require 't/printable' require 't/rcfile' require 't/search' require 'thor' require 'tweetstream' module T class Stream < Thor include T::Printable def initialize(*) super @rcfile = RCFile.instance end desc "all", "Stream a random sample of all Tweets (Control-C to stop)" method_option "csv", :aliases => "-c", :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Output in CSV format." def all if options['csv'] say status_headings.to_csv end client.on_timeline_status do |status| if options['csv'] print_csv_status(status) else print_status(status) end end Signal.trap("TERM") do client.stop shutdown end client.sample end desc "matrix", "Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself." def matrix client.on_timeline_status do |status| say(status.text.gsub("\n", ''), [:bold, :green, :on_black]) end Signal.trap("TERM") do client.stop shutdown end client.sample end desc "search KEYWORD [KEYWORD...]", "Stream Tweets that contain specified keywords, joined with logical ORs (Control-C to stop)" method_option "csv", :aliases => "-c", :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Output in CSV format." def search(keyword, *keywords) keywords.unshift(keyword) client.on_inited do search = search.options = search.options.merge(options) search.options = search.options.merge(:reverse => true) search.all(keywords.join(' OR ')) end client.on_timeline_status do |status| if options['csv'] print_csv_status(status) else print_status(status) end end Signal.trap("TERM") do client.stop shutdown end client.track(keywords) end desc "timeline", "Stream your timeline (Control-C to stop)" method_option "csv", :aliases => "-c", :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Output in CSV format." def timeline client.on_inited do cli = cli.options = cli.options.merge(options) cli.options = cli.options.merge(:reverse => true) cli.timeline end client.on_timeline_status do |status| if options['csv'] print_csv_status(status) else print_status(status) end end Signal.trap("TERM") do client.stop shutdown end client.userstream end desc "users SCREEN_NAME [SCREEN_NAME...]", "Stream Tweets either from or in reply to specified users (Control-C to stop)" method_option "csv", :aliases => "-c", :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Output in CSV format." def users(screen_name, *screen_names) if options['csv'] say status_headings.to_csv end screen_names.unshift(screen_name) client.on_timeline_status do |status| if options['csv'] print_csv_status(status) else print_status(status) end end Signal.trap("TERM") do client.stop shutdown end client.follow(screen_names) end private def client return @client if @client @rcfile.path = options['profile'] if options['profile'] @client = :consumer_key => @rcfile.active_consumer_key, :consumer_secret => @rcfile.active_consumer_secret, :oauth_token => @rcfile.active_token, :oauth_token_secret => @rcfile.active_secret ) end end end