module HyperResource::Modules module InternalAttributes def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) base._hr_class_attributes.each do |attr| base._hr_class_attribute attr end (base._hr_attributes - base._hr_class_attributes).each do |attr| base.send(:attr_accessor, attr) end ## Fallback attributes fall back from instance to class. (base._hr_attributes & base._hr_class_attributes).each do |attr| base._hr_fallback_attribute attr end end module ClassMethods def _hr_class_attributes # @private [ :root, ## e.g. '' :auth, ## e.g. {:basic => ['username', 'password']} :headers, ## e.g. {'Accept' => 'application/vnd.example+json'} :namespace, ## e.g. 'ExampleAPI', or the class ExampleAPI itself :adapter, ## subclass of HR::Adapter ] end def _hr_attributes # @private [ :root, :href, :auth, :headers, :namespace, :adapter, :token, :request, :response, :body, :attributes, :links, :objects, :loaded ] end ## Inheritable class attribute, kinda like in Rails. def _hr_class_attribute(*names) do |name| instance_eval <<-EOT def #{name}=(val) @#{name} = val end def #{name} return @#{name} if defined?(@#{name}) return superclass.#{name} if superclass.respond_to?(:#{name}) nil end EOT end end ## Instance attributes which fall back to class attributes. def _hr_fallback_attribute(*names) do |name| class_eval <<-EOT def #{name}=(val) @#{name} = val end def #{name} return @#{name} if defined?(@#{name}) return self.class.#{name} if self.class.respond_to?(:#{name}) nil end EOT end end end # ClassMethods end end