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# fluent-plugin-splunk-hec
[Fluentd](https://fluentd.org/) output plugin to send events and metrics to [Splunk](https://www.splunk.com) over the HEC (HTTP Event Collector) API.
## Installation
### RubyGems
$ gem install fluent-plugin-splunk-hec
### Bundler
Add following line to your Gemfile:
gem "fluent-plugin-splunk-hec"
And then execute:
$ bundle
## Configuration
* See also: [Output Plugin Overview](https://docs.fluentd.org/v1.0/articles/output-plugin-overview)
### Examples
#### Example 1: Minimum Configs
@type splunk_hec
hec_port 8088
hec_token 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
This example is very basic, it just tells the plugin to send events to Splunk HEC on `` (https is the default protocol), using the HEC token `00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000`. It will use whatever index, source, sourcetype are configured in HEC. And the `host` of each event is the hostname of the machine which running fluentd.
#### Example 2: Overwrite HEC defaults
@type splunk_hec
hec_port 8088
hec_token 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
index awesome
source ${tag}
sourcetype _json
This configuration will
* send all events to the `awesome` index, and
* set their source to the event tags. `${tag}` is a special value which will be replaced by the event tags, and
* set their sourcetype to `_json`.
Sometimes you want to use the values from the input event for these parameters, this is where the `*_key` parameters help.
...omitting other parameters...
source_key file_path
In the second example (in order to keep it concise, we just omitted the repeating parameters, and we will keep doing so in the following examples), it uses the `source_key` config to set the source of event to the value of the event's `file_path` field. Given an input event like
{"file_path": "/var/log/splunk.log", "message": "This is an exmaple.", "level": "info"}
Then the source for this event will be "/var/log/splunk.log". And the "file\_path" field will be removed from the input event, so what you will eventually get ingested in Splunk is
{"message": "This is an exmaple.", "level": "info"}
If you want to keep "file\_path" in the event, you can use `keep_keys`.
Besides `source_key` there are also other `*_key` parameters, check the parameters details below.
#### Example 3: Sending metrics
[Metrics](https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Metrics/Overview) is avaialble since Splunk 7.0.0, you can use this output plugin to send events as metrics to a Splunk metric index by setting `data_type` to "metric".
@type splunk_hec
data_type metric
hec_port 8088
hec_token 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
With this configuration, the plugin will treat each input event as a collection of metrics, i.e. each key-varlue pair in the event is a metric name-value pair. For example, given an input event like
{"cpu/usage": 0.5, "cpu/rate": 10, "memory/usage": 100, "memory/rss": 90}
then 4 metrics will be sent to splunk.
If the input events are not like this, instead they have the metric name and metric value as properties of the event. Then you can use `metric_name_key` and `metric_value_key`. Given an input event like
{"metric": "cpu/usage", "value": 0.5, "app": "web_ui"}
You should change the configuration to
@type splunk_hec
data_type metric
hec_port 8088
hec_token 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
metric_name_key metric
metric_value_key value
All other properties of the input (in this example, "app"), will be sent as dimensions of the metric. You can use the `` section to customize the dimensions.
### Parameters
#### @type
This value must be `splunk_hec`.
#### protocol (enum) (optional)
Protocol to use to call HEC API.
Available values: http, https
Default value: `https`.
### hec_host (string) (required)
The hostname/IP to HEC, or HEC load balancer.
### hec_port (integer) (optional)
The port number to HEC, or HEC load balancer.
Default value: `8088`.
### hec_token (string) (required)
The HEC token.
### index (string) (optional)
The Splunk index to index events. When not set, will be decided by HEC. This is exclusive with `index_key`.
### index_key (string) (optional)
Field name to contain Splunk index name. This is exclusive with `index`.
### host (string) (optional)
The host field for events. This is exclusive with `host_key`.
Default value: the hostname of the host machine.
### host_key (string) (optional)
Field name to contain host. This is exclusive with `host`.
### source (string) (optional)
The source field for events, when not set, will be decided by HEC. This is exclusive with `source_key`.
### source_key (string) (optional)
Field name to contain source. This is exclusive with `source`.
### sourcetype (string) (optional)
The sourcetype field for events, when not set, will be decided by HEC. This is exclusive with `sourcetype_key`.
### sourcetype_key (string) (optional)
Field name to contain sourcetype. This is exclusive with `sourcetype`.
### metrics_from_event (bool) (optional)
When `data_type` is set to "metric", by default it will treat every key-value pair in the input event as a metric name-value pair. Set `metrics_from_event` to `false` to disable this behavior and use `metric_name_key` and `metric_value_key` to define metrics.
Default value: `true`.
### metric_name_key (string) (optional)
Field name to contain metric name. This is exclusive with `metrics_from_event`, when this is set, `metrics_from_event` will be set to `false`.
### metric_value_key (string) (optional)
Field name to contain metric value, this is required when `metric_name_key` is set.
### keep_keys (bool) (optional)
By default, all the fields used by the `*_key` parameters will be removed from the original input events. To change this behavior, set this parameter to `true`.
Default value: `true`.
