#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'loggability'
require 'yaml'
# A unified, unintrusive, assume-nothing configuration system for Ruby
module Configurability
extend Loggability
# Loggability API -- set up a Loggability logger for the library
log_as :configurability
# Library version constant
VERSION = '3.0.0'
# Version-control revision constant
REVISION = %q$Revision: f363eb5811b9 $
require 'configurability/deferred_config'
autoload :Config, 'configurability/config'
autoload :SettingInstaller, 'configurability/setting_installer'
### The objects that have had Configurability added to them
@configurable_objects = []
### The loaded config (if there is one)
@loaded_config = nil
class << self
# the Array of objects that have had Configurability added to them
attr_accessor :configurable_objects
# the loaded configuration (after ::configure_objects has been called at least once)
attr_accessor :loaded_config
### Get the library version. If +include_buildnum+ is true, the version string will
### include the VCS rev ID.
def self::version_string( include_buildnum=false )
vstring = "%s %s" % [ self.name, VERSION ]
vstring << " (build %s)" % [ REVISION[/: ([[:xdigit:]]+)/, 1] || '0' ] if include_buildnum
return vstring
### Add configurability to the given +object+.
def self::extend_object( object )
self.log.debug "Adding Configurability to %p" % [ object ]
self.configurable_objects << object
# If the config has already been propagated, add deferred configuration to the extending
# object in case it overrides #configure later.
if (( config = self.loaded_config ))
self.install_config( config, object )
object.extend( Configurability::DeferredConfig )
### Mixin hook: extend including classes instead
def self::included( mod )
mod.extend( self )
### Try to generate a config key from the given object. If it responds_to #name,
### the result will be stringified and stripped of non-word characters. If the
### object itself doesn't have a name, the name of its class will be used instead.
def self::make_key_from_object( object )
if object.respond_to?( :name )
name = object.name
name = 'anonymous' if name.nil? || name.empty?
return name.sub( /.*::/, '' ).gsub( /\W+/, '_' ).downcase.to_sym
elsif object.class.name && !object.class.name.empty?
return object.class.name.sub( /.*::/, '' ).gsub( /\W+/, '_' ).downcase.to_sym
return :anonymous
### Configure objects that have had Configurability added to them with
### the sections of the specified +config+ that correspond to their
### +config_key+. If the +config+ doesn't #respond_to the object's
### +config_key+, the object's #configure method is called with +nil+
### instead.
def self::configure_objects( config )
self.log.debug "Splitting up config %p between %d objects with configurability." %
[ config, self.configurable_objects.length ]
self.loaded_config = config
self.configurable_objects.each do |obj|
self.install_config( config, obj )
### If a configuration has been loaded (via {#configure_objects}), clear it.
def self::reset
self.loaded_config = nil
### Install the appropriate section of the +config+ into the given +object+.
def self::install_config( config, object )
self.log.debug "Configuring %p with the %s section of the config." %
[ object, object.config_key ]
section = self.find_config_section( config, object.config_key )
configure_method = object.method( :configure )
self.log.debug " calling %p" % [ configure_method ]
configure_method.call( section )
### Find the section of the specified +config+ object that corresponds to the
### given +key+.
def self::find_config_section( config, key )
return key.to_s.split( '__' ).inject( config ) do |section, subkey|
next nil if section.nil?
self.get_config_subsection( section, subkey.to_sym )
### Return the subsection of the specified +config+ that corresponds to +key+, trying
### both struct-like and hash-like interfaces.
def self::get_config_subsection( config, key )
if config.respond_to?( key )
self.log.debug " config has a #%s method; using that" % [ key ]
return config.send( key )
elsif config.respond_to?( :[] ) && config.respond_to?( :key? )
self.log.debug " config has a hash-ish interface..."
if config.key?( key.to_sym ) || config.key?( key.to_s )
self.log.debug " and has a %s member; using that" % [ key ]
return config[ key.to_sym ] || config[ key.to_s ]
self.log.debug " but no `%s` member." % [ key ]
return nil
self.log.debug " no %p section in %p; configuring with nil" % [ key, config ]
return nil
### Nest the specified +hash+ inside subhashes for each subsection of the given +key+ and
### return the result.
def self::expand_config_hash( key, hash )
