require 'fileutils' require 'net/ftp' require 'set' require 'fig/at_exit' require 'fig/command/action' require 'fig/command/options' require 'fig/command/package_applier' require 'fig/command/package_loader' require 'fig/figrc' require 'fig/logging' require 'fig/operating_system' require 'fig/package' require 'fig/parser' require 'fig/repository' require 'fig/repository_error' require 'fig/runtime_environment' require 'fig/statement/configuration' require 'fig/update_lock' require 'fig/user_input_error' require 'fig/working_directory_maintainer' module Fig; end # Main program class Fig::Command def run_fig(argv, options = nil) begin @options = options || @options.process_command_line(argv) rescue Fig::UserInputError => error $stderr.puts error.to_s # Logging isn't set up yet. return Fig::Command::Action::EXIT_FAILURE end if not @options.exit_code.nil? return @options.exit_code end Fig::Logging.initialize_pre_configuration(@options.log_level()) actions = @options.actions() if actions.empty? return handle_nothing_to_do end actions.each do |action| if action.execute_immediately_after_command_line_parse? # Note that the action doesn't get an execution context. return action.execute() end end @descriptor = @options.descriptor check_descriptor_requirement() if actions.any? {|action| not action.allow_both_descriptor_and_file? } ensure_descriptor_and_file_were_not_both_specified() end check_package_content_options() configure() set_up_base_package() invoke_post_set_up_actions() context = @base_package, base_config(), @environment, @repository, @operating_system, @package_source_description ) actions.each do |action| action.execution_context = context exit_code = action.execute if exit_code != Fig::Command::Action::EXIT_SUCCESS return exit_code end end return Fig::Command::Action::EXIT_SUCCESS end def run_fig_with_exception_handling(argv, options = nil) begin return run_fig(argv, options) rescue Fig::URLAccessDisallowedError => error urls = error.urls.join(', ') $stderr.puts \ "Access to #{urls} in #{error.package}/#{error.version} not allowed." rescue Fig::UserInputError => error log_error_message(error) end return Fig::Command::Action::EXIT_FAILURE end # Extension mechanism for customizing Fig. def add_post_set_up_action(action) @post_set_up_actions << action return end def add_publish_listener(listener) @publish_listeners << listener return end def initialize() @post_set_up_actions = [] @publish_listeners = [] end private ExecutionContext = :base_package, :base_config, :environment, :repository, :operating_system, :package_source_description ) def handle_nothing_to_do() command_statement = nil if ! @descriptor && @options.package_definition_file != :none load_base_package() config = base_config command_statement = @base_package[config].command_statement end $stderr.puts "Nothing to do.\n\n" if command_statement $stderr.puts \ %Q<You have a command statement in the "#{config}" config. If you want to run it, use the "--run-command-statement" option.\n\n> end $stderr.puts %q<Run "fig --help" for a full list of commands.> return Fig::Command::Action::EXIT_FAILURE end def check_include_statements_versions?() return false if @options.suppress_warning_include_statement_missing_version? suppressed_warnings = @application_configuration['suppress warnings'] return true if not suppressed_warnings return ! suppressed_warnings.include?('include statement missing version') end def configure() set_up_update_lock() set_up_application_configuration() Fig::Logging.initialize_post_configuration( @options.log_config() || @application_configuration['log configuration'], @options.log_level() ) @operating_system = prepare_repository() prepare_environment() end def set_up_update_lock() return if @options.actions.none? {|action| action.modifies_repository?} update_lock_response = @options.update_lock_response return if update_lock_response == :ignore if if ! update_lock_response.nil? Fig::Logging.warn('At present, locking is not supported on Windows.') end return end @update_lock =, update_lock_response) # *sigh* Ruby 1.8 doesn't support close_on_exec(), so we've got to ensure # this stuff on our own. Fig::AtExit.add { @update_lock.close } return end def set_up_application_configuration() @application_configuration = Fig::FigRC.find( @options.figrc(), ENV['FIG_REMOTE_URL'], @options.login?, @options.home(), @options.no_figrc? ) if \ remote_operation_necessary? \ && @application_configuration.remote_repository_url.nil? raise 'Please define the FIG_REMOTE_URL environment variable.' ) end return end def prepare_repository() @repository = @operating_system, @options.home(), @application_configuration, @publish_listeners, check_include_statements_versions? ) @options.actions.each {|action| action.prepare_repository(@repository)} return end def prepare_environment() working_directory_maintainer ='.') Fig::AtExit.add do