### coerce_to_utf8 (bool) (optional)
Whether to allow non-UTF-8 characters in user logs. If set to true, any non-UTF-8 character would be replaced by the string specified by `non_utf8_replacement_string`. If set to false, any non-UTF-8 character would trigger the plugin to error out.
Default value: `true`.
### non_utf8_replacement_string (string) (optional)
If `coerce_to_utf8` is set to true, any non-UTF-8 character would be replaced by the string specified here.
Default value: `' '`.
### <fields> section (optional) (single)
Depending on the value of `data_type` parameter, the parameters inside `` section have different meanings. Despite the meaning, the syntax for parameters is unique.
#### When `data_type` is `event`
In this case, parameters inside `` will be used as indexed fields. And these fields will be removed from the original input events. Please see the "Add a "fields" property at the top JSON level" [here](http://dev.splunk.com/view/event-collector/SP-CAAAFB6) for details. Given we have configuration like
@type splunk_hec
...omitting other parameters...
app applicatioin
and an input event like
{"application": "webServer", "file": "server.rb", "lineNo": 100, "level": "info", "message": "Request finished in 30ms."}
Then the HEC request JSON payload will be:
// omitting other fields
// ...
"event": "{\"lineNo\": 100, \"message\": \"Request finished in 30ms.\"}",
"fields": {
"file": "server.rb",
"level": "info",
"app": "webServer"
As you can see, parameters inside `` section can be a key-value pair or just a key (a name).
If a parameter is a key-value, the key will be the name of the field inside the `"fields"` JSON object,
whereas the value is the field name of the input event. So a key-value pair is a rename.
If a parameter has just a key, it means its value is exactly the same as the key.
#### When `data_type` is `metric`
For metrics, parameters inside `` are used as dimensions. If `` is not presented, the original input event will be used as dimensions. If an empty `` is presented, no dimension will be sent. For example, given configuration like
@type splunk_hec
data_type metric
...omitting other parameters...
metric_name_key name
metric_value_key value
app applicatioin
and an input event like
{"application": "webServer", "file": "server.rb", "value": 100, "status": "OK", "message": "Normal", "name": "CPU Usage"}
Then, a metric of "CPU Usage" with value=100, along with 3 dimensions file="server.rb", status="OK", and app="webServer" will be sent to Splunk.
### <format> section (optional) (multiple)
The `` section let us define which formatter to use to format events.
By default, it uses [the `json` formatter](https://docs.fluentd.org/v1.0/articles/formatter_jso://docs.fluentd.org/v1.0/articles/formatter_json).
Besides the `@type` parameter, you should define all other parameters for the formatter inside this section.
Multiple `` sections can be defined to use different formatters for different tags. Each `` section accepts an argument just like the `` section does, to define tag matching. But default, every event will be formatted with `json`. For example:
@type splunk_hec
@type single_value
message_key log
@type csv
fields ["some", "fields"]
In this example, it will format events with tags which start with `sometag.` with the `single_value` formatter, and format events with tags `some.othertag` with the `csv` formatter, and format all other events with the `json` formatter (the default formatter).
If you want to use a different default formatter, you can add a `` (or ``) section.
#### @type (string) (required)
Defines which formatter to use.
### SSL parameters
There are quite some parameters you can use to configure SSL (for HTTPS protocol).
All these parameters are optional.
#### client_cert (string)
The path to a file containing a PEM-format CA certificate for this client.
#### client_key (string)
The private key for this client.
#### ca_file (string)
The path to a file containing a PEM-format CA certificate.
#### ca_path (string)
The path to a directory containing CA certificates in PEM format.
#### ciphers (array)
List of SSl ciphers allowed.
#### insecure_ssl (bool)
Indicates if insecure SSL connection is allowed, i.e. do not verify the server's certificate.
Default value: `false`.
## About Buffer
This plugin sends events to HEC using [batch mode](https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.1.0/Data/FormateventsforHTTPEventCollector#Event_data).
It batches all events in a chunk in one request. So you need to configure the `` section carefully to gain the best performance.
Here are some hints:
* Read through the [fluentd buffer document](https://docs.fluentd.org/v1.0/articles/buffer-section) to understand the buffer configurations.
* Use `chunk_limit_size` and/or `chunk_limit_records` to define how big a chunk can be. And remeber that all events in a chunk will be sent in one request.
* Splunk has a limit on how big the payload of a HEC request can be. And it's defined with `max_content_length` in [the `[http_input]` section of `limits.conf`](https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Admin/Limitsconf#.5Bhttp_input.5D). In Splunk of version 6.5.0+, the default value is 800MiB, while in versions before 6.5.0, it's just 1MB. Make sure your chunk size won't exceed this limit, or you should change the limit on your Splunk deployment.
* Sending requests to HEC takes time, so if you flush your fluentd buffer too fast (for example, with a very small `flush_interval`), it's possible that the plugin cannot catch up with the buffer flushing. There are two ways you can handle this situdation, one is to increase the `flush_interval` or use multiple flush threads by setting `flush_thread_count` to a number bigger than 1.
## License
Please see [LICENSE](LICENSE).