# Einhorn: the language-independent shared socket manager ![Einhorn](https://stripe.com/img/blog/posts/meet-einhorn/einhorn.png) Let's say you have a server process which processes one request at a time. Your site is becoming increasingly popular, and this one process is no longer able to handle all of your inbound connections. However, you notice that your box's load number is low. So you start thinking about how to handle more requests. You could rewrite your server to use threads, but threads are a pain to program against (and maybe you're writing in Python or Ruby where you don't have true threads anyway). You could rewrite your server to be event-driven, but that'd require a ton of effort, and it wouldn't help you go beyond one core. So instead, you decide to just run multiple copies of your server process. Enter Einhorn. Einhorn makes it easy to run (and keep alive) multiple copies of a single long-lived process. If that process is a server listening on some socket, Einhorn will open the socket in the master process so that it's shared among the workers. Einhorn is designed to be compatible with arbitrary languages and frameworks, requiring minimal modification of your application. Einhorn is simple to configure and run. ## Installation Install from Rubygems as: $ gem install einhorn Or build from source by: $ gem build einhorn.gemspec And then install the built gem. [[usage]] ## Contributing Contributions are definitely welcome. To contribute, just follow the usual workflow: 1. Fork Einhorn 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Github pull request ## History Einhorn came about when Stripe was investigating seamless code upgrading solutions for our API worker processes. We really liked the process model of [Unicorn](http://unicorn.bogomips.org/), but didn't want to use its HTTP functionality. So Einhorn was born, providing the master process functionality of Unicorn (and similar preforking servers) to a wider array of applications. See https://stripe.com/blog/meet-einhorn for more background. Stripe currently uses Einhorn in production for a number of services. Our Thin + EventMachine servers currently require patches to both Thin and EventMachine (to support file-descriptor passing). You can obtain these patches from our public forks of the [respective](https://github.com/stripe/thin) [projects](https://github.com/stripe/eventmachine). Check out `example/thin_example` for an example of running Thin under Einhorn. ## Compatibility Einhorn was developed and tested under Ruby 1.8.7. ## About Einhorn is a project of [Stripe](https://stripe.com), led by [Greg Brockman](https://twitter.com/thegdb). Feel free to get in touch at info@stripe.com.