require "openssl" RSpec.describe ChefVault::Item do subject(:item) {"foo", "bar") } before do item["foo"] = "bar" end describe "vault probe predicates" do before do # a normal data bag item @db = { "foo" => "..." } @dbi = @dbi.data_bag("normal") @dbi.raw_data = { "id" => "foo", "foo" => "bar" } allow(@db).to receive(:load).with("foo").and_return(@dbi) allow(Chef::DataBag).to receive(:load).with("normal").and_return(@db) allow(Chef::DataBagItem).to receive(:load).with("normal", "foo").and_return(@dbi) # an encrypted data bag item (non-vault) @encdb = { "foo" => "..." } @encdbi = @encdbi.data_bag("encrypted") @encdbi.raw_data = { "id" => "foo", "foo" => { "encrypted_data" => "..." }, } allow(@encdb).to receive(:load).with("foo").and_return(@encdbi) allow(Chef::DataBag).to receive(:load).with("encrypted").and_return(@encdb) allow(Chef::DataBagItem).to receive(:load).with("encrypted", "foo").and_return(@encdbi) # two items that make up a vault @vaultdb = { "foo" => "...", "foo_keys" => "..." } @vaultdbi = @vaultdbi.data_bag("vault") @vaultdbi.raw_data = { "id" => "foo", "foo" => { "encrypted_data" => "..." }, } allow(@vaultdb).to receive(:load).with("foo").and_return(@vaultdbi) @vaultdbki = @vaultdbki.data_bag("vault") @vaultdbki.raw_data = { "id" => "foo_keys" } allow(@vaultdb).to receive(:load).with("foo_keys").and_return(@vaultdbki) allow(Chef::DataBag).to receive(:load).with("vault").and_return(@vaultdb) allow(Chef::DataBagItem).to receive(:load).with("vault", "foo").and_return(@vaultdbi) end describe "::vault?" do it "should detect a vault item" do expect(ChefVault::Item.vault?("vault", "foo")).to be_truthy end it "should detect non-vault items" do expect(ChefVault::Item.vault?("normal", "foo")).not_to be_truthy expect(ChefVault::Item.vault?("encrypted", "foo")).not_to be_truthy end end describe "::data_bag_item_type" do it "should detect a vault item" do expect(ChefVault::Item.data_bag_item_type("vault", "foo")).to eq(:vault) end it "should detect an encrypted data bag item" do expect(ChefVault::Item.data_bag_item_type("encrypted", "foo")).to eq(:encrypted) end it "should detect a normal data bag item" do expect(ChefVault::Item.data_bag_item_type("normal", "foo")).to eq(:normal) end end end describe "::new" do it "item[keys] is an instance of ChefVault::ItemKeys" do expect(item.keys).to be_an_instance_of(ChefVault::ItemKeys) end it "the item's 'vault' parameter is assigned to data_bag" do expect(item.data_bag).to eq "foo" end it "the vault item name is assiged to the data bag ['id']" do expect(item["id"]).to eq "bar" end it "creates a corresponding 'keys' data bag with an '_keys' id" do expect(item.keys["id"]).to eq "bar_keys" end it "sets the item keys data bag to 'foo'" do expect(item.keys.data_bag).to eq "foo" end it "defaults the node name" do item ="foo", "bar") expect(item.node_name).to eq(Chef::Config[:node_name]) end it "defaults the client key path" do item ="foo", "bar") expect(item.client_key_path).to eq(Chef::Config[:client_key]) end it "allows for a node name override" do item ="foo", "bar", node_name: "baz") expect(item.node_name).to eq("baz") end it "allows for a client key path override" do item ="foo", "bar", client_key_path: "/foo/client.pem") expect(item.client_key_path).to eq("/foo/client.pem") end it "allows for both node name and client key overrides" do item = "foo", "bar", node_name: "baz", client_key_path: "/foo/client.pem" ) expect(item.node_name).to eq("baz") expect(item.client_key_path).to eq("/foo/client.pem") end end describe "::load" do it "allows for both node name and client key overrides" do keys_db = keys_db.raw_data = { "id" => "bar_keys", "baz" => "...", } allow(ChefVault::ItemKeys) .to receive(:load) .and_return(keys_db) fh = double "private key handle" allow(fh).to receive(:read).and_return("...") allow(File).to receive(:open).and_return(fh) privkey = double "private key contents" allow(privkey).to receive(:private_decrypt).and_return("sekrit") allow(OpenSSL::PKey::RSA).to receive(:new).and_return(privkey) allow(Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem).to receive(:load).and_return( "id" => "bar", "password" => "12345" ) item = ChefVault::Item.load( "foo", "bar", node_name: "baz", client_key_path: "/foo/client.pem" ) expect(item.node_name).to eq("baz") expect(item.client_key_path).to eq("/foo/client.pem") end end describe "#save" do context 'when item["id"] is' do let(:item) {"foo", "") } it "raises an error on save with an invalid item['id']" do expect { }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end it "validates that the id of the vault matches the id of the keys data bag" do item ="foo", "bar") item["id"] = "baz" item.keys["clients"] = %w{admin} expect { }.to raise_error(ChefVault::Exceptions::IdMismatch) end end describe "#refresh" do it "saves only the keys" do keys = double("keys", search_query: "*:*", add: nil, admins: [], clients: ["testnode"]) allow(keys).to receive(:[]).with("id").and_return("bar_keys") allow(ChefVault::ItemKeys).to