require 'pdk' module PDK module Validate module Puppet class PuppetSyntaxValidator < ExternalCommandValidator # In Puppet >= 5.3.4, the error context formatting was changed to facilitate localization ERROR_CONTEXT = /(?:file:\s(?.+?)|line:\s(?.+?)|column:\s(?.+?))/.freeze # In Puppet < 5.3.3, the error context was formatted in these variations: # - "at file_path:line_num:col_num" # - "at file_path:line_num" # - "at line line_num" # - "in file_path" ERROR_CONTEXT_LEGACY = /(?:at\sline\s(?\d+)|at\s(?.+?):(?\d+):(?\d+)|at\s(?.+?):(?\d+)|in\s(?.+?))/.freeze PUPPET_LOGGER_PREFIX = /^(debug|info|notice|warning|error|alert|critical):\s.+?$/i.freeze PUPPET_SYNTAX_PATTERN = /^ (?.+?):\s (?.+?) (?: \s\(#{ERROR_CONTEXT}(,\s#{ERROR_CONTEXT})*\)| # attempt to match the new localisation friendly location \s#{ERROR_CONTEXT_LEGACY}| # attempt to match the old " at file:line:column" location $ # handle cases where the output has no location ) $/x.freeze def name 'puppet-syntax' end def cmd 'puppet' end def pattern contextual_pattern('**/*.pp') end def pattern_ignore contextual_pattern('plans/**/*.pp') end def spinner_text_for_targets(_targets) format('Checking Puppet manifest syntax (%{pattern}).', pattern: pattern.join(' ')) end def parse_options(targets) # Due to PDK-1266 we need to run `puppet parser validate` with an empty # modulepath. On *nix, Ruby treats `/dev/null` as an empty directory # however it doesn't do so with `NUL` on Windows. The workaround for # this to ensure consistent behaviour is to create an empty temporary # directory and use that as the modulepath. ['parser', 'validate', '--config', null_file, '--modulepath', validate_tmpdir].concat(targets) end def invoke(report) super ensure remove_validate_tmpdir end def validate_tmpdir require 'tmpdir' @validate_tmpdir ||= Dir.mktmpdir('puppet-parser-validate') end def remove_validate_tmpdir return unless @validate_tmpdir return unless PDK::Util::Filesystem.remove_entry_secure(@validate_tmpdir) @validate_tmpdir = nil end def null_file Gem.win_platform? ? 'NUL' : '/dev/null' end def parse_output(report, result, targets) # Due to PUP-7504, we will have to programmatically construct the json # object from the text output for now. output = result[:stderr].split(/\r?\n/).reject(&:empty?) results_data = [] output.each do |offense| offense_data = parse_offense(offense) results_data << offense_data end # puppet parser validate does not include files without problems in its # output, so we need to go through the list of targets and add passing # events to the report for any target not listed in the output. targets.reject { |target| results_data.any? { |j| j[:file] =~ /#{target}/ } }.each do |target| report.add_event( file: target, source: name, severity: :ok, state: :passed ) end results_data.each do |offense| report.add_event(offense) end end def parse_offense(offense) sanitize_console_output(offense) offense_data = { source: name, state: :failure } if offense.match(PUPPET_LOGGER_PREFIX) attributes = offense.match(PUPPET_SYNTAX_PATTERN) attributes&.names&.each do |name| offense_data[name.to_sym] = attributes[name] unless attributes[name].nil? end else offense_data[:message] = offense end offense_data end def sanitize_console_output(line) line.gsub!(/\e\[([;\d]+)?m/, '') end end end end end