require 'helper' describe Launchpad::Device do CONTROL_BUTTONS = { :up => 0x68, :down => 0x69, :left => 0x6A, :right => 0x6B, :session => 0x6C, :user1 => 0x6D, :user2 => 0x6E, :mixer => 0x6F } SCENE_BUTTONS = { :scene1 => 0x59, :scene2 => 0x4F, :scene3 => 0x45, :scene4 => 0x3B, :scene5 => 0x31, :scene6 => 0x27, :scene7 => 0x1D, :scene8 => 0x13 } STATES = { :down => 127, :up => 0 } def expects_output(device, *args) args = [args] unless args.first.is_a?(Array) messages = args.collect {|data| {:message => data, :timestamp => 0}} device.instance_variable_get('@output').expects(:write).with(messages) end def expects_sysex_message(device, message) device.instance_variable_get('@output').expects(:write_sysex).with(Launchpad::Device::SYSEX_HEADER + message + Launchpad::Device::SYSEX_FOOTER) end def stub_input(device, *args) device.instance_variable_get('@input').stubs(:read).returns(args) end describe '#initialize' do it 'tries to initialize both input and output when not specified' do Portmidi.expects(:input_devices).returns(mock_devices) Portmidi.expects(:output_devices).returns(mock_devices) d = refute_nil d.instance_variable_get('@input') refute_nil d.instance_variable_get('@output') end it 'does not try to initialize input when set to false' do Portmidi.expects(:input_devices).never d = => false) assert_nil d.instance_variable_get('@input') refute_nil d.instance_variable_get('@output') end it 'does not try to initialize output when set to false' do Portmidi.expects(:output_devices).never d = => false) refute_nil d.instance_variable_get('@input') assert_nil d.instance_variable_get('@output') end it 'does not try to initialize any of both when set to false' do Portmidi.expects(:input_devices).never Portmidi.expects(:output_devices).never d = => false, :output => false) assert_nil d.instance_variable_get('@input') assert_nil d.instance_variable_get('@output') end it 'initializes the correct input output devices when specified by name' do Portmidi.stubs(:input_devices).returns(mock_devices(:id => 4, :name => 'Launchpad Name')) Portmidi.stubs(:output_devices).returns(mock_devices(:id => 5, :name => 'Launchpad Name')) d = => 'Launchpad Name') assert_equal Portmidi::Input, (input = d.instance_variable_get('@input')).class assert_equal 4, input.device_id assert_equal Portmidi::Output, (output = d.instance_variable_get('@output')).class assert_equal 5, output.device_id end it 'initializes the correct input output devices when specified by id' do Portmidi.stubs(:input_devices).returns(mock_devices(:id => 4)) Portmidi.stubs(:output_devices).returns(mock_devices(:id => 5)) d = => 4, :output_device_id => 5, :device_name => 'nonexistant') assert_equal Portmidi::Input, (input = d.instance_variable_get('@input')).class assert_equal 4, input.device_id assert_equal Portmidi::Output, (output = d.instance_variable_get('@output')).class assert_equal 5, output.device_id end it 'raises NoSuchDeviceError when requested input device does not exist' do assert_raises Launchpad::NoSuchDeviceError do Portmidi.stubs(:input_devices).returns(mock_devices(:name => 'Launchpad Input')) end end it 'raises NoSuchDeviceError when requested output device does not exist' do assert_raises Launchpad::NoSuchDeviceError do Portmidi.stubs(:output_devices).returns(mock_devices(:name => 'Launchpad Output')) end end it 'raises DeviceBusyError when requested input device is busy' do assert_raises Launchpad::DeviceBusyError do Portmidi::Input.stubs(:new).raises(RuntimeError) end end it 'raises DeviceBusyError when requested output device is busy' do assert_raises Launchpad::DeviceBusyError do Portmidi::Output.stubs(:new).raises(RuntimeError) end end it 'stores the logger given' do logger = device = => logger) assert_same logger, device.logger end end describe '#close' do it 'does not fail when