class Document < MLS::Model has_many :image_orderings, foreign_key: :image_id has_many :reviews def self.create(file) if doc = find_matching(file) doc else data, headers = Multipart::Post.prepare_query("document[file]" => file) req ="/documents") req.body = data req['Content-Type'] = headers['Content-Type'] res = Document.connection.instance_variable_get(:@connection).send_request(req) instantiate(JSON.parse(res.body).select{|k,v| column_names.include?(k.to_s) }) end end def url(style=:original) host: MLS.config['document_host'].gsub(/\/$/, ''), path: path(style) ) end def path(style=:original) File.join("documents", "#{partition(style == :original ? hash_key : "#{hash_key}-#{style}")}") end def partition(value) split = value.scan(/.{1,4}/) split.shift(4).join("/") + split.join("") end def width return nil if !dimensions return dimensions.split('x')[0].to_i end def height return nil if !dimensions return dimensions.split('x')[1].to_i end def aspect_ratio return nil if !width || !height return width.to_f / height.to_f end def self.find_matching(file) filename = file.original_filename if file.respond_to?(:original_filename) filename ||= File.basename(file.path) # If we can tell the possible mime-type from the filename, use the # first in the list; otherwise, use "application/octet-stream" content_type = file.content_type if file.respond_to?(:content_type) content_type ||= (MIME::Types.type_for(filename)[0] || MIME::Types["application/octet-stream"][0]).simplified matching_docs = Document.where(:filename => filename, :content_type => content_type, :size => file.size) if matching_docs.count > 0 matching_docs = matching_docs.where(:md5 => Digest::MD5.file(file.path).hexdigest) end matching_docs.first end end class Image < Document end class PDF < Document include MLS::Avatar end # Takes a hash of string and file parameters and returns a string of text # formatted to be sent as a multipart form post. module Multipart # Formats a given hash as a multipart form post # If a hash value responds to :string or :read messages, then it is # interpreted as a file and processed accordingly; otherwise, it is assumed # to be a string class Post def self.prepare_query(params) boundary = "-----RubyMultipartClient~#{SecureRandom.hex(32)}" parts = do |k, v| if v.respond_to?(:path) && v.respond_to?(:read), v) else, v) end end query = {|p| "--#{boundary}\r\n#{p.to_multipart}" }.join('') + "--#{boundary}--" return query, { "Content-Type" => "multipart/form-data; boundary=#{boundary}" } end end private # Formats a basic string key/value pair for inclusion with a multipart post class StringParam attr_accessor :k, :v def initialize(k, v) @k = k @v = v end def to_multipart return "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"#{@k}\"\r\n\r\n#{v}\r\n" end end # Formats the contents of a file or string for inclusion with a multipart # form post class FileParam def initialize(k, file) @k = k @file = file @filename = file.original_filename if file.respond_to?(:original_filename) @filename ||= File.basename(file.path) # If we can tell the possible mime-type from the filename, use the # first in the list; otherwise, use "application/octet-stream" @content_type = file.content_type if file.respond_to?(:content_type) @content_type ||= (MIME::Types.type_for(@filename)[0] || MIME::Types["application/octet-stream"][0]).simplified end def to_multipart return "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"#{@k}\"; filename=\"#{ @filename }\"\r\n" + "Content-Type: #{ @content_type }\r\n\r\n#{ }\r\n" end end end