# Jass Roll ES6 with the Rails asset pipeline - no Webpack required! Jass integrates Rollup.js, Bublé and Nodent with the Rails asset pipeline. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'jass' ``` You need a working NodeJS installation. ## Configuration In Rails apps the location of your custom npm dependencies will be automatically set to: ``` Jass.vendor_modules_root = Rails.root.join('vendor') ``` For other frameworks, it needs to be set manually using the above method. ## Usage Use `yarn` to install your custom npm dependencies into `vendor/node_modules`. `vendor/package.json` and `vendor/yarn.lock` should be checked into source control. Create your bundle entry points as `.jass` files under `app/assets/javascripts` in regular ES6 syntax (`import`, `async/await`). External dependencies can be declared to Sprockets using the `global` comment: ```js // application.jass //= global vue Vue //= global vue-router VueRouter import Vue from 'vue' import Foo from 'custom-dependency' ```