require_relative 'spec_helper' include GivenFilesystemSpecHelpers describe Cli do use_given_filesystem before(:each) do Cli.settings = File.expand_path('../../data/trollolorc_with_board_aliases', __FILE__)) @cli = end it "fetches burndown data from board-list" do full_board_mock dir = given_directory @cli.options = {"board-list" => "spec/data/board-list.yaml", "output" => dir} @cli.burndowns expect(File.exist?(File.join(dir, "orange/burndown-data-01.yaml"))) expect(File.exist?(File.join(dir, "blue/burndown-data-01.yaml"))) end it "backups board" do expect_any_instance_of(Backup).to receive(:backup) @cli.options = {"board-id" => "1234"} @cli.backup end it "backups board using an alias" do expect_any_instance_of(Backup).to receive(:backup) @cli.options = {"board-id" => "MyTrelloBoard"} @cli.backup end it "gets lists" do full_board_mock @cli.options = {"board-id" => "53186e8391ef8671265eba9d"} expected_output = < "MyTrelloBoard"} expect { @cli.get_lists }.to output(expected_output).to_stdout end it "gets cards" do full_board_mock @cli.options = {"board-id" => "53186e8391ef8671265eba9d"} expected_output = < "MyTrelloBoard"} expect { @cli.get_cards }.to output(expected_output).to_stdout end it "gets checklists" do full_board_mock @cli.options = {"board-id" => "53186e8391ef8671265eba9d"} expected_output = < "MyTrelloBoard"} expect { @cli.get_checklists }.to output(expected_output).to_stdout end it "gets description" do body = <<-EOT { "id": "54ae8485221b1cc5b173e713", "desc": "haml" } EOT stub_request( :get, "" ).with( :headers => { 'Accept' => '*/*; q=0.5, application/xml', 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip, deflate', 'User-Agent' => 'Ruby' } ).to_return(:status => 200, :body => body, :headers => {}) @cli.options = {"card-id" => "54ae8485221b1cc5b173e713"} expected_output = "haml\n" expect { @cli.get_description }.to output(expected_output).to_stdout end it "sets description" do expect(STDIN).to receive(:read).and_return("My description") stub_request( :put, "" ).with( :headers => { 'Accept' => '*/*; q=0.5, application/xml', 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip, deflate', 'Content-Length' => '0', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'User-Agent' => 'Ruby' } ).to_return(:status => 200, :body => "", :headers => {}) @cli.options = {"card-id" => "54ae8485221b1cc5b173e713"} @cli.set_description expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:put, "") end it "sets priorities for default planning list", vcr: "prioritize_backlog_list", vcr_record: false do @cli.options = {"board-id" => "neUHHzDo"} expected_output = <<-EOT set priority to 1 for "P1: (2) Document how to run cf-openstack-validator on SUSE" set priority to 2 for "P2: Etymologie von Foo" set priority to 3 for "P3: (3) Set up Concourse pipeline for stemcell building" set priority to 4 for "P4: (6) Build #stemcell in containers &sort=123" set priority to 5 for "P5: (2) Document how to run cf-openstack-validator on SUSE" set priority to 6 for "P6: (3) Set up Concourse pipeline for os image building" set priority to 7 for "P7: (3) Set up Concourse pipeline for stemcell building" set priority to 8 for "P8: (6) Build stemcell in containers" set priority to 9 for "P9: (3) Set up Concourse pipeline for BATs" set priority to 10 for "P10: seabed" set priority to 11 for "P11: (3) Set up Concourse pipeline for BATs" set priority to 12 for "P12: Bike Shedding Feature" set priority to 13 for "P13: (3) Set up Concourse pipeline for os image building" EOT expect { @cli.set_priorities }.to output(expected_output).to_stdout end it "sets priorities for specified planning list", vcr: "prioritize_backlog_list", vcr_record: false do @cli.options = {"board-id" => "neUHHzDo", "backlog-list-name" => "Nonexisting List"} expect { @cli.set_priorities }.to raise_error /'Nonexisting List' not found/ end context "#board_id" do before do Cli.settings = File.expand_path('../../data/trollolorc_with_board_aliases', __FILE__)) @cli = end it "returns the id when no alias exists" do expect(@cli.send(:board_id, "1234")).to eq("1234") end it "return the id when an alias exists" do expect(@cli.send(:board_id, "MyTrelloBoard")).to eq("53186e8391ef8671265eba9d") end end end