# MarkdownHelper

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## File Inclusion  <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BurdetteLamar/MarkdownHelper/master/images/include.png" width="50">

This markdown helper enables file inclusion in GitHub markdown.

(Actually, this README file itself is built using file inclusion.)

Use the markdown helper to merge external files into a markdown (</code>.md</code>) file.

### Merged Text Formats

#### Highlighted Code Block

class RubyCode
  def initialize
    raise RuntimeError.new('I am only an example!')

#### Plain Code Block

class RubyCode
  def initialize
    raise RuntimeError.new('I am only an example!')

[Note:  In the gem documentation, RubyDoc.info chooses to highlight this code block regardless.  Go figure.]

#### Verbatim

Verbatim text is included unadorned.  Most often, verbatim text is markdown to be rendered as part of the markdown page.

### Usage

#### CLI


  include template_file_path markdown_file_page


    * template_file_path is the path to an existing file.
    * markdown_file_path is the path to a file to be created.


    * Both file types are .md.
    * The template file contains file inclusion pragmas.  See README.md.

#### API

require 'markdown_helper'

markdown_helper = MarkdownHelper.new
template_file_path = 'highlight_ruby_template.md'
markdown_file_path = 'highlighted_ruby.rb'
markdown_helper.include(template_file_path, markdown_file_path)

#### Include Pragmas

Specify each file inclusion via an *include pragma*, which has the form:



* *format* (in square brackets) is one of the following:
  * Highlighting mode such as <code>[ruby]</code>, to include a highlighted code block.  This can be any Ace mode mentioned in [GitHub Languages](https://github.com/github/linguist/blob/master/lib/linguist/languages.yml).
  * <code>[:code_block]</code>, to include a plain code block.
  * <code>[:verbatim]</code>, to include text verbatim (to be rendered as markdown).
* *relative_file_path* points to the file to be included.

##### Example Include Pragmas