working_directory_maintainer.prepare_for_shutdown( @base_package && retrieves_should_happen? ) end environment_variables = nil if reset_environment? environment_variables = Fig::OperatingSystem.get_environment_variables({}) end @environment = @repository, environment_variables, working_directory_maintainer ) Fig::AtExit.add { @environment.check_unused_retrieves() } return end def set_up_base_package() return if ! load_base_package? # We get these before loading the package so that we detect conflicts # between actions. retrieves_should_happen = retrieves_should_happen? register_base_package = register_base_package? apply_config = apply_config? apply_base_config = apply_config ? apply_base_config? : nil load_base_package() applier = new_package_applier() if retrieves_should_happen applier.activate_retrieves() end if register_base_package applier.register_package_with_environment() end if apply_config applier.apply_config_to_environment(! apply_base_config) end return end def load_base_package() package_loader = new_package_loader() if @options.actions.all? {|action| action.base_package_can_come_from_descriptor?} @base_package = package_loader.load_package_object() else @base_package = package_loader.load_package_object_from_file() end @package_source_description = package_loader.package_source_description() return end def invoke_post_set_up_actions() @post_set_up_actions.each do |action| action.set_up_finished(@application_configuration) end return end def base_config() return @options.config() || @descriptor && @descriptor.config || Fig::Package::DEFAULT_CONFIG end def new_package_loader() return @application_configuration, @descriptor, @options.package_definition_file, base_config(), @repository ) end def new_package_applier() return @base_package, @environment, @options, @descriptor, base_config(), @package_source_description ) end # If the user has specified a descriptor and we are not publishing, than any # package.fig or --file option is ignored. Thus, in order to avoid confusing # the user, we make specifying both an error. def ensure_descriptor_and_file_were_not_both_specified() file = @options.package_definition_file() # If the user specified --no-file, even though it's kind of superfluous, # we'll let it slide because the user doesn't think that any file will be # processed. file_specified = ! file.nil? && file != :none if @descriptor && file_specified raise %Q<Cannot specify both a package descriptor (#{@descriptor.original_string}) and the --file option (#{file}).> ) end return end def check_descriptor_requirement() @options.actions.each do |action| case action.descriptor_requirement() when :required if not @descriptor raise "Need to specify a descriptor for #{action.primary_option()}." ) end when :warn if @descriptor Fig::Logging.warn( %Q<Ignored descriptor "#{@descriptor.to_string}".> ) end end end return end def check_package_content_options() statements = @options.package_contents_statements return if statements.empty? return if @options.actions.any? \ {|action| action.cares_about_package_content_options?} statements.each do |statement| Fig::Logging.warn( "Ignored #{statement.source_description} for #{statement.location}." ) end return end def remote_operation_necessary?() return @options.actions.any? {|action| action.remote_operation_necessary?} end def load_base_package?() return should_perform?( @options.actions, %Q<the base package should be loaded> ) {|action| action.load_base_package?} end def retrieves_should_happen?() return @options.actions.any? {|action| action.retrieves_should_happen?} end def register_base_package?() return should_perform?( @options.actions, %Q<the base package should be in the starting set of packages> ) {|action| action.register_base_package?} end def apply_config?() return should_perform?( @options.actions, %Q<any config should be applied> ) {|action| action.apply_config?} end def apply_base_config?() actions_wanting_application = {|action| action.apply_config?} return should_perform?( actions_wanting_application, %Q<the base config should be applied> ) {|action| action.apply_base_config?} end def should_perform?(actions, failure_description, &predicate) yes_actions, no_actions = actions.partition &predicate # Filter out the "don't care" actions". no_actions = { |action| ! } return false if yes_actions.empty? return true if no_actions.empty? action_strings = {|action| action.options.join} action_string = action_strings.join %q<", "> raise %Q<Cannot use "#{action_string}" together because they disagree on whether #{failure_description}.> ) end def reset_environment?() return @options.actions.any? {|action| action.reset_environment?} end def log_error_message(error) # If there's no message, we assume that the cause has already been logged. if error_has_message?(error) Fig::Logging.fatal error.to_s end end def error_has_message?(error) class_name = return error.message != class_name end end