/** * Copyright 2004-2008 Ricard Marxer * This file is part of Geomerative. * * Geomerative is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * Geomerative is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * Geomerative. If not, see . */ package geomerative; import processing.core.*; /** * RPolygon is a reduced interface for creating, holding and drawing complex * polygons. Polygons are groups of one or more contours (RContour). This * interface allows us to perform binary operations (difference, xor, union and * intersection) on polygons. * * @eexample RPolygon * @usage Geometry * @related RContour * @related createCircle ( ) * @related createRing ( ) * @related createStar ( ) * @related diff ( ) * @related xor ( ) * @related union ( ) * @related intersection ( ) * @extended */ public class RPolygon extends RGeomElem { /** * @invisible */ public int type = RGeomElem.POLYGON; public static int defaultDetail = 50; /** * Array of RContour objects holding the contours of the polygon. * * @eexample contours * @related RContour * @related countContours ( ) * @related addContour ( ) */ public RContour[] contours; int currentContour = 0; // ---------------------- // --- Public Methods --- // ---------------------- /** * Make a copy of the given polygon. * * @eexample createPolygon * @param p the object of which to make a copy */ public RPolygon(RPolygon p) { if (p == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < p.countContours(); i++) { this.append(new RContour(p.contours[i])); } type = RGeomElem.POLYGON; setStyle(p); } /** * Create a new polygon given an array of points. * * @eexample createPolygon * @param points the points for the new polygon. */ public RPolygon(RPoint[] points) { this(new RContour(points)); } /** * Create a new polygon given a contour. * * @param newcontour the contour for the new polygon. */ public RPolygon(RContour newcontour) { this.append(newcontour); type = RGeomElem.POLYGON; } /** * Create an empty polygon. */ public RPolygon() { contours = null; type = RGeomElem.POLYGON; } /** * Use this method to create a new circle polygon. * * @param x * @param y * @eexample createCircle * @param radius the radius of the circle * @param detail the number of vertices of the polygon * @return RPolygon, the circular polygon newly created */ static public RPolygon createCircle(float x, float y, float radius, int detail) { RPoint[] points = new RPoint[detail]; double radiansPerStep = 2 * Math.PI / detail; for (int i = 0; i < detail; i++) { points[i] = new RPoint( radius * Math.cos(i * radiansPerStep) + x, radius * Math.sin(i * radiansPerStep) + y ); } return new RPolygon(points); } static public RPolygon createCircle(float radius, int detail) { return createCircle(0, 0, radius, detail); } static public RPolygon createCircle(float x, float y, float radius) { return createCircle(x, y, radius, defaultDetail); } static public RPolygon createCircle(float radius) { return createCircle(0, 0, radius, defaultDetail); } /** * Use this method to create a new rectangle polygon. * * @eexample createRectangle * @param x the upper-left corner x coordinate * @param y the upper-left corner y coordinate * @param w the width * @param h the height * @return RPolygon, the circular polygon newly created */ static public RPolygon createRectangle(float x, float y, float w, float h) { RPolygon rectangle = new RPolygon(); rectangle.addPoint(x, y); rectangle.addPoint(x + w, y); rectangle.addPoint(x + w, y + h); rectangle.addPoint(x, y + h); rectangle.addPoint(x, y); return rectangle; } static public RPolygon createRectangle(float w, float h) { return createRectangle(0, 0, w, h); } /** * Use this method to create a new starform polygon. * * @param x * @param y * @eexample createStar * @param radiusBig the outter radius of the star polygon * @param radiusSmall the inner radius of the star polygon * @param spikes the amount of spikes on the star polygon * @return RPolygon, the starform polygon newly created */ static public RPolygon createStar(float x, float y, float radiusBig, float radiusSmall, int spikes) { int numPoints = spikes * 2; RPoint[] points = new RPoint[numPoints]; double radiansPerStep = Math.PI / spikes; for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i += 2) { points[i] = new RPoint( radiusBig * Math.cos(i * radiansPerStep) + x, radiusBig * Math.sin(i * radiansPerStep) + y ); points[i + 1] = new RPoint( radiusSmall * Math.cos(i * radiansPerStep) + x, radiusSmall * Math.sin(i * radiansPerStep) + y ); } return new RPolygon(points); } static public RPolygon createStar(float radiusBig, float radiusSmall, int spikes) { return createStar(0, 0, radiusBig, radiusSmall, spikes); } /** * Use