound # @param [String] relationship name # @return [Boolean] true if the relationship has a query filter defined def relationship_has_solr_filter_query?(subject, relationship_name) relationships_desc.has_key?(subject) && relationships_desc[subject].has_key?(relationship_name) && relationships_desc[subject][relationship_name].has_key?(:solr_fq) end # Add an outbound relationship for given relationship name # See ActiveFedora::SemanticNode::ClassMethods.has_relationship # @param [String] Name of relationship # @param [ActiveFedora::Base] object to add to the relationship (expects ActvieFedora::Base to be an ancestor) # @return [Boolean] returns true if add operation successful def add_relationship_by_name(name, object) if is_relationship_name?(name,true) if relationships_desc[:self][name].has_key?(:type) klass = class_from_name(relationships_desc[:self][name][:type]) unless klass.nil? (assert_conforms_to 'object', object, klass) end end add_relationship(outbound_relationship_predicates[name],object) else false end end # Remove an object for the given relationship name # @param [String] Relationship name # @param [ActiveFedora::Base] object to remove # @return [Boolean] return true if remove operation successful def remove_relationship_by_name(name, object) if is_relationship_name?(name,true) remove_relationship(outbound_relationship_predicates[name],object) else return false end end module ClassMethods # Tests if the relationship name passed is in bidirectional # @param [String] relationship name to test # @return [Boolean] def is_bidirectional_relationship?(relationship_name) (relationships_desc.has_key?(:self)&&relationships_desc.has_key?(:inbound)&&relationships_desc[:self].has_key?("#{relationship_name}_outbound") && relationships_desc[:inbound].has_key?("#{relationship_name}_inbound")) end # Returns a solr query for retrieving objects specified in an outbound relationship. # This method is mostly used by internal method calls. # It utilizes any solr_fq value defined within a relationship to attach a query filter when # querying solr on top of just the predicate being used. # Because it is static it # needs the pids defined within RELS-EXT for this relationship to be passed in. # If you are calling this method directly to get the query you should use the # ActiveFedora::SemanticNode.relationship_query instead or use the helper method # [relationship_name]_query, i.e. method "parts_query" for relationship "parts". This # method would only be called directly if you had something like an array of outbound pids # already in something like a solr document for object that has these relationships. # @param [String] The name of the relationship defined in the model # @param [Array] An array of pids to include in the query # @return [String] # @example # Class SampleAFObjRelationshipFilterQuery < ActiveFedora::Base # #points to all parents linked via is_member_of # has_relationship "parents", :is_member_of # #returns only parents that have a level value set to "series" # has_relationship "series_parents", :is_member_of, :solr_fq=>"level_t:series" # end # s = # obj = # s.series_parents_append(obj) # s.series_parents_query # #=> "(id:changeme\\:13020 AND level_t:series)" # SampleAFObjRelationshipFilterQuery.outbound_relationship_query("series_parents",["id:changeme:13020"]) # #=> "(id:changeme\\:13020 AND level_t:series)" def outbound_relationship_query(relationship_name,outbound_pids) query = ActiveFedora::SolrService.construct_query_for_pids(outbound_pids) subject = :self if relationships_desc.has_key?(subject) && relationships_desc[subject].has_key?(relationship_name) && relationships_desc[subject][relationship_name].has_key?(:solr_fq) solr_fq = relationships_desc[subject][relationship_name][:solr_fq] unless query.empty? #substitute in the filter query for each pid so that it is applied to each in the query query_parts = query.split(/OR/) query = "" query_parts.each_with_index do |query_part,index| query_part.strip! query << " OR " if index > 0 query << "(#{query_part} AND #{solr_fq})" end else query = solr_fq end end query end # Returns a solr query for retrieving objects specified in an inbound relationship. # This method is mostly used by internal method calls. # It utilizes any solr_fq value defined within a relationship to attach a query filter # on top of just the predicate being used. Because it is static it # needs the pid of the object that has the inbound relationships passed in. # If you are calling this method directly to get the query you should use the # ActiveFedora::SemanticNode.relationship_query instead or use the helper