neither input nor output are there' do => false, :output => false).close end describe 'with input and output devices' do before do Portmidi::Input.stubs(:new).returns(@input = mock('input')) Portmidi::Output.stubs(:new).returns(@output = mock('output')) @device = end it 'closes input/output and raise NoInputAllowedError/NoOutputAllowedError on subsequent read/write accesses' do @input.expects(:close) @output.expects(:close) @device.close assert_raises Launchpad::NoInputAllowedError do @device.read_pending_actions end assert_raises Launchpad::NoOutputAllowedError do @device.change(:session) end end end end describe '#closed?' do it 'returns true when neither input nor output are there' do assert => false, :output => false).closed? end it 'returns false when initialized with input' do assert ! => true, :output => false).closed? end it 'returns false when initialized with output' do assert ! => false, :output => true).closed? end it 'returns false when initialized with both but true after calling close' do d = assert !d.closed? d.close assert d.closed? end end describe 'top level API initialized with output' do before do @device = => false) end describe '#pulse1' do [[1, 4, 24], [0, 6, 27]].each do |message| it "sends 40, 0, #{(message[1] + 1) * 10 + (message[0] + 1)}, #{message[2]} when given #{message}" do expects_sysex_message(@device, [40, 0, (message[1] + 1) * 10 + (message[0] + 1), message[2]]) @device.pulse1(message[0], message[1], message[2]) end end end describe '#pulsen' do it "sends one message for each set of coordinates received" do [[1, 4], [0, 6]].each do |coords| expects_sysex_message(@device, [40, 0, (coords[1] + 1) * 10 + (coords[0] + 1), 24]) end @device.pulsen([[1, 4], [0, 6]], 24) end end describe '#flash1' do [[1, 4, 24], [0, 6, 27]].each do |message| it "sends 35, 0, #{(message[1] + 1) * 10 + (message[0] + 1)}, #{message[2]} when given #{message}" do expects_sysex_message(@device, [35, 0, (message[1] + 1) * 10 + (message[0] + 1), message[2]]) @device.flash1(message[0], message[1], message[2]) end end end describe '#flashn' do it "sends one message for each set of coordinates received" do [[1, 4], [0, 6]].each do |coords| expects_sysex_message(@device, [35, 0, (coords[1] + 1) * 10 + (coords[0] + 1), 24, 0]) end @device.flashn([[1, 4], [0, 6]], 24) end end describe '#light_all' do [24, 27].each do |message| it "sends 14, #{message[0]} when given #{message}" do expects_sysex_message(@device, [14, message[0]]) @device.light_all(message[0]) end end end describe '#reset_all' do it "sends 14, 0" do expects_sysex_message(@device, [14, 0]) @device.reset_all() end end describe '#light1_row' do [[1, 24], [0, 27]].each do |message| it "sends 13, #{message[0]}, #{message[1]} when given #{message}" do expects_sysex_message(@device, [13, message[0], message[1]]) @device.light1_row(message[0], message[1]) end end end describe '#light1_column' do [[1, 24], [0, 27]].each do |message| it "sends 12, #{message[0]}, #{message[1]} when given #{message}" do expects_sysex_message(@device, [12, message[0], message[1]]) @device.light1_column(message[0], message[1]) end end end end describe '#change' do it 'raises NoOutputAllowedError when not initialized with output' do assert_raises Launchpad::NoOutputAllowedError do => false).change(:up) end end describe 'initialized with output' do before do @device = => false) end it 'returns nil' do assert_nil @device.change(:up) end describe 'control buttons' do CONTROL_BUTTONS.each do |type, value| it "sends 0xB0, #{value}, 0 when given #{type}" do expects_output(@device, 0xB0, value, 0) @device.change(type) end end end describe 'scene buttons' do SCENE_BUTTONS.each do |type, value| it "sends 0x90, #{value}, 0 when given #{type}" do expects_output(@device, 0x90, value, 0) @device.change(type) end end end describe 