/* * Author: Yasunobu Chiba * * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 NEC Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "checks.h" #include "log.h" #include "persistent_storage.h" #include "trema_private.h" #include "trema_wrapper.h" #include "wrapper.h" static const size_t MAX_KEY_LENGTH = 256; static const size_t MAX_VALUE_LENGTH = 256; static const char DEFAULT_DB_FILE[] = ".trema.db"; static char *db_file = NULL; static sqlite3 *db_handle = NULL; static bool backend_initialized = false; static bool finalize_backend( bool delete_file ) { assert( db_handle != NULL ); assert( db_file != NULL ); int ret = trema_sqlite3_close( db_handle ); if ( ret != SQLITE_OK ) { error( "Failed to destroy a sqlite3 object ( %s ).", trema_sqlite3_errmsg( db_handle ) ); goto error; } db_handle = NULL; if ( delete_file ) { int ret = trema_unlink( db_file ); if ( ret < 0 ) { char buf[ 256 ]; error( "Failed to delete database file. ( db_file = %s, errno = %s [%d] ).", db_file, strerror_r( errno, buf, sizeof( buf ) ), errno ); goto error; } } xfree( db_file ); db_file = NULL; return true; error: db_handle = NULL; if ( db_file != NULL ) { xfree( db_file ); db_file = NULL; } return false; } static bool init_backend() { assert( db_file == NULL ); assert( db_handle == NULL ); db_file = xmalloc( PATH_MAX ); memset( db_file, '\0', PATH_MAX ); sprintf( db_file, "%s/%s", get_trema_tmp(), DEFAULT_DB_FILE ); int ret = trema_sqlite3_open( db_file, &db_handle ); if ( ret != SQLITE_OK ) { error( "Failed to open backend database ( %s ).", trema_sqlite3_errmsg( db_handle ) ); finalize_backend( false ); return false; } char *err = NULL; char *statement = sqlite3_mprintf( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS trema ( key TEXT, value TEXT, CONSTRAINT key_unique UNIQUE (key) ON CONFLICT FAIL )" ); ret = trema_sqlite3_exec( db_handle, statement, NULL, NULL, &err ); if ( ret != SQLITE_OK ) { error( "Failed to create a table ( error = %s ).", err ); xfree( db_file ); db_file = NULL; trema_sqlite3_close( db_handle ); db_handle = NULL; trema_sqlite3_free( err ); trema_sqlite3_free( statement ); return false; } trema_sqlite3_free( statement ); return true; } static int save_value( void *value, int n_columns, char **columns, char **column_names ) { UNUSED( column_names ); assert( n_columns == 1 ); assert( columns != NULL ); assert( columns[ 0 ] != NULL ); assert( value != NULL ); size_t length = strlen( columns[ 0 ] ) + 1; *( char ** ) value = xmalloc( length ); strncpy( *( char ** ) value, columns[ 0 ], length ); return 0; } static char * get_value_from_backend( const char *key ) { assert( db_handle != NULL ); assert( key != NULL ); char *value = NULL; char *err = NULL; char *statement = sqlite3_mprintf( "SELECT value FROM trema WHERE key = '%q'", key ); int ret = trema_sqlite3_exec( db_handle, statement, save_value, &value, &err ); if ( ret != SQLITE_OK ) { error( "Failed to execute a SQL statement ( statement = %s, error = %s ).", statement, err ); trema_sqlite3_free( statement ); trema_sqlite3_free( err ); return NULL; } trema_sqlite3_free( statement ); return value; } static bool save_value_to_backend( const char *key, const char *value ) { assert( db_handle != NULL ); assert( key != NULL ); char *err = NULL; char *statement = sqlite3_mprintf( "INSERT INTO trema (key,value) VALUES ('%q','%q')", key, value ); int ret = trema_sqlite3_exec( db_handle, statement, NULL, NULL, &err ); if ( ret != SQLITE_OK ) { error( "Failed to execute a SQL statement ( statement = %s, error = %s ).", statement, err ); trema_sqlite3_free( statement ); trema_sqlite3_free( err ); return false; } trema_sqlite3_free( statement ); int n_changes = trema_sqlite3_changes( db_handle ); if ( n_changes != 1 ) { if ( n_changes > 1 ) { error( "Multiple entries are created ( n_changes = %d ).", n_changes ); } return false; } return true; } static bool update_value_on_backend( const char *key, const char *value ) { assert( db_handle != NULL ); assert( key != NULL ); char *err = NULL; char *statement = sqlite3_mprintf( "UPDATE trema SET value = '%q' WHERE key = '%q'", value, key ); int ret = trema_sqlite3_exec( db_handle, statement, NULL, NULL, &err ); if ( ret != SQLITE_OK ) { error( "Failed to execute a SQL statement ( statement = %s, error = %s ).", statement, err ); trema_sqlite3_free( statement ); trema_sqlite3_free( err ); return false; } trema_sqlite3_free( statement ); int n_changes = trema_sqlite3_changes( db_handle ); if ( n_changes != 1 ) { if ( n_changes > 1 ) { error( "Multiple entries are updated ( n_changes = %d ).", n_changes ); } return false; } return true; } static bool delete_key_value_from_backend( const char *key ) { assert( db_handle != NULL ); assert( key != NULL ); char *err = NULL; char *statement = sqlite3_mprintf( "DELETE FROM trema WHERE key = '%q'", key ); int ret = trema_sqlite3_exec( db_handle, statement, NULL, NULL, &err ); if ( ret != SQLITE_OK ) { error( "Failed to execute a SQL statement ( statement = %s, error = %s ).", statement, err ); trema_sqlite3_free( statement ); trema_sqlite3_free( err ); return false; } trema_sqlite3_free( statement ); int n_changes = trema_sqlite3_changes( db_handle ); if ( n_changes != 1 ) { if ( n_changes > 1 ) { error( "Multiple entries are deleted ( n_changes = %d ).", n_changes ); } return false; } return true; } bool init_persistent_storage() { if ( backend_initialized ) { error( "Backend is already initialized." ); return false; } backend_initialized = init_backend(); return backend_initialized; } bool finalize_persistent_storage() { if ( !backend_initialized ) { error( "Backend is not initialized yet." ); return false; } backend_initialized = false; return finalize_backend( false ); } bool clear_persistent_storage() { if ( !backend_initialized ) { error( "Backend is not initialized yet." ); return false; } bool ret = finalize_backend( true ); if ( ret == false ) { backend_initialized = false; return false; } backend_initialized = init_backend(); return backend_initialized; } static bool key_exists( const char *key ) { assert( key != NULL ); char *retrieved = get_value_from_backend( key ); if ( retrieved == NULL ) { return false; } xfree( retrieved ); return true; } static bool backend_ready( void ) { if ( !backend_initialized ) { error( "Backend is not initialized yet." ); } return backend_initialized; } static bool ascii_string( const char *string ) { assert( string != NULL ); int i = 0; while ( string[ i ] != '\0' ) { if ( isprint( string[ i ] ) == 0 ) { return false; } i++; } return true; } static bool valid_key( const char *key ) { if ( key == NULL ) { error( "'key' must be specified." ); return false; } if ( !ascii_string( key ) ) { error( "'key' must only have printable ASCII characters." ); return false; } size_t length = strlen( key ); if ( length > MAX_KEY_LENGTH ) { error( "Too long key ( length = %zu ) specified. Maximum length is %zu.", length, MAX_KEY_LENGTH ); return false; } return true; } static bool valid_value( const char *value ) { if ( value == NULL ) { error( "'value' must be specified." ); return false; } if ( !ascii_string( value ) ) { error( "'value' must only have printable ASCII characters." ); return false; } size_t length = strlen( value ); if ( length > MAX_KEY_LENGTH ) { error( "Too long value ( length = %zu ) specified. Maximum length is %zu.", length, MAX_VALUE_LENGTH ); return false; } return true; } bool set_value( const char *key, const char *value ) { if ( !backend_ready() ) { return false; } if ( !valid_key( key ) ) { return false; } if ( !valid_value( value ) ) { return false; } if ( key_exists( key ) ) { return update_value_on_backend( key, value ); } return save_value_to_backend( key, value ); } bool get_value( const char *key, char *value, const size_t length ) { if ( !backend_ready() ) { return false; } if ( !valid_key( key ) ) { return false; } if ( value == NULL ) { error( "'value' must be specified." ); return false; } if ( length == 0 ) { error( "'length' must be greater than zero." ); return false; } char *retrieved = get_value_from_backend( key ); if ( retrieved == NULL ) { error( "Failed to retrieve a value for '%s'.", key ); return false; } size_t required_length = strlen( retrieved ) + 1; if ( required_length > length ) { error( "Insufficient buffer space ( %zu [bytes] > %zu [bytes] ).", required_length, length ); return false; } strncpy( value, retrieved, required_length ); xfree( retrieved ); return true; } bool delete_key_value( const char *key ) { if ( !backend_ready() ) { return false; } if ( !valid_key( key ) ) { return false; } if ( !key_exists( key ) ) { error( "An entry for '%s' does not exist.", key ); return false; } return delete_key_value_from_backend( key ); } const char * _get_db_file( void ) { return db_file; } const sqlite3 * _get_db_handle( void ) { return db_handle; } bool _get_backend_initialized( void ) { return backend_initialized; } size_t _get_max_key_length( void ) { return MAX_KEY_LENGTH; } size_t _get_max_value_length( void ) { return MAX_VALUE_LENGTH; } /* * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 2 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: */