return key.to_s.split( '__' ).reverse.inject( hash ) do |inner_hash, subkey|
{ subkey.to_sym => inner_hash }
### Gather defaults from objects with Configurability in the given +collection+
### object. Objects that wish to add a section to the defaults should implement
### a #defaults method in the same scope as #configure that returns the Hash of
### default, or set one of the constants in the default implementation of
### #defaults. The hash for each object will be merged into the +collection+
### via #merge!.
def self::gather_defaults( collection={} )
mergefunc = Configurability::Config.method( :merge_complex_hashes )
self.configurable_objects.each do |obj|
next unless obj.respond_to?( :defaults )
if defaults_hash = obj.defaults
nested_hash = self.expand_config_hash( obj.config_key, defaults_hash )
Configurability.log.debug "Defaults for %p (%p): %p" %
[ obj, obj.config_key, nested_hash ]
collection.merge!( nested_hash, &mergefunc )
Configurability.log.warn "No defaults for %p; skipping" % [ obj ]
return collection
### Return the specified +key+ normalized into a valid Symbol config key.
def self::normalize_config_key( key )
return key.to_s.gsub( /\./, '__' ).to_sym
### Gather the default configuration in a Configurability::Config object and return it.
def self::default_config
return self.gather_defaults( Configurability::Config.new )
### A P P E N D E D M E T H O D S
# :section: Configuration API
### Get (and optionally set) the +config_key+ (a Symbol).
def config_key( sym=nil )
self.config_key = sym unless sym.nil?
@config_key ||= Configurability.make_key_from_object( self )
### Set the config key of the object.
def config_key=( sym )
Configurability.configurable_objects |= [ self ]
@config_key = Configurability.normalize_config_key( sym )
### Default configuration method. This will merge the provided +config+ with the defaults
### if there are any and the +config+ responds to #to_h. If the +config+ responds to
### #each_pair, any writable attributes of the calling object with the same name
### as a key of the +config+ will be called with the corresponding value. E.g.,
### class MyClass
### extend Configurability
### CONFIG_DEFAULTS = { environment: 'develop', apikey: 'testing-key' }
### config_key :my_class
### class << self
### attr_accessor :environment, :apikey
### end
### end
### config = { my_class: {apikey: 'demo-key'} }
### Configurability.configure_objects( config )
### MyClass.apikey
### # => 'demo-key'
### MyClass.environment
### # => 'develop'
def configure( config=nil )
config = self.defaults( {} ).merge( config.to_h || {} ) if
config.nil? || config.respond_to?( :to_h )
@config = config
if @config.respond_to?( :each_pair )
@config.each_pair do |key, value|
Configurability.log.debug "Looking for %p config attribute" % [ key ]
next unless self.respond_to?( "#{key}=" )
Configurability.log.debug " setting %p to %p via attr_writer" %
[ key, value ]
self.public_send( "#{key}=", value )
debug "config object (%p) isn't iterable; skipping config attributes" % [ @config ]
return @config
# :section: Configuration settings block
### Declare configuration settings and defaults. In the provided +block+, you can create
### a configuration setting using the following syntax:
### configurability( :my_config_key ) do
### # Declare a setting with a `nil` default
### setting :a_config_key
### # Declare one with a default value
### setting :another_config_key, default: 18
### end
def configurability( config_key=nil, &block )
self.config_key = config_key if config_key
if block
Configurability.log.debug "Applying config declaration block using a SettingInstaller"
installer = Configurability::SettingInstaller.new( self )
installer.instance_eval( &block )
if (( config = Configurability.loaded_config ))
Configurability.install_config( config, self )
# :section: Configuration Defaults API
### The default implementation of the method called by ::gather_defaults when
### gathering configuration defaults. This method expects either a
### +DEFAULT_CONFIG+ or a +CONFIG_DEFAULTS+ constant to contain the configuration
### defaults, and will just return the +fallback+ value if neither exists.
def defaults( fallback=nil )
return fallback unless respond_to?( :const_defined? )
Configurability.log.debug "Looking for defaults in %p's constants." % [ self ]
if self.const_defined?( :DEFAULT_CONFIG, false )
Configurability.log.debug " found DEFAULT_CONFIG"
return self.const_get( :DEFAULT_CONFIG, false ).dup
elsif self.const_defined?( :CONFIG_DEFAULTS, false )
Configurability.log.debug " found CONFIG_DEFAULTS"
return self.const_get( :CONFIG_DEFAULTS, false ).dup
Configurability.log.debug " no default constants."
return fallback
### Return a Configurability::Config object that contains the configuration
### defaults for the receiver.
def default_config
default_values = self.defaults or return Configurability::Config::Struct.new( {} )
return Configurability::Config::Struct.new( default_values )
### Inject Configurability support into Loggability to avoid circular dependency
### load issues.
Loggability.extend( self )
Loggability.config_key( :logging )
end # module Configurability