method # [relationship_name]_query, i.e. method "parts_query" for relationship "parts". This # method would only be called directly if you were working only with Solr and already # had the pid for the object in something like a solr document. # @param [String] The pid for the object that has these inbound relationships # @param [String] The name of the relationship defined in the model # @return [String] # @example # Class SampleAFObjRelationshipFilterQuery < ActiveFedora::Base # #returns all parts # has_relationship "parts", :is_part_of, :inbound=>true # #returns only parts that have level to "series" # has_relationship "series_parts", :is_part_of, :inbound=>true, :solr_fq=>"level_t:series" # end # s = # # #=> id:changeme:13020 # s.series_parts_query # #=> "is_part_of_s:info\\:fedora/changeme\\:13021 AND level_t:series" # SampleAFObjRelationshipFilterQuery.inbound_relationship_query(,"series_parts") # #=> "is_part_of_s:info\\:fedora/changeme\\:13021 AND level_t:series" def inbound_relationship_query(pid,relationship_name) query = "" subject = :inbound if relationships_desc.has_key?(subject) && relationships_desc[subject].has_key?(relationship_name) predicate = relationships_desc[subject][relationship_name][:predicate] internal_uri = "info:fedora/#{pid}" escaped_uri = internal_uri.gsub(/(:)/, '\\:') query = "#{predicate}_s:#{escaped_uri}" if relationships_desc.has_key?(subject) && relationships_desc[subject].has_key?(relationship_name) && relationships_desc[subject][relationship_name].has_key?(:solr_fq) solr_fq = relationships_desc[subject][relationship_name][:solr_fq] query << " AND " unless query.empty? query << solr_fq end end query end # Returns a solr query for retrieving objects specified in a bidirectional relationship. # This method is mostly used by internal method calls. # It usea of solr_fq value defined within a relationship to attach a query filter # on top of just the predicate being used. Because it is static it # needs the pids defined within RELS-EXT for the outbound relationship as well as the pid of the # object for the inbound portion of the relationship. # If you are calling this method directly to get the query you should use the # ActiveFedora::SemanticNode.relationship_query instead or use the helper method # [relationship_name]_query, i.e. method "bi_parts_query" for relationship "bi_parts". This # method would only be called directly if you had something like an array of outbound pids # already in something like a solr document for object that has these relationships. # @param [String] The pid for the object that has these inbound relationships # @param [String] The name of the relationship defined in the model # @param [Array] An array of pids to include in the query # @return [String] # @example # Class SampleAFObjRelationshipFilterQuery < ActiveFedora::Base # has_bidirectional_relationship "bi_series_parts", :has_part, :is_part_of, :solr_fq=>"level_t:series" # end # s = # obj = # s.bi_series_parts_append(obj) # # #=> "changeme:13025" # # #=> id:changeme:13026 # s.bi_series_parts_query # #=> "(id:changeme\\:13026 AND level_t:series) OR (is_part_of_s:info\\:fedora/changeme\\:13025 AND level_t:series)" # SampleAFObjRelationshipFilterQuery.bidirectional_relationship_query(,"series_parents",["id:changeme:13026"]) # #=> "(id:changeme\\:13026 AND level_t:series) OR (is_part_of_s:info\\:fedora/changeme\\:13025 AND level_t:series)" def bidirectional_relationship_query(pid,relationship_name,outbound_pids) outbound_query = outbound_relationship_query("#{relationship_name}_outbound",outbound_pids) inbound_query = inbound_relationship_query(pid,"#{relationship_name}_inbound") query = outbound_query # use outbound_query by default if !inbound_query.empty? query << " OR (" + inbound_relationship_query(pid,"#{relationship_name}_inbound") + ")" end return query end # Internal method that ensures a relationship subject such as :self and :inbound # exist within the relationships_desc hash tracking relationships metadata. # @param [Symbol] Subject name to register (will probably be something like :self or :inbound) def register_relationship_desc_subject(subject) unless relationships_desc.has_key?(subject) relationships_desc[subject] = {} end end # Internal method that adds relationship name and predicate pair to either an outbound (:self) # or inbound (:inbound) relationship types. Refer to ActiveFedora::SemanticNode.has_relationship for information on what metadata will be persisted. # @param [Symbol] Subject name to register # @param [String] Name of relationship being registered # @param [Symbol] Fedora ontology predicate to use # @param [Hash] Any options passed to has_relationship such as :type, :solr_fq, etc. def register_relationship_desc(subject, name, predicate, opts={}) register_relationship_desc_subject(subject) opts.merge!