this method to create a new ring polygon. * * @param x * @param y * @eexample createRing * @param radiusBig the outter radius of the ring polygon * @param radiusSmall the inner radius of the ring polygon * @param detail the number of vertices on each contour of the ring * @return RPolygon, the ring polygon newly created */ static public RPolygon createRing(float x, float y, float radiusBig, float radiusSmall, int detail) { RPoint[] inner = new RPoint[detail]; RPoint[] outer = new RPoint[detail]; double radiansPerStep = 2 * Math.PI / detail; for (int i = 0; i < detail; i++) { inner[i] = new RPoint( radiusSmall * Math.cos(i * radiansPerStep) + x, radiusSmall * Math.sin(i * radiansPerStep) + y ); outer[i] = new RPoint( radiusBig * Math.cos(i * radiansPerStep) + x, radiusBig * Math.sin(i * radiansPerStep) + y ); } RPolygon ring = new RPolygon(); ring.addContour(outer); ring.addContour(inner); return ring; } static public RPolygon createRing(float radiusBig, float radiusSmall, int detail) { return createRing(0, 0, radiusBig, radiusSmall, detail); } static public RPolygon createRing(float x, float y, float radiusBig, float radiusSmall) { return createRing(x, y, radiusBig, radiusSmall, defaultDetail); } static public RPolygon createRing(float radiusBig, float radiusSmall) { return createRing(0, 0, radiusBig, radiusSmall, defaultDetail); } /** * Use this method to get the centroid of the element. * * @eexample RGroup_getCentroid * @return RPo the centroid point of the element * @related getBounds ( ) * @related getCenter ( ) */ @Override public RPoint getCentroid() { RPoint bestCentroid = new RPoint(); float bestArea = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; if (contours != null) { for (RContour contour : contours) { float area = Math.abs(contour.getArea()); if (area > bestArea) { bestArea = area; bestCentroid = contour.getCentroid(); } } return bestCentroid; } return null; } /** * Use this method to count the number of contours in the polygon. * * @eexample countContours * @return int the number contours in the polygon * @related addContour ( ) */ public int countContours() { if (this.contours == null) { return 0; } return this.contours.length; } /** * Add a new contour to the polygon. * * @eexample addContour * @param c the contour to be added * @related addPoint ( ) */ public void addContour(RContour c) { this.append(c); } /** * Add an empty contour to the polygon. * * @eexample addContour * @related addPoint ( ) */ public void addContour() { this.append(new RContour()); } /** * Add a new contour to the polygon given an array of points. * * @eexample addContour * @param points the points of the new contour to be added * @related addPoint ( ) */ public void addContour(RPoint[] points) { this.append(new RContour(points)); } /** * Use this method to set the current contour to which append points. * * @param indContour * @eexample addContour * @related addPoint ( ) */ public void setContour(int indContour) { this.currentContour = indContour; } /** * Add a new point to the current contour. * * @eexample addPoint * @param p the point to be added * @related addContour ( ) * @related setCurrent ( ) */ public void addPoint(RPoint p) { if (contours == null) { this.append(new RContour()); } this.contours[currentContour].append(p); } /** * Add a new point to the current contour. * * @eexample addPoint * @param x the x coordinate of the point to be added * @param y the y coordinate of the point to be added * @related addContour ( ) * @related setCurrent ( ) */ public void addPoint(float x, float y) { if (contours == null) { this.append(new RContour()); } this.contours[currentContour].append(new RPoint(x, y)); } /** * Add a new point to the selected contour. * * @eexample addPoint * @param indContour the index of the contour to which the point will be * added * @param p the point to be added * @related addContour ( ) * @related setCurrent ( ) */ public void addPoint(int indContour, RPoint p) { if (contours == null) { this.append(new RContour()); } this.contours[indContour].append(p); } /** * Add a new point to the selected contour. * * @eexample addPoint * @param indContour the index of the contour to which the point will be * added * @param x the x coordinate of the point to be added * @param y the y coordinate of the point to be added * @related addContour ( ) * @related setCurrent ( ) */ public void addPoint(int indContour, float x, float y) { if (contours == null) { this.append(new RContour()); } this.contours[indContour].append(new RPoint(x, y)); } public void addClose() { if (contours == null) { return; } contours[contours.length - 1].addClose(); } /** * Use this method to create a new