/* * Author: Yasunobu Chiba * * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 NEC Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "trema.h" #include "log.h" #include "messenger.h" #include "openflow_application_interface.h" #include "openflow_message.h" #include "packet_info.h" #include "wrapper.h" #ifdef UNIT_TESTING #define static #ifdef get_trema_name #undef get_trema_name #endif #define get_trema_name mock_get_trema_name const char *mock_get_trema_name( void ); #ifdef send_message #undef send_message #endif #define send_message mock_send_message bool mock_send_message( char *service_name, uint16_t tag, void *data, size_t len ); #ifdef send_request_message #undef send_request_message #endif #define send_request_message mock_send_request_message bool mock_send_request_message( const char *to_service_name, char *from_service_name, uint16_t tag, void *data, size_t len, void *user_data ); #ifdef init_openflow_message #undef init_openflow_message #endif #define init_openflow_message mock_init_openflow_message bool mock_init_openflow_message( void ); #ifdef add_message_received_callback #undef add_message_received_callback #endif #define add_message_received_callback mock_add_message_received_callback bool mock_add_message_received_callback( char *service_name, void ( *callback )( uint16_t tag, void *data, size_t len ) ); #ifdef add_message_replied_callback #undef add_message_replied_callback #endif #define add_message_replied_callback mock_add_message_replied_callback bool mock_add_message_replied_callback( char *service_name, void ( *callback )( uint16_t tag, void *data, size_t len, void *yser_data ) ); #ifdef delete_message_received_callback #undef delete_message_received_callback #endif #define delete_message_received_callback mock_delete_message_received_callback bool mock_delete_message_received_callback( char *service_name, void ( *callback )( uint16_t tag, void *data, size_t len ) ); #ifdef delete_message_replied_callback #undef delete_message_replied_callback #endif #define delete_message_replied_callback mock_delete_message_replied_callback bool mock_delete_message_replied_callback( char *service_name, void ( *callback )( uint16_t tag, void *data, size_t len, void *user_data ) ); #ifdef clear_send_queue #undef clear_send_queue #endif #define clear_send_queue mock_clear_send_queue bool mock_clear_send_queue( const char *service_name ); #ifdef getpid #undef getpid #endif #define getpid mock_getpid pid_t mock_getpid( void ); #ifdef parse_packet #undef parse_packet #endif #define parse_packet mock_parse_packet bool mock_parse_packet( buffer *buf ); #ifdef die #undef die #endif #define die mock_die void mock_die( const char *format, ... ); #ifdef debug #undef debug #endif #define debug mock_debug extern void mock_debug( const char *format, ... ); #ifdef info #undef info #endif #define info mock_info extern void mock_info( const char *format, ... ); #ifdef warn #undef warn #endif #define warn mock_warn extern void mock_warn( const char *format, ... ); #ifdef error #undef error #endif #define error mock_error extern void mock_error( const char *format, ... ); #ifdef critical #undef critical #endif #define critical mock_critical extern void mock_critical( const char *format, ... ); #endif // UNIT_TESTING static bool openflow_application_interface_initialized = false; static openflow_event_handlers_t event_handlers; static char service_name[ MESSENGER_SERVICE_NAME_LENGTH ]; static void handle_message( uint16_t message_type, void *data, size_t length ); static void handle_list_switches_reply( uint16_t message_type, void *dpid, size_t length, void *user_data ); enum { OPENFLOW_MESSAGE_SEND = 0, OPENFLOW_MESSAGE_RECEIVE, }; bool openflow_application_interface_is_initialized() { return openflow_application_interface_initialized; } static bool maybe_init_openflow_application_interface() { if ( !openflow_application_interface_is_initialized() ) { debug( "OpenFlow Application Interface is not initialized yet. Initializing..." ); return init_openflow_application_interface( get_trema_name() ); } return true; } bool init_openflow_application_interface( const char *custom_service_name ) { assert( custom_service_name != NULL ); debug( "Initializing OpenFlow Application Interface." ); if ( openflow_application_interface_is_initialized() ) { error( "OpenFlow Application Interface is already initialized." ); return false; } memset( &event_handlers, 0, sizeof( openflow_event_handlers_t ) ); memset( service_name, '\0', sizeof( service_name ) ); size_t length = strlen( custom_service_name ) + 1; if ( length > MESSENGER_SERVICE_NAME_LENGTH ) { error( "Too long custom service name ( %s ).", custom_service_name ); return false; } assert( length <= sizeof( service_name ) ); memcpy( service_name, custom_service_name, length ); init_openflow_message(); add_message_received_callback( service_name, handle_message ); add_message_replied_callback( service_name, handle_list_switches_reply ); openflow_application_interface_initialized = true; return true; } bool finalize_openflow_application_interface() { debug( "Finalizing OpenFlow Application Interface." ); assert( openflow_application_interface_initialized ); delete_message_received_callback( service_name, handle_message ); delete_message_replied_callback( service_name, handle_list_switches_reply ); memset( &event_handlers, 0, sizeof( openflow_event_handlers_t ) ); memset( service_name, '\0', sizeof( service_name ) ); openflow_application_interface_initialized = false; return true; } bool set_openflow_event_handlers( const openflow_event_handlers_t handlers ) { maybe_init_openflow_application_interface(); assert( openflow_application_interface_initialized ); memcpy( &event_handlers, &handlers, sizeof( event_handlers ) ); return true; } bool _set_switch_ready_handler( bool simple_callback, void *callback, void *user_data ) { if ( callback == NULL ) { die( "Invalid callback function for switch_ready event." ); } assert( callback != NULL ); maybe_init_openflow_application_interface(); assert( openflow_application_interface_initialized ); debug( "Setting a switch ready handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", callback, user_data ); event_handlers.simple_switch_ready_callback = simple_callback; event_handlers.switch_ready_callback = callback; event_handlers.switch_ready_user_data = user_data; return true; } bool set_switch_disconnected_handler( switch_disconnected_handler callback, void *user_data ) { if ( callback == NULL ) { die( "Callback function ( switch_disconnected_handler ) must not be NULL." ); } assert( callback != NULL ); maybe_init_openflow_application_interface(); assert( openflow_application_interface_initialized ); debug( "Setting a switch disconnected handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", callback, user_data ); event_handlers.switch_disconnected_callback = callback; event_handlers.switch_disconnected_user_data = user_data; return true; } bool set_error_handler( error_handler callback, void *user_data ) { if ( callback == NULL ) { die( "Callback function ( error_handler ) must not be NULL." ); } assert( callback != NULL ); maybe_init_openflow_application_interface(); assert( openflow_application_interface_initialized ); debug( "Setting an error handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", callback, user_data ); event_handlers.error_callback = callback; event_handlers.error_user_data = user_data; return true; } bool set_echo_reply_handler( echo_reply_handler callback, void *user_data ) { if ( callback == NULL ) { die( "Callback function ( echo_reply_handler ) must not be NULL." ); } assert( callback != NULL ); maybe_init_openflow_application_interface(); assert( openflow_application_interface_initialized ); debug( "Setting a echo reply handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", callback, user_data ); event_handlers.echo_reply_callback = callback; event_handlers.echo_reply_user_data = user_data; return true; } bool set_vendor_handler( vendor_handler callback, void *user_data ) { if ( callback == NULL ) { die( "Callback function ( vendor_handler ) must not be NULL." ); } assert( callback != NULL ); maybe_init_openflow_application_interface(); assert( openflow_application_interface_initialized ); debug( "Setting a vendor handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", callback, user_data ); event_handlers.vendor_callback = callback; event_handlers.vendor_user_data = user_data; return true; } bool set_features_reply_handler( features_reply_handler callback, void *user_data ) { if ( callback == NULL ) { die( "Callback function ( features_reply_handler ) must not be NULL." ); } assert( callback != NULL ); maybe_init_openflow_application_interface(); assert( openflow_application_interface_initialized ); debug( "Setting a features reply handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", callback, user_data ); event_handlers.features_reply_callback = callback; event_handlers.features_reply_user_data = user_data; return true; } bool set_get_config_reply_handler( get_config_reply_handler callback, void *user_data ) { if ( callback == NULL ) { die( "Callback function ( get_config_reply_handler ) must not be NULL." ); } assert( callback != NULL ); maybe_init_openflow_application_interface(); assert( openflow_application_interface_initialized ); debug( "Setting a get config reply handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", callback, user_data ); event_handlers.get_config_reply_callback = callback; event_handlers.get_config_reply_user_data = user_data; return true; } bool _set_packet_in_handler( bool simple_callback, void *callback, void *user_data ) { if ( callback == NULL ) { die( "Callback function (packet_in_handler) must not be NULL." ); } assert( callback != NULL ); maybe_init_openflow_application_interface(); assert( openflow_application_interface_initialized ); debug( "Setting a packet-in handler (callback = %p, user_data = %p).", callback, user_data ); event_handlers.simple_packet_in_callback = simple_callback; event_handlers.packet_in_callback = callback; event_handlers.packet_in_user_data = user_data; return true; } bool _set_flow_removed_handler( bool simple_callback, void *callback, void *user_data ) { if ( callback == NULL ) { die( "Callback function (flow_removed_handler) must not be NULL." ); } assert( callback != NULL ); maybe_init_openflow_application_interface(); assert( openflow_application_interface_initialized ); debug( "Setting a flow removed handler (callback = %p, user_data = %p).", callback, user_data ); event_handlers.simple_flow_removed_callback = simple_callback; event_handlers.flow_removed_callback = callback; event_handlers.flow_removed_user_data = user_data; return true; } bool set_port_status_handler( port_status_handler callback, void *user_data ) { if ( callback == NULL ) { die( "Callback function ( port_status_handler ) must not be NULL." ); } assert( callback != NULL ); maybe_init_openflow_application_interface(); assert( openflow_application_interface_initialized ); debug( "Setting a port status handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", callback, user_data ); event_handlers.port_status_callback = callback; event_handlers.port_status_user_data = user_data; return true; } bool set_stats_reply_handler( stats_reply_handler callback, void *user_data ) { if ( callback == NULL ) { die( "Callback function ( stats_reply_handler ) must not be NULL." ); } assert( callback != NULL ); maybe_init_openflow_application_interface(); assert( openflow_application_interface_initialized ); debug( "Setting a stats reply handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", callback, user_data ); event_handlers.stats_reply_callback = callback; event_handlers.stats_reply_user_data = user_data; return true; } bool set_barrier_reply_handler( barrier_reply_handler callback, void *user_data ) { if ( callback == NULL ) { die( "Callback function ( barrier_reply_handler ) must not be NULL." ); } assert( callback != NULL ); maybe_init_openflow_application_interface(); assert( openflow_application_interface_initialized ); debug( "Setting a barrier reply handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", callback, user_data ); event_handlers.barrier_reply_callback = callback; event_handlers.barrier_reply_user_data = user_data; return true; } bool set_queue_get_config_reply_handler( queue_get_config_reply_handler callback, void *user_data ) { if ( callback == NULL ) { die( "Callback function ( queue_get_config_reply_handler ) must not be NULL." ); } assert( callback != NULL ); maybe_init_openflow_application_interface(); assert( openflow_application_interface_initialized ); debug( "Setting a queue get config reply handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", callback, user_data ); event_handlers.queue_get_config_reply_callback = callback; event_handlers.queue_get_config_reply_user_data = user_data; return true; } bool set_list_switches_reply_handler( list_switches_reply_handler callback ) { if ( callback == NULL ) { die( "Callback function ( list_switches_reply_handler ) must not be NULL." ); } assert( callback != NULL ); maybe_init_openflow_application_interface(); assert( openflow_application_interface_initialized ); debug( "Setting a list switches reply handler ( callback = %p ).", callback ); event_handlers.list_switches_reply_callback = callback; return true; } static void handle_error( const uint64_t datapath_id, buffer *data ) { uint16_t type, code; uint32_t transaction_id; buffer *body; struct ofp_error_msg *error_msg; if ( ( data == NULL ) || ( ( data != NULL ) && ( data->length == 0 ) ) ) { critical( "An OpenFlow message must be filled before calling handle_error()." ); assert( 0 ); } error_msg = ( struct ofp_error_msg * ) data->data; transaction_id = ntohl( error_msg->header.xid ); type = ntohs( error_msg->type ); code = ntohs( error_msg->code ); body = duplicate_buffer( data ); remove_front_buffer( body, offsetof( struct ofp_error_msg, data ) ); debug( "An error message is received from %#" PRIx64 " " "( transaction_id = %#x, type = %#x, code = %#x, data length = %zu ).", datapath_id, transaction_id, type, code, body->length ); if ( event_handlers.error_callback == NULL ) { debug( "Callback function for error events is not set." ); free_buffer( body ); return; } debug( "Calling error handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", event_handlers.error_callback, event_handlers.error_user_data ); event_handlers.error_callback( datapath_id, transaction_id, type, code, body, event_handlers.error_user_data ); free_buffer( body ); } static void handle_echo_reply( const uint64_t datapath_id, buffer *data ) { uint16_t body_length; uint32_t transaction_id; buffer *body; struct ofp_header *header; if ( ( data == NULL ) || ( ( data != NULL ) && ( data->length == 0 ) ) ) { critical( "An OpenFlow message must be filled before calling handle_echo_reply()." ); assert( 0 ); } header = ( struct ofp_header * ) data->data; transaction_id = ntohl( header->xid ); body_length = ( uint16_t ) ( ntohs( header->length ) - sizeof( struct ofp_header ) ); debug( "A echo reply message is received from %#" PRIx64 " ( transaction_id = %#x, body length = %u ).", datapath_id, transaction_id, body_length ); if ( event_handlers.echo_reply_callback == NULL ) { debug( "Callback function for echo reply events is not set." ); return; } if ( body_length > 0 ) { body = duplicate_buffer( data ); remove_front_buffer( body, sizeof( struct ofp_header ) ); } else { body = NULL; } debug( "Calling echo reply handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", event_handlers.echo_reply_callback, event_handlers.echo_reply_user_data ); event_handlers.echo_reply_callback( datapath_id, transaction_id, body, event_handlers.echo_reply_user_data ); if ( body != NULL ) { free_buffer( body ); } } static void handle_vendor( const uint64_t datapath_id, buffer *data ) { uint16_t body_length; uint32_t vendor, transaction_id; buffer *body; struct ofp_vendor_header *vendor_header; if ( ( data == NULL ) || ( ( data != NULL ) && ( data->length == 0 ) ) ) { critical( "An OpenFlow message must be filled before calling handle_vendor()." ); assert( 0 ); } vendor_header = ( struct ofp_vendor_header * ) data->data; transaction_id = ntohl( vendor_header->header.xid ); vendor = ntohl( vendor_header->vendor ); body_length = ( uint16_t ) ( ntohs( vendor_header->header.length ) - sizeof( struct ofp_vendor_header ) ); debug( "A vendor message is received from %#" PRIx64 " ( transaction_id = %#x, vendor = %#x, body length = %u ).", datapath_id, transaction_id, vendor, body_length ); if ( event_handlers.vendor_callback == NULL ) { debug( "Callback function for vendor events is not set." ); return; } if ( body_length > 0 ) { body = duplicate_buffer( data ); remove_front_buffer( body, sizeof( struct ofp_vendor_header ) ); } else { body = NULL; } debug( "Calling vendor handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", event_handlers.vendor_callback, event_handlers.vendor_user_data ); event_handlers.vendor_callback( datapath_id, transaction_id, vendor, body, event_handlers.vendor_user_data ); if ( body != NULL ) { free_buffer( body ); } } static void handle_features_reply( const uint64_t datapath_id, buffer *data ) { char description[ 1024 ]; int i, n_phy_ports; uint8_t n_tables; uint16_t phy_ports_length; uint32_t transaction_id, n_buffers, capabilities, actions; list_element *element, *phy_ports_head; struct ofp_phy_port *p, *phy_port; struct ofp_switch_features *switch_features; if ( ( data == NULL ) || ( ( data != NULL ) && ( data->length == 0 ) ) ) { critical( "An OpenFlow message must be filled before calling handle_features_reply()." ); assert( 0 ); } switch_features = ( struct ofp_switch_features * ) data->data; transaction_id = ntohl( switch_features->header.xid ); n_buffers = ntohl( switch_features->n_buffers ); n_tables = switch_features->n_tables; capabilities = ntohl( switch_features->capabilities ); actions = ntohl( switch_features->actions ); phy_ports_length = ( uint16_t ) ( ntohs( switch_features->header.length ) - offsetof( struct ofp_switch_features, ports ) ); n_phy_ports = phy_ports_length / sizeof( struct ofp_phy_port ); debug( "A features reply message is received from %#" PRIx64 " ( transaction_id = %#x, n_buffers = %u, n_tables = %u, " "capabilities = %#x, actions = %#x, # of phy ports = %u ).", datapath_id, transaction_id, n_buffers, n_tables, capabilities, actions, n_phy_ports ); if ( n_phy_ports > 0 ) { create_list( &phy_ports_head ); phy_port = ( struct ofp_phy_port * ) switch_features->ports; for ( i = 0; i < n_phy_ports; i++ ) { p = ( struct ofp_phy_port * ) xcalloc( 1, sizeof( struct ofp_phy_port ) ); ntoh_phy_port( p, phy_port ); append_to_tail( &phy_ports_head, ( void * ) p ); phy_port_to_string( p, description, sizeof( description ) ); debug( "[%p] %s", phy_port, description ); phy_port++; } } else { phy_ports_head = NULL; } if ( event_handlers.features_reply_callback == NULL ) { debug( "Callback function for features reply events is not set." ); if ( phy_ports_head != NULL ) { element = phy_ports_head; while ( element != NULL ) { xfree( element->data ); element = element->next; } delete_list( phy_ports_head ); } return; } debug( "Calling features reply handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", event_handlers.features_reply_callback, event_handlers.features_reply_user_data ); event_handlers.features_reply_callback( datapath_id, transaction_id, n_buffers, n_tables, capabilities, actions, phy_ports_head, event_handlers.features_reply_user_data ); if ( phy_ports_head != NULL ) { element = phy_ports_head; while ( element != NULL ) { xfree( element->data ); element = element->next; } delete_list( phy_ports_head ); } } static void handle_get_config_reply( const uint64_t datapath_id, buffer *data ) { uint16_t flags, miss_send_len; uint32_t transaction_id; struct ofp_switch_config *switch_config; if ( ( data == NULL ) || ( ( data != NULL ) && ( data->length == 0 ) ) ) { critical( "An OpenFlow message must be filled before calling handle_get_config_reply()." ); assert( 0 ); } switch_config = ( struct ofp_switch_config * ) data->data; transaction_id = ntohl( switch_config->header.xid ); flags = ntohs( switch_config->flags ); miss_send_len = ntohs( switch_config->miss_send_len ); debug( "A get config reply message is received from %#" PRIx64 " ( transaction_id = %#x, flags = %#x, miss_send_len = %u ).", datapath_id, transaction_id, flags, miss_send_len ); if ( event_handlers.get_config_reply_callback == NULL ) { debug( "Callback function for get config reply events is not set." ); return; } debug( "Calling get config reply handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", event_handlers.get_config_reply_callback, event_handlers.get_config_reply_user_data ); event_handlers.get_config_reply_callback( datapath_id, transaction_id, flags, miss_send_len, event_handlers.get_config_reply_user_data ); } static bool empty( const buffer *data ) { return ( data == NULL ) || ( ( data != NULL ) && ( data->length == 0 ) ); } static void handle_packet_in( const uint64_t datapath_id, buffer *data ) { if ( empty( data ) ) { die( "handle_packet_in(): packet_in message should not be empty." ); } struct ofp_packet_in *_packet_in = ( struct ofp_packet_in * ) data->data; uint32_t transaction_id = ntohl( _packet_in->header.xid ); uint32_t buffer_id = ntohl( _packet_in->buffer_id ); uint16_t total_len = ntohs( _packet_in->total_len ); uint16_t in_port = ntohs( _packet_in->in_port ); uint8_t reason = _packet_in->reason; uint16_t body_length = ( uint16_t ) ( ntohs( _packet_in->header.length ) - offsetof( struct ofp_packet_in, data ) ); debug( "A packet_in message is received from %#" PRIx64 " ( transaction_id = %#x, buffer_id = %#x, total_len = %u, in_port = %u, reason = %#x, body length = %u ).", datapath_id, transaction_id, buffer_id, total_len, in_port, reason, body_length ); if ( event_handlers.packet_in_callback == NULL ) { debug( "Callback function for packet_in events is not set." ); return; } buffer *body = NULL; if ( body_length > 0 ) { body = duplicate_buffer( data ); remove_front_buffer( body, offsetof( struct ofp_packet_in, data ) ); bool parse_ok = parse_packet( body ); if ( !parse_ok ) { error( "Failed to parse a packet." ); // ???: Is it OK to drop malformed packets? free_buffer( body ); return; } } else { body = NULL; } assert( event_handlers.packet_in_callback != NULL ); debug( "Calling packet_in handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", event_handlers.packet_in_callback, event_handlers.packet_in_user_data ); if ( event_handlers.simple_packet_in_callback ) { packet_in message = { datapath_id, transaction_id, buffer_id, total_len, in_port, reason, body, event_handlers.packet_in_user_data }; ( ( simple_packet_in_handler * ) event_handlers.packet_in_callback )( datapath_id, message ); } else { ( ( packet_in_handler * ) event_handlers.packet_in_callback )( datapath_id, transaction_id, buffer_id, total_len, in_port, reason, body, event_handlers.packet_in_user_data ); } if ( body != NULL ) { free_buffer( body ); } } static void handle_flow_removed( const uint64_t datapath_id, buffer *data ) { if ( ( data == NULL ) || ( ( data != NULL ) && ( data->length == 0 ) ) ) { critical( "An OpenFlow message must be filled before calling handle_flow_removed()." ); assert( 0 ); } struct ofp_flow_removed *_flow_removed = ( struct ofp_flow_removed * ) data->data; uint32_t transaction_id = ntohl( _flow_removed->header.xid ); struct ofp_match match; ntoh_match( &match, &_flow_removed->match ); uint64_t cookie = ntohll( _flow_removed->cookie ); uint16_t priority = ntohs( _flow_removed->priority ); uint8_t reason = _flow_removed->reason; uint32_t duration_sec = ntohl( _flow_removed->duration_sec ); uint32_t duration_nsec = ntohl( _flow_removed->duration_nsec ); uint16_t idle_timeout = ntohs( _flow_removed->idle_timeout ); uint64_t packet_count = ntohll( _flow_removed->packet_count ); uint64_t byte_count = ntohll( _flow_removed->byte_count ); char match_string[ 1024 ]; match_to_string( &match, match_string, sizeof( match_string ) ); debug( "A flow removed message is received from %#" PRIx64 " ( transaction_id = %#x, match = [%s], cookie = %#" PRIx64 ", " "priority = %u, reason = %#x, duration_sec = %u, duration_nsec = %u, " "idle_timeout = %u, packet_count = %" PRIu64 ", byte_count = %" PRIu64 " ).", datapath_id, transaction_id, match_string, cookie, priority, reason, duration_sec, duration_nsec, idle_timeout, packet_count, byte_count ); if ( event_handlers.flow_removed_callback == NULL ) { debug( "Callback function for flow removed events is not set." ); return; } debug( "Calling flow removed handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", event_handlers.flow_removed_callback, event_handlers.flow_removed_user_data ); if ( event_handlers.simple_flow_removed_callback ) { flow_removed message = { datapath_id, transaction_id, match, cookie, priority, reason, duration_sec, duration_nsec, idle_timeout, packet_count, byte_count, event_handlers.flow_removed_user_data }; ( ( simple_flow_removed_handler * ) event_handlers.flow_removed_callback )( datapath_id, message ); } else { ( ( flow_removed_handler * ) event_handlers.flow_removed_callback )( datapath_id, transaction_id, match, cookie, priority, reason, duration_sec, duration_nsec, idle_timeout, packet_count, byte_count, event_handlers.flow_removed_user_data ); } } static void handle_port_status( const uint64_t datapath_id, buffer *data ) { char description[ 1024 ]; uint8_t reason; uint32_t transaction_id; struct ofp_phy_port phy_port; struct ofp_port_status *port_status; if ( ( data == NULL ) || ( ( data != NULL ) && ( data->length == 0 ) ) ) { critical( "An OpenFlow message must be filled before calling handle_port_status()." ); assert( 0 ); } port_status = ( struct ofp_port_status * ) data->data; transaction_id = ntohl( port_status->header.xid ); reason = port_status->reason; ntoh_phy_port( &phy_port, &port_status->desc ); phy_port_to_string( &phy_port, description, sizeof( description ) ); debug( "A port status message is received from %#" PRIx64 " ( transaction_id = %#x, reason = %#x, desc = [%s] ).", datapath_id, transaction_id, reason, description ); if ( event_handlers.port_status_callback == NULL ) { debug( "Callback function for port status events is not set." ); return; } debug( "Calling port status handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", event_handlers.port_status_callback, event_handlers.port_status_user_data ); event_handlers.port_status_callback( datapath_id, transaction_id, reason, phy_port, event_handlers.port_status_user_data ); } static void handle_stats_reply( const uint64_t datapath_id, buffer *data ) { uint16_t type, flags, body_length; uint32_t transaction_id; buffer *body = NULL; buffer *body_h = NULL; struct ofp_stats_reply *stats_reply; if ( ( data == NULL ) || ( ( data != NULL ) && ( data->length == 0 ) ) ) { critical( "An OpenFlow message must be filled before calling handle_stats_reply()." ); assert( 0 ); } stats_reply = ( struct ofp_stats_reply * ) data->data; transaction_id = ntohl( stats_reply->header.xid ); type = ntohs( stats_reply->type ); flags = ntohs( stats_reply->flags ); body_length = ( uint16_t ) ( ntohs( stats_reply->header.length ) - offsetof( struct ofp_stats_reply, body ) ); debug( "A stats reply message is received from %#" PRIx64 " ( transaction_id = %#x, type = %#x, flags = %#x, body length = %u ).", datapath_id, transaction_id, type, flags, body_length ); if ( event_handlers.stats_reply_callback == NULL ) { debug( "Callback function for stats reply events is not set." ); return; } if ( body_length > 0 ) { body = duplicate_buffer( data ); remove_front_buffer( body, offsetof( struct ofp_stats_reply, body ) ); } if ( body != NULL ) { switch ( type ) { case OFPST_DESC: { body_h = body; body = NULL; } break; case OFPST_FLOW: { struct ofp_flow_stats *src, *dst; body_h = alloc_buffer_with_length( body_length ); append_back_buffer( body_h, body_length ); src = ( struct ofp_flow_stats * ) body->data; dst = ( struct ofp_flow_stats * ) body_h->data; while ( body_length > 0 ) { ntoh_flow_stats( dst, src ); body_length = ( uint16_t ) ( body_length - dst->length ); src = ( struct ofp_flow_stats * ) ( ( char * ) src + dst->length ); dst = ( struct ofp_flow_stats * ) ( ( char * ) dst + dst->length ); } } break; case OFPST_AGGREGATE: { struct ofp_aggregate_stats_reply *src, *dst; body_h = alloc_buffer_with_length( body_length ); append_back_buffer( body_h, body_length ); src = ( struct ofp_aggregate_stats_reply * ) body->data; dst = ( struct ofp_aggregate_stats_reply * ) body_h->data; ntoh_aggregate_stats( dst, src ); } break; case OFPST_TABLE: { struct ofp_table_stats *src, *dst; body_h = alloc_buffer_with_length( body_length ); append_back_buffer( body_h, body_length ); src = ( struct ofp_table_stats * ) body->data; dst = ( struct ofp_table_stats * ) body_h->data; while ( body_length > 0 ) { ntoh_table_stats( dst, src ); body_length = ( uint16_t ) ( body_length - sizeof( struct ofp_table_stats ) ); src++; dst++; } } break; case OFPST_PORT: { struct ofp_port_stats *src, *dst; body_h = alloc_buffer_with_length( body_length ); append_back_buffer( body_h, body_length ); src = ( struct ofp_port_stats * ) body->data; dst = ( struct ofp_port_stats * ) body_h->data; while ( body_length > 0 ) { ntoh_port_stats( dst, src ); body_length = ( uint16_t ) ( body_length - sizeof( struct ofp_port_stats ) ); src++; dst++; } } break; case OFPST_QUEUE: { struct ofp_queue_stats *src, *dst; body_h = alloc_buffer_with_length( body_length ); append_back_buffer( body_h, body_length ); src = ( struct ofp_queue_stats * ) body->data; dst = ( struct ofp_queue_stats * ) body_h->data; while ( body_length > 0 ) { ntoh_queue_stats( dst, src ); body_length = ( uint16_t ) ( body_length - sizeof( struct ofp_queue_stats ) ); src++; dst++; } } break; case OFPST_VENDOR: { uint32_t *src, *dst; body_h = alloc_buffer_with_length( body_length ); append_back_buffer( body_h, body_length ); memcpy( body_h->data, body->data, body_length ); src = ( uint32_t * ) body->data; dst = ( uint32_t * ) body_h->data; *dst = ntohl( *src ); // vendor id } break; default: if ( body != NULL ) { free_buffer( body ); } critical( "Unhandled stats type ( type = %#x ).", type ); assert( 0 ); break; } } debug( "Calling stats reply handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", event_handlers.stats_reply_callback, event_handlers.stats_reply_user_data ); event_handlers.stats_reply_callback( datapath_id, transaction_id, type, flags, body_h, event_handlers.stats_reply_user_data ); if ( body != NULL ) { free_buffer( body ); } if ( body_h != NULL ) { free_buffer( body_h ); } } static void handle_barrier_reply( const uint64_t datapath_id, buffer *data ) { uint32_t transaction_id; struct ofp_header *header; if ( ( data == NULL ) || ( ( data != NULL ) && ( data->length == 0 ) ) ) { critical( "An OpenFlow message must be filled before calling handle_barrier_reply()." ); assert( 0 ); } header = ( struct ofp_header * ) data->data; transaction_id = ntohl( header->xid ); debug( "A barrier reply message is received from %#" PRIx64 " ( transaction_id = %#x ).", datapath_id, transaction_id ); if ( event_handlers.barrier_reply_callback == NULL ) { debug( "Callback function for barrier reply events is not set." ); return; } debug( "Calling barrier reply handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", event_handlers.barrier_reply_callback, event_handlers.barrier_reply_user_data ); event_handlers.barrier_reply_callback( datapath_id, transaction_id, event_handlers.barrier_reply_user_data ); } static void handle_queue_get_config_reply( const uint64_t datapath_id, buffer *data ) { uint16_t port, queues_length; uint32_t transaction_id; list_element *queues_head = NULL; list_element *element = NULL; struct ofp_packet_queue *pq, *packet_queue; struct ofp_queue_get_config_reply *queue_get_config_reply; if ( ( data == NULL ) || ( ( data != NULL ) && ( data->length == 0 ) ) ) { critical( "An OpenFlow message must be filled before calling handle_queue_get_config_reply()." ); assert( 0 ); } queue_get_config_reply = ( struct ofp_queue_get_config_reply * ) data->data; transaction_id = ntohl( queue_get_config_reply->header.xid ); port = ntohs( queue_get_config_reply->port ); queues_length = ( uint16_t ) ( ntohs( queue_get_config_reply->header.length ) - offsetof( struct ofp_queue_get_config_reply, queues ) ); debug( "A queue get config reply message is received from %#" PRIx64 " ( transaction_id = %#x, port = %u, queues length = %u ).", datapath_id, transaction_id, port, queues_length ); if ( event_handlers.queue_get_config_reply_callback == NULL ) { debug( "Callback function for queue get config reply events is not set." ); return; } if ( queues_length > 0 ) { create_list( &queues_head ); } else { critical( "No queues found." ); assert( 0 ); } packet_queue = ( struct ofp_packet_queue * ) queue_get_config_reply->queues; while ( queues_length > 0 ) { pq = ( struct ofp_packet_queue * ) xcalloc( 1, ntohs( packet_queue->len ) ); ntoh_packet_queue( pq, packet_queue ); append_to_tail( &queues_head, pq ); packet_queue = ( struct ofp_packet_queue * ) ( ( char * ) packet_queue + pq->len ); queues_length = ( uint16_t ) ( queues_length - pq->len ); } debug( "Calling queue get config reply handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", event_handlers.queue_get_config_reply_callback, event_handlers.queue_get_config_reply_user_data ); event_handlers.queue_get_config_reply_callback( datapath_id, transaction_id, port, queues_head, event_handlers.queue_get_config_reply_user_data ); if ( queues_head != NULL ) { element = queues_head; while ( element != NULL ) { xfree( element->data ); element = element->next; } delete_list( queues_head ); } } static void update_switch_event_stats( uint16_t type, int send_receive, bool result ) { char key[ STAT_KEY_LENGTH ]; char suffix[ 16 ]; char direction[ 16 ]; const char *prefix = "openflow_application_interface."; memset( suffix, '\0', sizeof( suffix ) ); if ( result ) { sprintf( suffix, "_succeeded" ); } else { sprintf( suffix, "_failed" ); } memset( direction, '\0', sizeof( direction ) ); switch ( send_receive ) { case OPENFLOW_MESSAGE_SEND: sprintf( direction, "_send" ); break; case OPENFLOW_MESSAGE_RECEIVE: sprintf( direction, "_receive" ); break; default: return; } switch ( type ) { case MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_CONNECTED: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "switch_connected", direction, suffix ); break; case MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_READY: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "switch_ready", direction, suffix ); break; case MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_DISCONNECTED: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "switch_disconnected", direction, suffix ); break; case MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_FAILD_TO_CONNECT: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "switch_failed_to_connect", direction, suffix ); break; default: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "undefined_switch_event", direction, suffix ); break; } increment_stat( key ); } static void handle_switch_ready( uint64_t datapath_id ) { if ( event_handlers.switch_ready_callback == NULL ) { debug( "Callback function for switch_ready events is not set." ); return; } assert( event_handlers.switch_ready_callback != NULL ); if ( event_handlers.simple_switch_ready_callback ) { switch_ready event = { datapath_id, event_handlers.switch_ready_user_data }; ( ( simple_switch_ready_handler * ) event_handlers.switch_ready_callback )( event ); } else { ( ( switch_ready_handler * ) event_handlers.switch_ready_callback )( datapath_id, event_handlers.switch_ready_user_data ); } } static void handle_messenger_openflow_disconnected( uint64_t datapath_id ) { if ( event_handlers.switch_disconnected_callback != NULL ) { debug( "Calling switch disconnected handler ( callback = %p, user_data = %p ).", event_handlers.switch_disconnected_callback, event_handlers.switch_disconnected_user_data ); event_handlers.switch_disconnected_callback( datapath_id, event_handlers.switch_disconnected_user_data ); } else { debug( "Callback function for switch disconnected events is not set." ); } delete_openflow_messages( datapath_id ); } static void handle_switch_events( uint16_t type, void *data, size_t length ) { assert( data != NULL ); assert( length == sizeof( openflow_service_header_t ) ); debug( "Received a switch event ( type = %#x ) from remote.", type ); openflow_service_header_t *message = data; uint64_t datapath_id = ntohll( message->datapath_id ); switch ( type ) { case MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_CONNECTED: case MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_FAILD_TO_CONNECT: // Do nothing. break; case MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_READY: handle_switch_ready( datapath_id ); break; case MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_DISCONNECTED: handle_messenger_openflow_disconnected( datapath_id ); break; default: error( "Unhandled switch event ( type = %#x ).", type ); break; } update_switch_event_stats( type, OPENFLOW_MESSAGE_RECEIVE, true ); } static void update_openflow_stats( uint8_t type, int send_receive, bool result ) { char key[ STAT_KEY_LENGTH ]; char suffix[ 16 ]; char direction[ 16 ]; const char *prefix = "openflow_application_interface."; memset( suffix, '\0', sizeof( suffix ) ); if ( result ) { sprintf( suffix, "_succeeded" ); } else { sprintf( suffix, "_failed" ); } memset( direction, '\0', sizeof( direction ) ); switch ( send_receive ) { case OPENFLOW_MESSAGE_SEND: sprintf( direction, "_send" ); break; case OPENFLOW_MESSAGE_RECEIVE: sprintf( direction, "_receive" ); break; default: return; } switch ( type ) { case OFPT_HELLO: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "hello", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_ERROR: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "error", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "echo_request", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_ECHO_REPLY: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "echo_reply", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_VENDOR: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "vendor", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "features_request", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "features_reply", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "get_config_request", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "get_config_reply", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_SET_CONFIG: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "set_config", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_PACKET_IN: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "packet_in", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "flow_removed", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_PORT_STATUS: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "port_status", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_PACKET_OUT: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "packet_out", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_FLOW_MOD: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "flow_mod", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_PORT_MOD: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "port_mod", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_STATS_REQUEST: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "stats_request", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_STATS_REPLY: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "stats_reply", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_BARRIER_REQUEST: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "barrier_request", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_BARRIER_REPLY: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "barrier_reply", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "queue_get_config_request", direction, suffix ); break; case OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REPLY: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "queue_get_config_reply", direction, suffix ); break; default: snprintf( key, STAT_KEY_LENGTH, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, "undefined_message_type", direction, suffix ); break; } increment_stat( key ); } static void handle_openflow_message( void *data, size_t length ) { void *p; int ret; uint64_t datapath_id; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_header *header; openflow_service_header_t *message; assert( data != NULL ); assert( length >= ( sizeof( openflow_service_header_t ) + sizeof( struct ofp_header ) ) ); debug( "An OpenFlow message is received from remote." ); message = ( openflow_service_header_t * ) data; datapath_id = ntohll( message->datapath_id ); buffer = alloc_buffer_with_length( length ); assert( buffer != NULL ); p = append_back_buffer( buffer, length ); memcpy( p, data, length ); remove_front_buffer( buffer, sizeof( openflow_service_header_t ) ); ret = validate_openflow_message( buffer ); if ( ret < 0 ) { error( "Failed to validate an OpenFlow message ( code = %d, length = %zu ).", ret, length ); free_buffer( buffer ); return; } header = ( struct ofp_header * ) buffer->data; switch ( header->type ) { case OFPT_ERROR: handle_error( datapath_id, buffer ); break; case OFPT_ECHO_REPLY: handle_echo_reply( datapath_id, buffer ); break; case OFPT_VENDOR: handle_vendor( datapath_id, buffer ); break; case OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY: handle_features_reply( datapath_id, buffer ); break; case OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY: handle_get_config_reply( datapath_id, buffer ); break; case OFPT_PACKET_IN: handle_packet_in( datapath_id, buffer ); break; case OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED: handle_flow_removed( datapath_id, buffer ); break; case OFPT_PORT_STATUS: handle_port_status( datapath_id, buffer ); break; case OFPT_STATS_REPLY: handle_stats_reply( datapath_id, buffer ); break; case OFPT_BARRIER_REPLY: handle_barrier_reply( datapath_id, buffer ); break; case OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REPLY: handle_queue_get_config_reply( datapath_id, buffer ); break; default: error( "Unhandled OpenFlow message ( type = %#x ).", header->type ); break; } update_openflow_stats( header->type, OPENFLOW_MESSAGE_RECEIVE, true ); free_buffer( buffer ); } static void handle_message( uint16_t type, void *data, size_t length ) { assert( data != NULL ); assert( length >= sizeof( openflow_service_header_t ) ); debug( "A message is received from remote ( type = %#x ).", type ); switch ( type ) { case MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_MESSAGE: return handle_openflow_message( data, length ); case MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_CONNECTED: case MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_FAILD_TO_CONNECT: case MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_READY: case MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_DISCONNECTED: return handle_switch_events( type, data, length ); default: error( "Unhandled message ( type = %#x ).", type ); update_switch_event_stats( type, OPENFLOW_MESSAGE_RECEIVE, true ); break; } } static void insert_dpid( list_element **head, uint64_t *dpid ) { assert( head != NULL ); assert( dpid != NULL ); list_element *element; for ( element = *head; element != NULL; element = element->next ) { if ( *dpid <= *( uint64_t * ) element->data ) { break; } } if ( element == NULL ) { append_to_tail( head, dpid ); } else if ( element == *head ) { insert_in_front( head, dpid ); } else { insert_before( head, element->data, dpid ); } } static void handle_list_switches_reply( uint16_t message_type, void *data, size_t length, void *user_data ) { UNUSED( message_type ); assert( data != NULL ); uint64_t *dpid = ( uint64_t * ) data; size_t num_switch = length / sizeof( uint64_t ); debug( "A list switches reply message is received ( number of switches = %zu ).", num_switch ); if ( event_handlers.list_switches_reply_callback == NULL ) { debug( "Callback function for list switches reply events is not set." ); return; } list_element *switches; create_list( &switches ); unsigned int i; for ( i = 0; i < num_switch; ++i ) { uint64_t *datapath_id = ( uint64_t * ) xmalloc( sizeof( uint64_t ) ); *datapath_id = ntohll( dpid[ i ] ); insert_dpid( &switches, datapath_id ); } debug( "Calling list switches reply handler ( callback = %p ).", event_handlers.list_switches_reply_callback ); event_handlers.list_switches_reply_callback( switches, user_data ); list_element *element; for ( element = switches; element != NULL; element = element->next ) { xfree( element->data ); } delete_list( switches ); } bool send_openflow_message( const uint64_t datapath_id, buffer *message ) { bool ret; void *data; char remote_service_name[ MESSENGER_SERVICE_NAME_LENGTH ]; uint16_t header_length; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_header *ofp; openflow_service_header_t header; maybe_init_openflow_application_interface(); assert( openflow_application_interface_initialized ); if ( ( message == NULL ) || ( ( message != NULL ) && ( message->length == 0 ) ) ) { critical( "An OpenFlow message must be passed to send_openflow_message()." ); assert( 0 ); } ofp = ( struct ofp_header * ) message->data; buffer = duplicate_buffer( message ); assert( buffer != NULL ); header_length = ( uint16_t ) ( sizeof( openflow_service_header_t ) + strlen( service_name ) + 1 ); header.datapath_id = htonll( datapath_id ); header.service_name_length = htons( ( uint16_t ) ( strlen( service_name ) + 1 ) ); data = append_front_buffer( buffer, header_length ); memset( data, '\0', header_length ); memcpy( data, &header, sizeof( openflow_service_header_t ) ); memcpy( ( char * ) data + sizeof( openflow_service_header_t ), service_name, strlen( service_name ) ); memset( remote_service_name, '\0', sizeof( remote_service_name ) ); snprintf( remote_service_name, sizeof( remote_service_name ), "switch.%#" PRIx64, datapath_id ); debug( "Sending an OpenFlow message to %#" PRIx64 " ( service_name = %s, remote_service_name = %s, " "ofp_header = [version = %#x, type = %#x, length = %u, transaction_id = %#x] ).", datapath_id, service_name, remote_service_name, ofp->version, ofp->type, ntohs( ofp->length ), ntohl( ofp->xid ) ); ret = send_message( remote_service_name, MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_MESSAGE, buffer->data, buffer->length ); free_buffer( buffer ); update_openflow_stats( ofp->type, OPENFLOW_MESSAGE_SEND, ret ); return ret; } bool send_list_switches_request( void *user_data ) { uint16_t message_type = 0; void *data = NULL; size_t data_length = 0; maybe_init_openflow_application_interface(); assert( openflow_application_interface_initialized ); debug( "Sending a list switches request ( service_name = %s ).", service_name ); return send_request_message( "switch_manager", service_name, message_type, data, data_length, user_data ); } bool delete_openflow_messages( uint64_t datapath_id ) { debug( "Deleting OpenFlow messages in a send queue ( datapath_id = %#" PRIx64 " ).", datapath_id ); char remote_service_name[ MESSENGER_SERVICE_NAME_LENGTH ]; memset( remote_service_name, '\0', sizeof( remote_service_name ) ); snprintf( remote_service_name, sizeof( remote_service_name ), "switch.%#" PRIx64, datapath_id ); return clear_send_queue( remote_service_name ); } /* * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 2 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: */