module Eaco ## # An Actor is an entity whose access to Resources is discretionary, # depending on the Role this actor has in the ACL. # # The role of this +Actor+ is calculated from the +Designator+ that # the actor instance has, and the +ACL+ instance attached to the # +Resource+. # # @see ACL # @see Resource # @see DSL::Actor # module Actor # @private def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end ## # Singleton methods added to Actor classes. # module ClassMethods ## # The designators implementations defined for this Actor as an Hash # keyed by designator type symbol and with the concrete Designator # implementations as values. # # @see DSL::Actor#initialize # def designators end ## # The logic that evaluates whether an Actor instance is an admin. # # @see DSL::Actor#initialize # def admin_logic end end ## # @return [Set] the designators granted to this Actor. # # @see Designator # def designators @_designators ||= do |ret| self.class.designators.each do |_, designator| ret.merge designator.harvest(self) end end end ## # Checks whether this Actor fulfills the admin logic. # # This logic is called by +Resource+ Adapters' +accessible_by+, that # returns the full collection, and by {Resource#allows?}, that bypassess # access checks always returning true. # # @return [Boolean] True or False if admin logic is defined, nil if not. # def is_admin? return unless self.class.admin_logic instance_exec(self, &self.class.admin_logic) end ## # Checks wether the given Resource allows this Actor to perform the given action. # # @param action [Symbol] a valid action for this Resource (see {DSL::Resource}) # @param resource [Resource] an authorized resource # # @see Resource # def can?(action, resource) resource.allows?(action, self) end ## # Opposite of {#can?}. # # @param (see #can?) # @return (see #can?) # def cannot?(*args) !can?(*args) end end end