receive(:new).and_return(keys) item ="foo", "bar") node = double("node", name: "testnode") query = double("query") allow(Chef::Search::Query).to receive(:new).and_return(query) allow(query).to receive(:search).and_yield(node) client_key = double("client_key", name: "testnode", public_key: allow(item).to receive(:load_actor).with("testnode", "clients").and_return(client_key) expect(item).not_to receive(:save) expect(keys).to receive(:save) item.refresh end end describe "#clients" do context "when search returns a node with a valid client backing it and one without a valid client" do let(:node_with_valid_client) { double("chef node valid") } let(:node_without_valid_client) { double("chef node no valid client") } let(:query_result) { double("chef search results") } let(:client_key) { double("chef key") } before do # node with valid client proper loads client key allow(node_with_valid_client).to receive(:name).and_return("foo") allow(item).to receive(:load_actor).with("foo", "clients").and_return(client_key) privkey = pubkey = privkey.public_key allow(client_key).to receive(:key).and_return(pubkey.to_pem) allow(client_key).to receive(:name).and_return("foo") allow(client_key).to receive(:type).and_return("clients") # node without client throws relevant error on key load allow(node_without_valid_client).to receive(:name).and_return("bar") allow(item).to receive(:load_actor).with("bar", "clients").and_raise(ChefVault::Exceptions::ClientNotFound) allow(query_result) .to receive(:search) .with(Symbol, String) .and_yield(node_with_valid_client).and_yield(node_without_valid_client) allow(Chef::Search::Query) .to receive(:new) .and_return(query_result) end it "should not blow up when search returns a node without a public key" do # try to set clients when we know a node is missing a public key # this should not die as of v2.4.1 expect { item.clients("*:*") }.not_to raise_error end it "should emit a warning if search returns a node without a public key" do # it should however emit a warning that you have a borked node expect(ChefVault::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/node 'bar' has no private key; skipping/) item.clients("*:*") end end context "when a Chef::ApiClient is passed" do let(:client) { } let(:client_name) { "foo" } let(:client_key) { double("chef key") } before do client_name privkey = pubkey = privkey.public_key allow(item).to receive(:load_actor).with(client_name, "clients").and_return(client_key) allow(client_key).to receive(:key).and_return(pubkey.to_pem) allow(client_key).to receive(:name).and_return(client_name) allow(client_key).to receive(:type).and_return("clients") end context "when no action is passed" do it "default to add and properly add the client" do item.clients(client) expect(item.get_clients).to include(client_name) end it "does not perform a query" do expect(Chef::Search::Query).not_to receive(:new) item.clients(client) end end context "when the delete action is passed on an existing client" do before do # add the client item.clients(client) end it "properly deletes the client" do item.clients(client, :delete) expect(item.get_clients).to_not include(client_name) end it "does not perform a query" do expect(Chef::Search::Query).not_to receive(:new) item.clients(client, :delete) end end end context "when an Array with named clients is passed" do let(:client) { } let(:clients) { } let(:client_name) { "foo" } let(:client_key) { double("chef key") } before do clients << client_name client_name privkey = pubkey = privkey.public_key allow(item).to receive(:load_actor).with(client_name, "clients").and_return(client_key) allow(client_key).to receive(:key).and_return(pubkey.to_pem) allow(client_key).to receive(:name).and_return(client_name) allow(client_key).to receive(:type).and_return("clients") end context "when no action is passed" do it "default to add and properly add the client" do item.clients(clients) expect(item.get_clients).to include(client_name) end it "does not perform a query" do expect(Chef::Search::Query).not_to receive(:new) item.clients(clients) end end context "when the delete action is passed on an existing client" do before do # add the client item.clients(clients) end it "properly deletes the client" do item.clients(clients, :delete) expect(item.get_clients).to_not include(client_name) end it "does not perform a query" do expect(Chef::Search::Query).not_to receive(:new) item.clients(clients, :delete) end end end end describe "#admins" do before do allow(item).to receive(:load_actor).with("foo", "admins").and_raise(ChefVault::Exceptions::AdminNotFound) end it "should blow up if you try to use a node without a public key as an admin" do expect { item.admins("foo,bar") } .to raise_error(ChefVault::Exceptions::AdminNotFound) end end describe "#raw_keys" do it "should return the keys of the underlying data bag item" do item ="foo", "bar") item["foo"] = "bar" expect(item.raw_keys).to eq(%w{id foo}) end end end