/* This file is part of KDevelop Copyright 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi Copyright 2009 Arno Rehn This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "type_compiler.h" #include "name_compiler.h" #include "generatorvisitor.h" #include "options.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include TypeCompiler::TypeCompiler(ParseSession* session, GeneratorVisitor* visitor) : m_session(session), m_visitor(visitor) { } void TypeCompiler::run(TypeSpecifierAST* node, const DeclaratorAST* declarator) { m_type.clear(); m_realType = Type(); m_templateArgs.clear(); isRef = false; pointerDepth.clear(); _M_cv.clear(); if (node && node->cv) { const ListNode *it = node->cv->toFront(); const ListNode *end = it; do { int kind = m_session->token_stream->kind(it->element); if (! _M_cv.contains(kind)) _M_cv.append(kind); it = it->next; } while (it != end); } visit(node); if (declarator) run(declarator); } void TypeCompiler::run(const DeclaratorAST* declarator) { if (declarator->ptr_ops) run(declarator->ptr_ops); if (declarator->array_dimensions) { const ListNode* it = declarator->array_dimensions->toFront(), *end = it; int dim = 0; m_realType.setArrayDimensions(declarator->array_dimensions->count()); do { PrimaryExpressionAST* primary = ast_cast(it->element); if (primary) { QByteArray token = m_session->token_stream->token(primary->token).symbolByteArray(); bool ok = false; int length = token.toInt(&ok); if (ok) { m_realType.setArrayLength(dim++, length); } else { m_realType.setPointerDepth(m_realType.pointerDepth() + 1); } } else { m_realType.setPointerDepth(m_realType.pointerDepth() + 1); } it = it->next; } while (it != end); if (dim != m_realType.arrayDimensions()) { m_realType.setArrayDimensions(dim); } } NameCompiler name_cc(m_session, m_visitor); name_cc.run(declarator->id); if (declarator->parameter_declaration_clause && declarator->sub_declarator && name_cc.qualifiedName().isEmpty()) { m_realType.setIsFunctionPointer(true); visit(declarator->parameter_declaration_clause); } } void TypeCompiler::run(const ListNode< PtrOperatorAST* > *ptr_ops) { visitNodes(this, ptr_ops); if (isRef) m_realType.setIsRef(true); int offset = m_realType.pointerDepth(); m_realType.setPointerDepth(offset + pointerDepth.count()); for (int i = 0; i < pointerDepth.count(); i++) { if (pointerDepth[i]) m_realType.setIsConstPointer(offset + i, true); } } void TypeCompiler::setRealType() { QString typeName = m_type.join("::"); BasicTypeDeclaration* type = m_visitor->resolveType(typeName); Class* klass; Typedef* tdef; Enum* e; if ((klass = dynamic_cast(type))) { m_realType = Type(klass, isConstant(), isVolatile()); } else if ((tdef = dynamic_cast(type))) { if (!ParserOptions::resolveTypedefs) { m_realType = Type(tdef); } else { m_realType = tdef->resolve(); } if (isConstant()) m_realType.setIsConst(true); if (isVolatile()) m_realType.setIsVolatile(true); } else if ((e = dynamic_cast(type))) { m_realType = Type(e, isConstant(), isVolatile()); } else { if (!m_templateArgs.isEmpty() && m_type.count() > 1) { typeName = QString(); // only go to the one before the last - the rest will be added as template parameters to the type directly for (int i = 0; i < m_type.count() - 1; i++) { typeName += m_type[i]; // do we have template parameters for this part? if (m_templateArgs.contains(i)) { typeName += "< "; for (int j = 0; j < m_templateArgs[i].count(); j++) { if (j > 0) typeName += ", "; typeName += m_templateArgs[i][j].toString(); } typeName += " >"; } typeName += "::"; } typeName += m_type.last(); } m_realType = Type(typeName, isConstant(), isVolatile()); } // only add template parameters if they belong to the last part of a qualified type if (m_templateArgs.contains(m_type.count() - 1) && m_realType.templateArguments().isEmpty()) m_realType.setTemplateArguments(m_templateArgs[m_type.count() - 1]); } void TypeCompiler::visitClassSpecifier(ClassSpecifierAST *node) { visit(node->name); } void TypeCompiler::visitEnumSpecifier(EnumSpecifierAST *node) { visit(node->name); } void TypeCompiler::visitElaboratedTypeSpecifier(ElaboratedTypeSpecifierAST *node) { visit(node->name); setRealType(); } void TypeCompiler::visitParameterDeclaration(ParameterDeclarationAST* node) { TypeCompiler tc(m_session, m_visitor); tc.run(node->type_specifier, node->declarator); NameCompiler name_cc(m_session, m_visitor); if (tc.type().isFunctionPointer() && node->declarator && node->declarator->sub_declarator) name_cc.run(node->declarator->sub_declarator->id); else if (node->declarator) name_cc.run(node->declarator->id); m_realType.appendParameter(Parameter(name_cc.name(), Type::registerType(tc.type()))); } void TypeCompiler::visitPtrOperator(PtrOperatorAST* node) { if ( ! m_session->token_stream ) return; if ( ! token_text(m_session->token_stream->kind(node->op)) ) return; if (token_text(m_session->token_stream->kind(node->op))[0] == '*') { QPair cv = m_visitor->parseCv(node->cv); pointerDepth.append(cv.first); } else if (token_text(m_session->token_stream->kind(node->op))[0] == '&') { isRef = true; } } void TypeCompiler::visitSimpleTypeSpecifier(SimpleTypeSpecifierAST *node) { if (const ListNode *it = node->integrals) { it = it->toFront(); const ListNode *end = it; do { std::size_t token = it->element; // FIXME m_type.push_back(token_name(m_session->token_stream->kind(token))); it = it->next; } while (it != end); } else if (node->type_of) { // ### implement me m_type.push_back("typeof<...>"); } visit(node->name); if (node->integrals) { m_realType = Type(m_type.join(" "), isConstant(), isVolatile()); if (m_realType.name() == "unsigned") { // implicit int.. m_realType.setName("unsigned int"); } m_realType.setIsIntegral(true); } else { setRealType(); } } void TypeCompiler::visitName(NameAST *node) { NameCompiler name_cc(m_session, m_visitor); name_cc.run(node); m_type = name_cc.qualifiedName(); m_templateArgs = name_cc.templateArguments(); } QStringList TypeCompiler::cvString() const { QStringList lst; foreach (int q, cv()) { if (q == Token_const) lst.append(QLatin1String("const")); else if (q == Token_volatile) lst.append(QLatin1String("volatile")); } return lst; } bool TypeCompiler::isConstant() const { return _M_cv.contains(Token_const); } bool TypeCompiler::isVolatile() const { return _M_cv.contains(Token_volatile); } /*QualifiedIdentifier TypeCompiler::identifier() const { return _M_type; }*/