Workarea::Configuration.define_fields do fieldset 'Users', namespaced: false do field 'Allowed Login Attempts', type: :integer, default: 6, description: 'How many failed login attempts before marking the user locked out' field 'Password Strength', type: :symbol, default: :weak, values: [ ['Weak', :weak, title: 'Requires minimum 7 characters'], ['Medium', :medium, title: 'Requires minimum 7 characters of letters and numbers'], ['Strong', :strong, title: 'Requires minimum 8 characters consisting of letters, numbers, and special characters.'] ], description: 'Password requirement level for customers. Admin users always require a strong password.' end fieldset 'Checkout', namespaced: false do field 'Checkout Expiration', type: :duration, default: 15.minutes, description: 'How long a checkout can be idle before the user is forced to restart' field 'Item Count Limit', type: :integer, default: 100, description: 'How many unique items can be added to a single cart' end fieldset 'Orders', namespaced: false do field 'Order Active Period', type: :duration, default: 2.hours, description: 'How long an order is active without changing before considering it abandoned' field 'Order Expiration Period', type: :duration, default: 6.months, description: 'How long to wait until abandoned orders are deleted from the database' field 'Recent Order Count', type: :integer, default: 3, description: 'Number of orders to show in account summary dashboard' field 'Storefront User Order Display Count', type: :integer, default: 50, description: 'Number of orders to display on the user order history page' end fieldset 'Shipping', namespaced: false do field 'Allow Shipping Address P.O. Box', id: :allow_shipping_address_po_box, type: :boolean, default: false, description: 'Whether or not to allow P.O. Box addresses for shipping addresses' field 'Shipping Dimensions', type: :array, default: [1, 1, 1], description: %( Default package dimensions to use for calculating shipping costs. It's recommended to set these to your average or standard box size when using shipping rates from a carrier. Dimensions on specific shipping SKUs will override this value. ).squish field 'Shipping Origin', type: :hash, default: { country: 'US', state: 'PA', city: 'Philadelphia', zip: '19106' }, description: 'Origin location for calculating shipping costs' end fieldset 'Payment', namespaced: false do field 'Allow Payment Address P.O. Box', id: :allow_payment_address_po_box, type: :boolean, default: true, description: 'Whether or not to allow P.O. Box addresses for billing addresses' end fieldset 'Inventory', namespaced: false do field 'Low Inventory Threshold', type: :integer, default: 5, description: 'Minimum available quantity for a sku before inventory is considered low' end fieldset 'Content', namespaced: false do field 'Minimum Content Search Words', type: :integer, default: 5, description: 'Minimum number of words for content to be searchable on the storefront' field 'Placeholder Text', type: :string, default: %( Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sagittis faucibus augue, sit amet mattis leo tincidunt ac. Nullam vulputate eleifend enim. Nunc eu lorem semper, convallis ipsum pharetra, pretium metus. Donec lobortis dolor ac metus vulputate vulputate nec at nulla. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent placerat elementum justo quis malesuada. Donec sollicitudin ligula augue, rutrum vestibulum ex rutrum in. Integer id orci eu nisl accumsan suscipit a ut sapien. Nam non justo at nibh laoreet tempus. Sed sagittis velit eu tellus imperdiet, et ultricies justo aliquet. Fusce id felis sem. ).squish, description: 'Placeholder text used for content block default data' end fieldset 'Search', namespaced: false do field 'Default Search Facet Result Sizes', type: :integer, default: 10, description: 'The number of filter results returned for each filter type.' field 'Search Facet Result Sizes', type: :hash, values_type: :integer, default: { color: 10, size: 10 }, description: %( The number of filter results returned for any specified filter type. If no size is defined for a filter type, the default will be what is specified in the default config above. ).squish field 'Search Size Facet Sort', id: :search_facet_size_sort, type: :array, default: ['Extra Small', 'Small', 'Medium', 'Large', 'Extra Large'], description: %( The order the size facets will be displayed on storefront search results and category browse. ).squish field 'Search Sufficient Results', type: :integer, default: 2, description: %( The minimum number of search results required to consider the results sufficient. If a search result set is not sufficient, the search will try another pass with looser options to bring in more matches. ).squish field 'Search Suggestions', type: :integer, default: 5, description: 'How many search suggestions should be shown in the autocomplete searches.' end fieldset 'Communication', namespaced: false do field 'Email From', type: :string, default: '', description: 'The email address used as the sender of system emails' field 'Email To', type: :string, default: '', description: 'The email address that receives user generated emails, e.g. contact us inquiries' field 'Inquiry Subjects', type: :hash, default: { 'orders' => 'Orders', 'returns' => 'Returns and Exchanges', 'products' => 'Product Information', 'feedback' => 'Feedback', 'general' => 'General Inquiry' }, description: 'Subjects list for the contact form' end end