mesh from a given polygon. * * @eexample toMesh * @return RMesh, the mesh made of tristrips resulting of a tesselation of * the polygon * @related draw ( ) */ @Override public RMesh toMesh() { if (contours == null) { return new RMesh(); } RMesh mesh = RClip.polygonToMesh(this); if (mesh == null) { return null; } mesh.setStyle(this); return mesh; } @Override public void print() { System.out.println("polygon: "); for (int i = 0; i < countContours(); i++) { System.out.println("--- contour " + i + " ---"); contours[i].print(); System.out.println("---------------"); } } /** * Removes contours with less than 3 points. These are contours that are * open. Since close polygons have points[0] == points[-1] and two more * points to form a triangle at least. This is useful to avoid the clipping * algorithm from breaking. * * @return * @invisible */ protected RPolygon removeOpenContours() { RPolygon clean = new RPolygon(); for (int i = 0; i < countContours(); i++) { if (contours[i].countPoints() > 3) { clean.addContour(contours[i]); } } clean.setStyle(this); return clean; } /** * @return @invisible */ @Override public RPolygon toPolygon() { return new RPolygon(this); } /** * @return @invisible */ @Override public RShape toShape() { int numContours = countContours(); RShape result = new RShape(); for (int i = 0; i < numContours; i++) { RPoint[] newpoints = this.contours[i].getHandles(); if (newpoints != null) { result.addMoveTo(newpoints[0]); for (int j = 1; j < newpoints.length; j++) { result.addLineTo(newpoints[j]); } if (contours[i].closed) { result.addClose(); } result.paths[i].setStyle(contours[i]); } } result.setStyle(this); return result; } /** * Use this to return the points of the polygon. It returns the points in * the way of an array of RPoint. * * @eexample RPolygon_getHandles * @return RPoint[], the points returned in an array. * */ @Override public RPoint[] getHandles() { int numContours = countContours(); if (numContours == 0) { return null; } RPoint[] result = null; RPoint[] newresult = null; for (int i = 0; i < numContours; i++) { RPoint[] newPoints = contours[i].getHandles(); if (newPoints != null) { if (result == null) { result = new RPoint[newPoints.length]; System.arraycopy(newPoints, 0, result, 0, newPoints.length); } else { newresult = new RPoint[result.length + newPoints.length]; System.arraycopy(result, 0, newresult, 0, result.length); System.arraycopy(newPoints, 0, newresult, result.length, newPoints.length); result = newresult; } } } return result; } /** * Use this to return the points of the polygon. It returns the points in * the way of an array of RPoint. * * @eexample RPolygon_getPoints * @return RPoint[], the points returned in an array. * */ @Override public RPoint[] getPoints() { int numContours = countContours(); if (numContours == 0) { return null; } RPoint[] result = null; RPoint[] newresult = null; for (int i = 0; i < numContours; i++) { RPoint[] newPoints = contours[i].getPoints(); if (newPoints != null) { if (result == null) { result = new RPoint[newPoints.length]; System.arraycopy(newPoints, 0, result, 0, newPoints.length); } else { newresult = new RPoint[result.length + newPoints.length]; System.arraycopy(result, 0, newresult, 0, result.length); System.arraycopy(newPoints, 0, newresult, result.length, newPoints.length); result = newresult; } } } return result; } /** * Use this method to get the type of element this is. * * @eexample RPolygon_getType * @return int, will allways return RGeomElem.POLYGON */ @Override public int getType() { return type; } /** * Use this method to get the area covered by the polygon. * * @eexample getArea * @return float, the area covered by the polygon * @related draw ( ) */ @Override public float getArea() { if (getNumPoints() < 3) { return 0.0F; } float ax = getX(0); float ay = getY(0); float area = 0.0F; for (int i = 1; i < (getNumPoints() - 1); i++) { float bx = getX(i); float by = getY(i); float cx = getX(i + 1); float cy = getY(i + 1); float tarea = ((cx - bx) * (ay - by)) - ((ax - bx) * (cy - by)); area += tarea; } area = 0.5F * Math.abs(area); return area; } /** * Use this method to draw the polygon. * * @eexample drawPolygon * @param g PGraphics, the graphics object on which to draw the polygon * @related draw ( ) */ @Override public void draw(PGraphics g) { int numContours = countContours(); if (numContours != 0) { if (isIn(g)) { if (!RG.ignoreStyles) { saveContext(g); setContext(g); } // Check whether to draw the fill or not if (g.fill) { // Since we are drawing the different tristrips we must turn off the stroke or make it the same color as the fill // NOTE: there's currently no way of drawing the outline of a mesh, since