title = "Secretless Broker gitleaks config" # This is the config file for gitleaks. You can configure gitleaks what to search for and what to whitelist. # If GITLEAKS_CONFIG environment variable # is set, gitleaks will load configurations from that path. If option --config-path is set, gitleaks will load # configurations from that path. Gitleaks does not whitelist anything by default. # - https://www.ndss-symposium.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ndss2019_04B-3_Meli_paper.pdf # - https://github.com/dxa4481/truffleHogRegexes/blob/master/truffleHogRegexes/regexes.json [[rules]] description = "AWS Client ID" regex = '''(A3T[A-Z0-9]|AKIA|AGPA|AIDA|AROA|AIPA|ANPA|ANVA|ASIA)[A-Z0-9]{16}''' tags = ["key", "AWS"] [[rules]] description = "AWS Secret Key" regex = '''(?i)aws(.{0,20})?(?-i)['\"][0-9a-zA-Z\/+]{40}['\"]''' tags = ["key", "AWS"] [[rules]] description = "AWS MWS key" regex = '''amzn\.mws\.[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}''' tags = ["key", "AWS", "MWS"] [[rules]] description = "PKCS8" regex = '''-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----''' tags = ["key", "PKCS8"] [[rules]] description = "RSA" regex = '''-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----''' tags = ["key", "RSA"] [[rules]] description = "SSH" regex = '''-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----''' tags = ["key", "SSH"] [[rules]] description = "PGP" regex = '''-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----''' tags = ["key", "PGP"] [[rules]] description = "Facebook Secret Key" regex = '''(?i)(facebook|fb)(.{0,20})?(?-i)['\"][0-9a-f]{32}['\"]''' tags = ["key", "Facebook"] [[rules]] description = "Facebook Client ID" regex = '''(?i)(facebook|fb)(.{0,20})?['\"][0-9]{13,17}['\"]''' tags = ["key", "Facebook"] [[rules]] description = "Facebook access token" regex = '''EAACEdEose0cBA[0-9A-Za-z]+''' tags = ["key", "Facebook"] [[rules]] description = "Twitter Secret Key" regex = '''(?i)twitter(.{0,20})?['\"][0-9a-z]{35,44}['\"]''' tags = ["key", "Twitter"] [[rules]] description = "Twitter Client ID" regex = '''(?i)twitter(.{0,20})?['\"][0-9a-z]{18,25}['\"]''' tags = ["client", "Twitter"] [[rules]] description = "Github" regex = '''(?i)github(.{0,20})?(?-i)['\"][0-9a-zA-Z]{35,40}['\"]''' tags = ["key", "Github"] [[rules]] description = "LinkedIn Client ID" regex = '''(?i)linkedin(.{0,20})?(?-i)['\"][0-9a-z]{12}['\"]''' tags = ["client", "Twitter"] [[rules]] description = "LinkedIn Secret Key" regex = '''(?i)linkedin(.{0,20})?['\"][0-9a-z]{16}['\"]''' tags = ["secret", "Twitter"] [[rules]] description = "Slack" regex = '''xox[baprs]-([0-9a-zA-Z]{10,48})?''' tags = ["key", "Slack"] [[rules]] description = "EC" regex = '''-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----''' tags = ["key", "EC"] [[rules]] description = "Generic API key" regex = '''(?i)(api_key|apikey)(.{0,20})?['|"][0-9a-zA-Z]{32,45}['|"]''' tags = ["key", "API", "generic"] [[rules]] description = "Generic Secret" regex = '''(?i)secret(.{0,20})?['|"][0-9a-zA-Z]{32,45}['|"]''' tags = ["key", "Secret", "generic"] [[rules]] description = "Google API key" regex = '''AIza[0-9A-Za-z\\-_]{35}''' tags = ["key", "Google"] [[rules]] description = "Google Cloud Platform API key" regex = '''(?i)(google|gcp|youtube|drive|yt)(.{0,20})?['\"][AIza[0-9a-z\\-_]{35}]['\"]''' tags = ["key", "Google", "GCP"] [[rules]] description = "Google OAuth" regex = '''(?i)(google|gcp|auth)(.{0,20})?['"][0-9]+-[0-9a-z_]{32}\.apps\.googleusercontent\.com['"]''' tags = ["key", "Google", "OAuth"] [[rules]] description = "Google OAuth access token" regex = '''ya29\.[0-9A-Za-z\-_]+''' tags = ["key", "Google", "OAuth"] [[rules]] description = "Heroku API key" regex = '''(?i)heroku(.{0,20})?['"][0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}['"]''' tags = ["key", "Heroku"] [[rules]] description = "MailChimp API key" regex = '''(?i)(mailchimp|mc)(.{0,20})?['"][0-9a-f]{32}-us[0-9]{1,2}['"]''' tags = ["key", "Mailchimp"] [[rules]] description = "Mailgun API key" regex = '''(?i)(mailgun|mg)(.{0,20})?['"][0-9a-z]{32}['"]''' tags = ["key", "Mailgun"] [[rules]] description = "Password in URL" regex = '''[a-zA-Z]{3,10}:\/\/[^\/\s:@]{3,20}:[^\/\s:@]{3,20}@.{1,100}\/?.?''' tags = ["key", "URL", "generic"] [[rules]] description = "PayPal Braintree access token" regex = '''access_token\$production\$[0-9a-z]{16}\$[0-9a-f]{32}''' tags = ["key", "Paypal"] [[rules]] description = "Picatic API key" regex = '''sk_live_[0-9a-z]{32}''' tags = ["key", "Picatic"] [[rules]] description = "Slack Webhook" regex = '''https://hooks.slack.com/services/T[a-zA-Z0-9_]{8}/B[a-zA-Z0-9_]{8}/[a-zA-Z0-9_]{24}''' tags = ["key", "slack"] [[rules]] description = "Stripe API key" regex = '''(?i)stripe(.{0,20})?['\"][sk|rk]_live_[0-9a-zA-Z]{24}''' tags = ["key", "Stripe"] [[rules]] description = "Square access token" regex = '''sq0atp-[0-9A-Za-z\-_]{22}''' tags = ["key", "square"] [[rules]] description = "Square OAuth secret" regex = '''sq0csp-[0-9A-Za-z\\-_]{43}''' tags = ["key", "square"] [[rules]] description = "Twilio API key" regex = '''(?i)twilio(.{0,20})?['\"][0-9a-f]{32}['\"]''' tags = ["key", "twilio"] [whitelist] files = [ "(.*?)(jpg|gif|doc|pdf|bin)$", ".gitleaks.toml" ] regexes = [ ] commits = [ "3a496cef2d737f69038630f3c884a159f783bd06", # old commit to add test data "047e58e40c87f9d19d68c21a533b706616ab1ef2", # old commit to add test data "5345e49e7d63589fc637c2b0c7156bf97e9c72b8", # old commit to add test data "9c31229cedceedd75e06c381fe7218571a03c26d" # old commit to add test data ] # Additional Examples # [[rules]] # description = "Generic Key" # regex = '''(?i)key(.{0,6})?(:|=|=>|:=)''' # entropies = [ # "4.1-4.3", # "5.5-6.3", # ] # entropyROI = "line" # filetypes = [".go", ".py", ".c"] # tags = ["key"] # severity = "8" # # # [[rules]] # description = "Generic Key" # regex = '''(?i)key(.{0,6})?(:|=|=>|:=)''' # entropies = ["4.1-4.3"] # filetypes = [".gee"] # entropyROI = "line" # tags = ["key"] # severity = "medium" # [[rules]] # description = "Any pem file" # filetypes = [".key"] # tags = ["pem"] # severity = "high"