== 0.3.12 2008-05-02 * Fixed: The timestamps were being set on created_by and updated_by. * Changed: The init.rb and lockdown_all interaction to better define where configurations should be placed. == 0.3.11 2008-05-01 * Modified: Lockdown::System controller inspect to use "load" instead of "require". == 0.3.10 2008-05-01 * Fixed: users_controller management of user_groups was using outdated methods. this applies only to the stubs produced with the generator == 0.3.9 2008-05-01 * Modify: changed controller_classes from array to hash to speed up access == 0.3.8 2008-05-01 * Fixed: corrected class loader to ensure ObjectSpace is used only once == 0.3.7 2008-05-01 * Fixed: access rights list for permissions. maded modifications to permissions helper as well. == 0.3.6 2008-04-30 * Fixed: The block in init.rb does not take a parameter. This has been removed from the template. == 0.3.5 2008-04-30 * Added: Basic configuations to config/lockdown/init.rb when using the generator == 0.3.4 2008-04-30 * Fixed: Addition of require 'lockdown/init' to config file == 0.3.3 2008-04-30 * Spoke too soon. Omitted user_group controller change. == 0.3.2 2008-04-30 * Management screens looking good. Now moving on to testing with starter application. == 0.3.1 2008-04-29 * Some initital testing done. == 0.3.0 2008-04-29 * Big change in how the system is installed and configured in the project. Introduced lib/lockdown/init.rb. Removed lib/lockdown/access.rb. Now use more of a Rails-ish initializer functionality. This adds flexibility and places the core code back in the gem, that's what I was after. == 0.2.0 2008-04-25 * First full implementation of generate script "lockdown_all". Warranted a bump up of the minor version. == 0.1.4 2008-04-25 * Uncommented line in config/hoe.rb to hopefully resolved rubigen dependency issue. == 0.1.3 2008-04-25 * Still Don't have correct dependencies. Added in first crack at lockdown_all generator. == 0.1.2 2008-04-25 * Didn't have correct dependencies. == 0.1.1 2008-04-24 * Fixed bug with session cleanup. == 0.1.0 2008-04-18 * Nearing public release status. * In bug testing mode now. == 0.0.1 2008-04-18 * initial add of gem