'grid buttons' do 8.times do |x| 8.times do |y| it "sends 0x90, #{10 * (y + 1) + (x + 1)}, 0 when given :grid, :x => #{x}, :y => #{y}" do expects_output(@device, 0x90, (10 * (y + 1)) + (x + 1), 0) @device.change(:grid, :x => x, :y => y) end end end it 'raises NoValidGridCoordinatesError if x is not specified' do assert_raises Launchpad::NoValidGridCoordinatesError do @device.change(:grid, :y => 1) end end it 'raises NoValidGridCoordinatesError if x is below 0' do assert_raises Launchpad::NoValidGridCoordinatesError do @device.change(:grid, :x => -1, :y => 1) end end it 'raises NoValidGridCoordinatesError if x is above 7' do assert_raises Launchpad::NoValidGridCoordinatesError do @device.change(:grid, :x => 8, :y => 1) end end it 'raises NoValidGridCoordinatesError if y is not specified' do assert_raises Launchpad::NoValidGridCoordinatesError do @device.change(:grid, :x => 1) end end it 'raises NoValidGridCoordinatesError if y is below 0' do assert_raises Launchpad::NoValidGridCoordinatesError do @device.change(:grid, :x => 1, :y => -1) end end it 'raises NoValidGridCoordinatesError if y is above 7' do assert_raises Launchpad::NoValidGridCoordinatesError do @device.change(:grid, :x => 1, :y => 8) end end end describe 'colors' do (0..127).each do |color_key| it "sends 0x90, 0, #{color_key} when given :color => #{color_key}" do expects_output(@device, 0x90, 11, color_key) @device.change(:grid, :x => 0, :y => 0, :color => color_key) end end it 'raises NoValidColorError if color is below 0' do assert_raises Launchpad::NoValidColorError do @device.change(:grid, :x => 0, :y => 0, :color => -1) end end it 'raises NoValidColorError if color is above 127' do assert_raises Launchpad::NoValidColorError do @device.change(:grid, :x => 0, :y => 0, :color => 128) end end it 'raises NoValidColorError if color is an unknown symbol' do assert_raises Launchpad::NoValidColorError do @device.change(:grid, :x => 0, :y => 0, :color => :unknown) end end end describe 'mode' do it 'sends 0 when nothing given' do expects_output(@device, 0x90, 11, 0) @device.change(:grid, :x => 0, :y => 0) end end end end describe '#read_pending_actions' do it 'raises NoInputAllowedError when not initialized with input' do assert_raises Launchpad::NoInputAllowedError do => false).read_pending_actions end end describe 'initialized with input' do before do @device = => false) end describe 'control buttons' do CONTROL_BUTTONS.each do |type, value| STATES.each do |state, velocity| it "builds proper action for control button #{type}, #{state}" do stub_input(@device, {:timestamp => 0, :message => [0xB0, value, velocity]}) assert_equal [{:timestamp => 0, :state => state, :type => type}], @device.read_pending_actions end end end end describe 'scene buttons' do SCENE_BUTTONS.each do |type, value| STATES.each do |state, velocity| it "builds proper action for scene button #{type}, #{state}" do stub_input(@device, {:timestamp => 0, :message => [0x90, value, velocity]}) assert_equal [{:timestamp => 0, :state => state, :type => type}], @device.read_pending_actions end end end end describe '#grid buttons' do 8.times do |x| 8.times do |y| STATES.each do |state, velocity| it "builds proper action for grid button #{x},#{y}, #{state}" do stub_input(@device, {:timestamp => 0, :message => [0x90, 10 * (y + 1) + (x + 1), velocity]}) assert_equal [{:timestamp => 0, :state => state, :type => :grid, :x => x, :y => y}], @device.read_pending_actions end end end end end it 'builds proper actions for multiple pending actions' do stub_input(@device, {:timestamp => 1, :message => [0x90, 11, 127]}, {:timestamp => 2, :message => [0xB0, 0x68, 0]}) assert_equal [{:timestamp => 1, :state => :down, :type => :grid, :x => 0, :y => 0}, {:timestamp => 2, :state => :up, :type => :up}], @device.read_pending_actions end end end end