// @category ui @import "hacks"; @import "compass/layout/stretching"; // computes the border position to use // @function _getTriangleBorderDirection // @private // @param $direction {String} the direction the arrow is pointing (top, left, top left, etc) // @return {List} the computed border position (e.g. top, left, bottom) @function _getTriangleBorderDirection($direction) { @if(length($direction) == 1) { @return opposite-position($direction); } @return if(index($direction, top), bottom, top); } // computes the border width for the triangle // @function _getTriangleBorderWidth // @private // @param $width {Number} the width of the arrow // @param $height {Number} the height of the arrow // @param $direction {String} the direction the arrow is pointing (top, left, top left, etc) // @return {List} the computed border widths @function _getTriangleBorderWidth($width, $height, $direction) { @if(length($direction) == 1) { // TOP @if($direction == top) { @return 0 ($width/2) $height; } // BOTTOM @else if($direction == bottom) { @return $height ($width/2) 0; } // LEFT @else if($direction == left) { @return ($height/2) $width ($height/2) 0; } // RIGHT @else if($direction == right) { @return ($height/2) 0 ($height/2) $width; } } @else if(index($direction, top)) { // TOP LEFT @if(index($direction, left)) { @return 0 $width $height 0; } // TOP RIGHT @else { @return 0 0 $height $width; } } @else if(index($direction, bottom)) { // BOTTOM LEFT @if(index($direction, left)) { @return $height $width 0 0; } // BOTTOM RIGHT @else { @return $height 0 0 $width; } } @return 0; } // generates a cross-browser triangle using borders // @mixin triangle // @param $direction {String} the direction the arrow is pointing (top, left, top left, etc) // @param $width {Number} the width of the arrow // @param $height {Number} the height of the arrow // @param $color {Color} the color of the arrow @mixin triangle($direction: bottom, $width: 1em, $height: false, $color: #aaa) { $direction: rtl($direction); // if no height was specified, assume it's identitcal to width @if(not $height) { $height: $width; } // zero out it's content height: 0; width : 0; // IE6 needs some extra love @include target-browser(ie 6, font-size, 0); @include target-browser(ie 6, line-height, 0); border: { // for IE6, transparent borders are simulated using `dashed` styles instead of a chroma filter // IE won't render a `dashed` border-style unless (width * 5) >= border-width // since width is always 0, dashed borders aren't rendered // @link http://hedgerwow.appspot.com/demo/arrows style: dashed; // transparent for all other browsers color: transparent; width: _getTriangleBorderWidth($width, $height, $direction); #{_getTriangleBorderDirection($direction)}: { color: $color; style: solid; } } } // makes your element centered vertically and horizontally in a parent element // @mixin centered-box @mixin centered-box() { @include stretch(); margin: auto; } // hide element visibly but preserve screen-reader support // @mixin hide-element // @credit Jonathan Snook // @link http://snook.ca/archives/html_and_css/hiding-content-for-accessibility @mixin hide-element() { position: absolute !important; height: 1px; width: 1px; overflow: hidden; @include target-browser(ie lte 7, clip, rect(1px 1px 1px 1px)); clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px); } // mixin for generating a fade box which fades from transparent to white // @mixin fade-box // @param $width {String} the width of the overlay // @param $height {String} the height of the overlay // @param $direction {String} top=vertical left=horizontal @mixin fade-box($width: 100%, $height: 100%, $direction: top) { $direction: rtl($direction); // TODO - update this when Compass supports IE alpha channels @if $direction == left { @include ie-filter(gradient(startColorstr='#00ffffff', endColorstr='#ffffff', GradientType=1)); } @else { @include ie-filter(gradient(startColorstr='#00ffffff', endColorstr='#ffffff')); } @include background-image(linear-gradient($direction, rgba(255,255,255,0.4), rgba(255,255,255,1)) ); @include pseudo-element($width: $width, $height: $height, $position: absolute); text-align: center; bottom: 0; #{if($direction == left, right, left)}: 0; } // create a stroke line around text (or font icon) // @mixin stroke // @param $width {Number} the width of the stroke // @param $color {Color} the color of the stroke // @param $shadow {List} an additional drop shadow to attach @mixin glyph-stroke($width: 1px, $color: black, $shadow: false) { @include box-shadow(compact(0 $width 0 $color, 0 -1*$width 0 $color, $width 0 0 $color, -1*$width 0 0 $color, $shadow)); } // create a glyph icon // @mixin glyph-icon // @param $icon {String} the icon name // @param $size {Number} the size of the icon // @param $color {Color} the color of the font // @param $placement {String} where to place the icon [before|after|inline] // @param $ie-styles {String} styles to apply to IE6/7 (this is needed because the faux :before isn't extensible) @mixin glyph-icon($icon, $size: default, $color: inherit, $placement: before, $ie-styles: false) { $char-mapping: nil; $char-code: nil; @if $icon { $char-mapping: -compass-list(associative($CONFIG_GLYPHS_MAPPINGS, $icon, $strict: true)); $char-code: nth($char-mapping, 1); } @if $char-code == nil and $icon != false { @warn "could not find character mapping for `#{icon}`"; } @else { @if $size == default { $default-size: nil; @if icon { $default-size: nth-cyclic($char-mapping, 2); } $size: if(type-of($default-size) == number, $default-size, 100%); } // if the size is under a given threshold, use a halfling, if available @if icon { $char-code: nth-cyclic(-compass-list($char-code), if(comparable($CONFIG_GLYPHS_THRESHOLD, $size) and $size <= $CONFIG_GLYPHS_THRESHOLD, 2, 1)); } $selector: if(index(before after, $placement), '&:#{$placement}', '&'); #{$selector} { font-family: $CONFIG_GLYPHS_NAME; font-weight: $CONFIG_GLYPHS_WEIGHT; font-style: $CONFIG_GLYPHS_STYLE; text-decoration: inherit; speak: none; @include if-set(font-size, $size); @include if-set(color, $color); @if $icon { content: $char-code; } } @if($selector != '&') { // support for IE6/7 $styles: "font-family:'#{$CONFIG_GLYPHS_NAME}';font-weight:#{$CONFIG_GLYPHS_WEIGHT};font-style:#{$CONFIG_GLYPHS_STYLE};text-decoration:inherit;"; @if($size != nil) { $styles: $styles + "font-size:#{$size};" } @if($color != nil) { $styles: $styles + "color:#{$color};" } @if($ie-styles) { $styles: $styles + $ie-styles; } @include ie-pseudo($styles: $styles, $content: $char-code, $placement: $placement, $name: glyph); } } } // generate rotational and position keyframes for loading spinners // @mixin generate-loader-keyframes @mixin generate-loader-keyframes() { @if not $CONFIG_DISABLE_STYLEGUIDE_SPRITES { // generate rotating keyframes @include -generate-loader-keyframes-360(); // generate specific keyframes @each $size in $CONFIG_LOADERS { @if $size != nil { $values: nth($size, 2); $size: nth($size, 1); @each $context in (1 2) { $name: unquote('#{$size}-#{$context}'); $icon: nth-cyclic(associative($values, default), $context); $position: styleguide-sprite-position($CONFIG_SPRITE_LOADERS, $icon); $sprite-file: styleguide-sprite-file($CONFIG_SPRITE_LOADERS, $icon); $width: styleguide-image-width($sprite-file); $height: styleguide-image-height($sprite-file); @include -generate-loader-keyframes-position($name, $position, $width, $height); } } } } } // generate rotational keyframes for loading spinners // @mixin -generate-loader-keyframes-360 // @private @mixin -generate-loader-keyframes-360() { @if do-once("archetype/ui/generate-keyframe/#{$CONFIG_KEYFRAME_LOADERS}") { @if archetype-version('compass >= 0.13') { @include keyframes($CONFIG_KEYFRAME_LOADERS) { from { @include rotate(0deg); } to { @include rotate(360deg); } } } @else { @-webkit-keyframes #{$CONFIG_KEYFRAME_LOADERS} { from { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); } } @-moz-keyframes #{$CONFIG_KEYFRAME_LOADERS} { from { -moz-transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -moz-transform: rotate(360deg); } } @-ms-keyframes #{$CONFIG_KEYFRAME_LOADERS} { from { -ms-transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -ms-transform: rotate(360deg); } } @-o-keyframes #{$CONFIG_KEYFRAME_LOADERS} { from { -o-transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -o-transform: rotate(360deg); } } @keyframes #{$CONFIG_KEYFRAME_LOADERS} { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } } } } } // generate position keyframes for loading spinners // @mixin -generate-loader-keyframes-position // @private // @param $name {String} the name for this keyframe // @param $position {List} the background-position of the spinner image // @param $width {Number} the width of the spinner image // @param $height {Number} the height of the spinner image @mixin -generate-loader-keyframes-position($name, $position, $width, $height) { $name: unquote('#{$CONFIG_KEYFRAME_LOADERS}-position-#{$name}'); @if do-once("archetype/ui/generate-keyframe/#{$name}") { @if archetype-version('compass >= 0.13') { @include keyframes($name) { from, to { @include -generate-loader-keyframes-position-css($position, $width, $height); } } } @else { @-webkit-keyframes #{$name} { from, to { @include -generate-loader-keyframes-position-css($position, $width, $height); } } @-moz-keyframes #{$name} { from, to { @include -generate-loader-keyframes-position-css($position, $width, $height); } } @-ms-keyframes #{$name} { from, to { @include -generate-loader-keyframes-position-css($position, $width, $height); } } @-o-keyframes #{$name} { from, to { @include -generate-loader-keyframes-position-css($position, $width, $height); } } @keyframes #{$name} { from, to { @include -generate-loader-keyframes-position-css($position, $width, $height); } } } } } // a helper to generate the required CSS for the position keyframe // @mixin -generate-loader-keyframes-position-css // @private // @param $position {List} the background-position of the spinner image // @param $width {Number} the width of the spinner image // @param $height {Number} the height of the spinner image @mixin -generate-loader-keyframes-position-css($position, $width, $height) { background-position: $position; width: $width; height: $height; margin-left: $width / -2; margin-top: $height / -2; }