({:predicate=>predicate}) relationships_desc[subject][name] = opts end # relationships are tracked as a hash of structure # @example # ds.relationships # => {:self=>{:has_model=>["afmodel:SimpleThing"],:has_part=>["demo:20"]},:inbound=>{:is_part_of=>["demo:6"]} def relationships @class_relationships ||= Hash[:self => {}] end def register_subject(subject) if !relationships.has_key?(subject) relationships[subject] = {} end end def register_predicate(subject, predicate) register_subject(subject) if !relationships[subject].has_key?(predicate) relationships[subject][predicate] = [] end end # Allows for a relationship to be treated like any other attribute of a model class. You define # relationships in your model class using this method. You then have access to several # helper methods to list, append, and remove objects from the list of relationships. # ====Examples to define two relationships # class AudioRecord < ActiveFedora::Base # # has_relationship "oral_history", :has_part, :inbound=>true, :type=>OralHistory # # returns all similar audio # has_relationship "similar_audio", :has_part, :type=>AudioRecord # #returns only similar audio with format wav # has_relationship "similar_audio_wav", :has_part, :solr_fq=>"format_t:wav" # # The first two parameters are required: # name: relationship name # predicate: predicate for the relationship # opts: # possible parameters # :inbound => if true loads an external relationship via Solr (defaults to false) # :type => The type of model to use when instantiated an object from the pid in this relationship (defaults to ActiveFedora::Base) # :solr_fq => Define a solr query here if you want to filter out some objects in your relationship (must be a properly formatted solr query) # # If inbound is true it expects the relationship to be defined by another object's RELS-EXT # and to load that relationship from Solr. Otherwise, if inbound is true the relationship is stored in # this object's RELS-EXT datastream # # Word of caution - The same predicate may not be used twice for two inbound or two outbound relationships. However, it may be used twice if one is inbound # and one is outbound as shown in the example above. A full list of possible predicates are defined by predicate_mappings # # For the oral_history relationship in the example above the following helper methods are created: # oral_history: returns array of OralHistory objects that have this AudioRecord with predicate :has_part # oral_history_ids: Return array of pids for OralHistory objects that have this AudioRecord with predicate :has_part # oral_history_query: Return solr query that can be used to retrieve related objects as solr documents # # For the outbound relationship "similar_audio" there are two additional methods to append and remove objects from that relationship # since it is managed internally: # similar_audio: Return array of AudioRecord objects that have been added to similar_audio relationship # similar_audio_ids: Return array of AudioRecord object pids that have been added to similar_audio relationship # similar_audio_query: Return solr query that can be used to retrieve related objects as solr documents # similar_audio_append: Add an AudioRecord object to the similar_audio relationship # similar_audio_remove: Remove an AudioRecord from the similar_audio relationship def has_relationship(name, predicate, opts = {}) opts = {:singular => nil, :inbound => false}.merge(opts) if opts[:inbound] == true register_relationship_desc(:inbound, name, predicate, opts) register_predicate(:inbound, predicate) create_inbound_relationship_finders(name, predicate, opts) else #raise "Duplicate use of predicate for named outbound relationship \"#{predicate.inspect}\" not allowed" if named_predicate_exists_with_different_name?