no information is kept about what vertices are at the edge // Save the information about the current stroke color and turn off boolean stroking = g.stroke; g.noStroke(); // Save smoothing state and turn off // boolean smoothing = g.smooth; try { g.noSmooth(); } catch (Exception e) { } RMesh tempMesh = this.toMesh(); tempMesh.draw(g); // Restore the old stroke color if (stroking) { g.stroke(g.strokeColor); } } // Check whether to draw the stroke or not if (g.stroke) { for (int i = 0; i < numContours; i++) { contours[i].draw(g); } } if (!RG.ignoreStyles) { restoreContext(g); } } } } /** * * @param g */ @Override public void draw(PApplet g) { int numContours = countContours(); if (numContours != 0) { if (isIn(g)) { if (!RG.ignoreStyles) { saveContext(g); setContext(g); } // Check whether to draw the fill or not if (g.g.fill) { // Since we are drawing the different tristrips we must turn off the stroke or make it the same color as the fill // NOTE: there's currently no way of drawing the outline of a mesh, since no information is kept about what vertices are at the edge // Save the information about the current stroke color and turn off boolean stroking = g.g.stroke; g.noStroke(); RMesh tempMesh = this.toMesh(); if (tempMesh != null) { tempMesh.draw(g); } // Restore the old stroke color if (stroking) { g.stroke(g.g.strokeColor); } } // Check whether to draws the stroke or not if (g.g.stroke) { for (int i = 0; i < numContours; i++) { contours[i].draw(g); } } if (!RG.ignoreStyles) { restoreContext(g); } } } } /** * Use this method to get the intersection of this polygon with the polygon * passed in as a parameter. * * @eexample intersection * @param p RPolygon, the polygon with which to perform the intersection * @return RPolygon, the intersection of the two polygons * @related union ( ) * @related xor ( ) * @related diff ( ) */ public RPolygon intersection(RPolygon p) { RPolygon res = RClip.intersection(p, this); res.setStyle(this.getStyle()); return res; } /** * Use this method to get the union of this polygon with the polygon passed * in as a parameter. * * @eexample union * @param p RPolygon, the polygon with which to perform the union * @return RPolygon, the union of the two polygons * @related intersection ( ) * @related xor ( ) * @related diff ( ) */ public RPolygon union(RPolygon p) { RPolygon res = RClip.union(p, this); res.setStyle(this.getStyle()); return res; } /** * Use this method to get the xor of this polygon with the polygon passed in * as a parameter. * * @eexample xor * @param p RPolygon, the polygon with which to perform the xor * @return RPolygon, the xor of the two polygons * @related union ( ) * @related intersection ( ) * @related diff ( ) */ public RPolygon xor(RPolygon p) { RPolygon res = RClip.xor(p, this); res.setStyle(this.getStyle()); return res; } /** * Use this method to get the difference between this polygon and the * polygon passed in as a parameter. * * @eexample diff * @param p RPolygon, the polygon with which to perform the difference * @return RPolygon, the difference of the two polygons * @related union ( ) * @related xor ( ) * @related intersection ( ) */ public RPolygon diff(RPolygon p) { RPolygon res = RClip.diff(this, p); res.setStyle(this.getStyle()); return res; } /** * Use this method to get a rebuilt version of a given polygon by removing * extra points and solving intersecting contours or holes. * * @eexample RPolygon_update * @return RPolygon, the updated polygon * @related diff ( ) * @related union ( ) * @related xor ( ) * @related intersection ( ) */ public RPolygon update() { return RClip.update(this); } @Override public RPoint getPoint(float t) { PApplet.println("Feature not yet implemented for this class."); return null; } /** * * @param t * @return */ @Override public RPoint getTangent(float t) { PApplet.println("Feature not yet implemented for this class."); return null; } /** * * @return */ @Override public RPoint[] getTangents() { PApplet.println("Feature not yet implemented for this class."); return null; } /** * * @return */ @Override public RPoint[][] getPointsInPaths() { PApplet.println("Feature not yet implemented for this class."); return null; } @Override public RPoint[][] getHandlesInPaths() { PApplet.println("Feature not yet implemented for this class."); return null; } @Override public RPoint[][] getTangentsInPaths() { PApplet.println("Feature not yet implemented for this class."); return null; } @Override public boolean contains(RPoint p) { PApplet.println("Feature not yet implemented for this class."); return false; } /** * Use this method to transform the polygon. * * @eexample RPolygon_transform * @param m RMatrix, the matrix of the affine transformation to apply to the * polygon */ /* public void transform(RMatrix m){ int numContours = countContours(); if(numContours!