class String # Finds the longest commong substring betweent the two supplied strings def self.lcs(s1, s2){} len,ans=0 longest_substr = "" substr = "" s1.scan(/./).each_with_index do |l1,i | s2.scan(/./).each_with_index do |l2,j | unless l1==l2 num[i][j]=[0,""] else if (i==0 || j==0) num[i][j]=[1,l1] else num[i][j] = [1 + num[i-1][j-1][0], num[i-1][j-1][1] +l1] end if num[i][j][0] > len len = ans = num[i][j][0] longest_substr = num[i][j][1] end end end end longest_substr end # Performs multiple gsub operations in a single pass. # +key_value_pairs+ is an array of [key,value] pairs where each key is a regular expression # and the value is the value to substitute when that regexp is matched. def mgsub(key_value_pairs=[].freeze) regexp_fragments = key_value_pairs.collect { |k,v| k } gsub(Regexp.union(*regexp_fragments)) do |match| key_value_pairs.detect{|k,v| k =~ match}[1] end end # Performs multiple gsub operations in a single pass. # +key_value_pairs+ is an array of [key,value] pairs where each key is a regular expression # and the value is the value to substitute when that regexp is matched. # # Unlike mgsub, this method allows parenthesized subsections of the match string from the regexp # to be embedded in the replace string. The normal variables are available in the replacement # string. # # eg. # # >> "this is that".mgpsub( [ [/(that)/, 'really $1!'], [/this/, 'that'] ] ) # => that is really that!" # def mgpsub(key_value_pairs=[].freeze) def mgpsub(string, key_value_pairs=[].freeze) regexp_fragments = key_value_pairs.collect { |k,v| k } string.gsub(Regexp.union(*regexp_fragments)) do |match| replacement_term = key_value_pairs.detect{|k,v| k=~match}[1] vars = %w{$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $` $& $’} vars.each do |var| tm_safe_log var tm_safe_log eval(var)||'' replacement_term.gsub!( Regexp.compile("\\"+var), eval(var)||'' ) end replacement_term end end end # trims the string to the nearest word boundary ensuring that the resulting length is less than max_length def trim_to_word( max_length ) string = self if string.length > max_length string = string[0..max_length-4] while string[-1,1] =~ /[\w]/ && string.length > 1 string = string[0..string.length-2] end string += "..." end string end end