(:self,name,predicate) register_relationship_desc(:self, name, predicate, opts) register_predicate(:self, predicate) create_relationship_name_methods(name) create_outbound_relationship_finders(name, predicate, opts) end end # Used in has_relationship call to create dynamic helper methods to # append and remove objects to and from a relationship # @param [String] relationship name to create helper methods for # @example # For the following relationship # # has_relationship "audio_records", :has_part, :type=>AudioRecord # # Methods audio_records_append and audio_records_remove are created. # Boths methods take an object that is kind_of? ActiveFedora::Base as a parameter def create_relationship_name_methods(name) append_method_name = "#{name.to_s.downcase}_append" remove_method_name = "#{name.to_s.downcase}_remove" self.send(:define_method,:"#{append_method_name}") {|object| add_relationship_by_name(name,object)} self.send(:define_method,:"#{remove_method_name}") {|object| remove_relationship_by_name(name,object)} end # Generates relationship finders for predicates that point in both directions # # @param [String] name of the relationship method(s) to create # @param [Symbol] outbound_predicate Predicate used in outbound relationships # @param [Symbol] inbound_predicate Predicate used in inbound relationships # @param [Hash] opts # # Example: # has_bidirectional_relationship("parts", :has_part, :is_part_of) # # will create three instance methods: parts_outbound, and parts_inbound and parts # the inbound and outbound methods are the same that would result from calling # create_inbound_relationship_finders and create_outbound_relationship_finders # The third method combines the results of both and handles generating appropriate # solr queries where necessary. def has_bidirectional_relationship(name, outbound_predicate, inbound_predicate, opts={}) create_bidirectional_relationship_finders(name, outbound_predicate, inbound_predicate, opts) end def create_inbound_relationship_finders(name, predicate, opts = {}) class_eval <<-END, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{name}(opts={}) load_inbound_relationship('#{name}', '#{predicate}', opts) end def #{name}_ids #{name}(:response_format => :id_array) end def #{name}_from_solr #{name}(:response_format => :load_from_solr) end def #{name}_query relationship_query("#{name}") end END end def create_outbound_relationship_finders(name, predicate, opts = {}) class_eval <<-END, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{name}(opts={}) load_outbound_relationship(#{name.inspect}, #{predicate.inspect}, opts) end def #{name}_ids #{name}(:response_format => :id_array) end def #{name}_from_solr #{name}(:response_format => :load_from_solr) end def #{name}_query relationship_query("#{name}") end END end # Generates relationship finders for predicates that point in both directions # and registers predicate relationships for each direction. # # @param [String] name Name of the relationship method(s) to create # @param [Symbol] outbound_predicate Predicate used in outbound relationships # @param [Symbol] inbound_predicate Predicate used in inbound relationships # @param [Hash] opts (optional) def create_bidirectional_relationship_finders(name, outbound_predicate, inbound_predicate, opts={}) inbound_method_name = name.to_s+"_inbound" outbound_method_name = name.to_s+"_outbound" has_relationship(outbound_method_name, outbound_predicate, opts) has_relationship(inbound_method_name, inbound_predicate, opts.merge!(:inbound=>true)) #create methods that mirror the outbound append and remove with our bidirectional name, assume just add and remove locally create_bidirectional_relationship_name_methods(name,outbound_method_name) class_eval <<-END, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{name}(opts={}) load_bidirectional("#{name}", :#{inbound_method_name}, :#{outbound_method_name}, opts) end def #{name}_ids #{name}(:response_format => :id_array) end def #{name}_from_solr #{name}(:response_format => :load_from_solr) end def #{name}_query relationship_query("#{name}") end END end # Similar to +create_relationship_name_methods+ except it is used when an ActiveFedora::Base model class # declares has_bidirectional_relationship. we are merely creating an alias for outbound portion of bidirectional # @param [String] bidirectional relationship name # @param [String] outbound relationship method name associated with the bidirectional relationship ([bidirectional_name]_outbound) # @example # has_bidirectional_relationship "members", :has_collection_member, :is_member_of_collection # # Method members_outbound_append and members_outbound_remove added # This method will create members_append which does same thing as members_outbound_append # and will create members_remove which does same thing as members_outbound_remove def create_bidirectional_relationship_name_methods(name,outbound_name) append_method_name = "#{name.to_s.downcase}_append" remove_method_name = "#{name.to_s.downcase}_remove" self.send(:define_method,:"#{append_method_name}") {|object| add_relationship_by_name(outbound_name,object)} self.send(:define_method,:"#{remove_method_name}") {|object| remove_relationship_by_name(outbound_name,object)} end end end end