=0){ for(int i=0;i 0 && this.isHole){ throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add polys to something designated as a hole."); }*/ RContour c = new RContour(); for (int i = 0; i < p.getNumPoints(); i++) { c.addPoint(p.getX(i), p.getY(i)); } this.append(c); } /** * Add an inner polygon to this polygon - assumes that adding polygon does * not have any inner polygons. * * @param c */ protected void add(RContour c) { /*if (this.contours.length > 0 && this.isHole){ throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add polys to something designated as a hole."); }*/ this.append(c); } /** * Return true if the polygon is empty * * @return */ protected boolean isEmpty() { return (this.contours == null); } /** * Returns the bounding box of the polygon. * * @return */ protected RRectangle getBBox() { if (this.contours == null) { return new RRectangle(); } else if (this.contours.length == 1) { float xmin = Float.MAX_VALUE; float ymin = Float.MAX_VALUE; float xmax = -Float.MAX_VALUE; float ymax = -Float.MAX_VALUE; if (this.contours[0].points == null) { return new RRectangle(); } for (RPoint point : this.contours[0].points) { float x = point.getX(); float y = point.getY(); if (x < xmin) { xmin = x; } if (x > xmax) { xmax = x; } if (y < ymin) { ymin = y; } if (y > ymax) { ymax = y; } } return new RRectangle(xmin, ymin, (xmax - xmin), (ymax - ymin)); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getBounds not supported on complex poly."); } } /** * Returns the polygon at this index. * * @param polyIndex * @return */ protected RPolygon getInnerPoly(int polyIndex) { return new RPolygon(this.contours[polyIndex]); } /** * Returns the number of inner polygons - inner polygons are assumed to * return one here. * * @return */ protected int getNumInnerPoly() { if (this.contours == null) { return 0; } return this.contours.length; } /** * Return the number points of the first inner polygon * * @return */ protected int getNumPoints() { if (this.contours == null) { return 0; } if (this.contours[0].points == null) { return 0; } return this.contours[0].points.length; } /** * Return the X value of the point at the index in the first inner polygon * * @param index * @return */ protected float getX(int index) { if (this.contours == null) { return 0; } return this.contours[0].points[index].x; } /** * Return the Y value of the point at the index in the first inner polygon * * @param index * @return */ protected float getY(int index) { if (this.contours == null) { return 0; } return this.contours[0].points[index].y; } /** * Return true if this polygon is a hole. Holes are assumed to be inner * polygons of a more complex polygon. * * @return * @throws IllegalStateException if called on a complex polygon. */ public boolean isHole() { if (this.contours == null || this.contours.length > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot call on a poly made up of more than one poly."); } return this.contours[0].isHole; } /** * Set whether or not this polygon is a hole. Cannot be called on a complex * polygon. * * @param isHole * @throws IllegalStateException if called on a complex polygon. */ protected void setIsHole(boolean isHole) { if (this.contours == null || this.contours.length > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot call on a poly made up of more than one poly."); } this.contours[0].isHole = isHole; } /** * Return true if the given inner polygon is contributing to the set * operation. This method should NOT be used outside the Clip algorithm. * * @param polyIndex * @return */ protected boolean isContributing(int polyIndex) { return this.contours[polyIndex].isContributing; } /** * Set whether or not this inner polygon is constributing to the set * operation. This method should NOT be used outside the Clip algorithm. * * @param polyIndex * @param contributes */ protected void setContributing(int polyIndex, boolean contributes) { /* if( this.contours.length != 1 ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Only applies to polys of size 1" ); } */ this.contours[polyIndex].isContributing = contributes; } private void append(RContour nextcontour) { RContour[] newcontours; if (contours == null) { newcontours = new RContour[1]; newcontours[0] = nextcontour; currentContour = 0; } else { newcontours = new RContour[this.contours.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(this.contours, 0, newcontours, 0, this.contours.length); newcontours[this.contours.length] = nextcontour; currentContour++; } this.contours = newcontours; } }