Feature: Basic setup Scenario: Setup with conventional configuration Given the domain objects are defined """ User = Struct.new(:id, :first_name, :last_name, :email, :posts) Post = Struct.new(:id, :author, :subject, :body, :created_at, :categories) Category = Struct.new(:id, :name, :posts) """ And a conventionally similar database schema for table "users" """ Column | Type ------------ +--------- id | text first_name | text last_name | text email | text """ And a conventionally similar database schema for table "posts" """ Column | Type -------------+--------- id | text author_id | text subject | text body | text created_at | DateTime """ And a conventionally similar database schema for table "categories" """ Column | Type -------------+--------- id | text name | text """ And a conventionally similar database schema for table "categories_to_posts" """ Column | Type -------------+--------- post_id | text category_id | text """ And a database connection is established """ DB = Sequel.postgres( host: ENV.fetch("PGHOST"), user: ENV.fetch("PGUSER"), database: ENV.fetch("PGDATABASE"), ) """ And the associations are defined in the mapper configuration """ USER_MAPPER_CONFIG = SequelMapper.config(DB) .setup_mapping(:users) { |users| users.class(User) users.has_many(:posts, foreign_key: :author_id) } .setup_mapping(:posts) { |posts| posts.class(Post) posts.belongs_to(:author, mapping_name: :users) posts.has_many_through(:categories) } .setup_mapping(:categories) { |categories| categories.class(Category) categories.has_many_through(:posts) } """ And a mapper is instantiated """ USER_MAPPER = SequelMapper.mapper( datastore: DB, config: USER_MAPPER_CONFIG, name: :users, ) """ When a new graph of objects are created """ user = User.new( "2f0f791c-47cf-4a00-8676-e582075bcd65", "Hansel", "Trickett", "hansel@tricketts.org", [], ) user.posts << Post.new( "9b75fe2b-d694-4b90-9137-6201d426dda2", user, "Things that I like", "I like fish and scratching", Time.parse("2015-10-03 21:00:00 UTC"), [], ) """ And the new graph is saved """ USER_MAPPER.save(user) """ And the following query is executed """ user = USER_MAPPER.where(id: "2f0f791c-47cf-4a00-8676-e582075bcd65").first """ Then the persisted user object is returned with lazy associations """ #> """ And the user's posts will be loaded once the association proxy receives an Enumerable message """ [#"2f0f791c-47cf-4a00-8676-e582075bcd65"} lazy_object=nil>, subject="Things that I like", body="I like fish and scratching", created_at=2015-10-03 21:00:00 UTC, categories=#>] """