# Flows Actions
Details on the various actions that can be performed on the
Flows resource, including the expected
parameters and the potential responses.
##### Contents
* [Get](#get)
* [Get by Version](#get-by-version)
* [Import](#import)
* [Post](#post)
## Get
Returns the flows for an application
result = client.flows.get(applicationId: my_application_id)
puts result
#### Authentication
The client must be configured with a valid api access token to call this
action. The token must include at least one of the following scopes:
all.Application, all.Application.read, all.Organization, all.Organization.read, all.User, all.User.read, flows.*, or flows.get.
#### Available Parameters
| Name | Type | Required | Description | Default | Example |
| ---- | ---- | -------- | ----------- | ------- | ------- |
| applicationId | string | Y | ID associated with the application | | 575ec8687ae143cd83dc4a97 |
| sortField | string | N | Field to sort the results by. Accepted values are: name, id, creationDate, lastUpdated | name | name |
| sortDirection | string | N | Direction to sort the results by. Accepted values are: asc, desc | asc | asc |
| page | string | N | Which page of results to return | 0 | 0 |
| perPage | string | N | How many items to return per page | 1000 | 10 |
| filterField | string | N | Field to filter the results by. Blank or not provided means no filtering. Accepted values are: name | | name |
| filter | string | N | Filter to apply against the filtered field. Supports globbing. Blank or not provided means no filtering. | | my*flow |
| flowClass | string | N | Filter the workflows by the given flow class. Accepted values are: edge, cloud, customNode, experience | cloud | cloud |
| triggerFilter | [Workflow Trigger Filter](_schemas.md#workflow-trigger-filter) | N | Array of triggers to filter by - always filters against default flow version. | | [Workflow Trigger Filter Example](_schemas.md#workflow-trigger-filter-example) |
| includeCustomNodes | string | N | If the result of the request should also include the details of any custom nodes referenced by the returned workflows | false | true |
| losantdomain | string | N | Domain scope of request (rarely needed) | | example.com |
#### Successful Responses
| Code | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| 200 | [Workflows](_schemas.md#workflows) | Collection of flows |
#### Error Responses
| Code | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| 400 | [Error](_schemas.md#error) | Error if malformed request |
| 404 | [Error](_schemas.md#error) | Error if application was not found |
## Get by Version
Returns the flows by version for an application
result = client.flows.get_by_version(
applicationId: my_application_id,
version: my_version)
puts result
#### Authentication
The client must be configured with a valid api access token to call this
action. The token must include at least one of the following scopes:
all.Application, all.Application.read, all.Organization, all.Organization.read, all.User, all.User.read, flows.*, or flows.getByVersion.
#### Available Parameters
| Name | Type | Required | Description | Default | Example |
| ---- | ---- | -------- | ----------- | ------- | ------- |
| applicationId | string | Y | ID associated with the application | | 575ec8687ae143cd83dc4a97 |
| sortField | string | N | Field to sort the results by. Accepted values are: name, id, creationDate, lastUpdated | name | name |
| sortDirection | string | N | Direction to sort the results by. Accepted values are: asc, desc | asc | asc |
| page | string | N | Which page of results to return | 0 | 0 |
| perPage | string | N | How many items to return per page | 1000 | 10 |
| filterField | string | N | Field to filter the results by. Blank or not provided means no filtering. Accepted values are: name | | name |
| filter | string | N | Filter to apply against the filtered field. Supports globbing. Blank or not provided means no filtering. | | my*flow |
| flowClass | string | N | Filter the workflows by the given flow class. Accepted values are: edge, cloud, customNode, experience | cloud | cloud |
| version | string | Y | Return the workflow versions for the given version. | | myVersion |
| triggerFilter | [Workflow Trigger Filter](_schemas.md#workflow-trigger-filter) | N | Array of triggers to filter by - always filters against default flow version. | | [Workflow Trigger Filter Example](_schemas.md#workflow-trigger-filter-example) |
| includeCustomNodes | string | N | If the result of the request should also include the details of any custom nodes referenced by the returned workflows | false | true |
| losantdomain | string | N | Domain scope of request (rarely needed) | | example.com |
#### Successful Responses
| Code | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| 200 | [Workflow Versions](_schemas.md#workflow-versions) | Collection of flow versions |
#### Error Responses
| Code | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| 400 | [Error](_schemas.md#error) | Error if malformed request |
| 404 | [Error](_schemas.md#error) | Error if application was not found |
## Import
Import a set of flows and flow versions
result = client.flows.import(
applicationId: my_application_id,
importData: my_import_data)
puts result
#### Authentication
The client must be configured with a valid api access token to call this
action. The token must include at least one of the following scopes:
all.Application, all.Organization, all.User, flows.*, or flows.import.
#### Available Parameters
| Name | Type | Required | Description | Default | Example |
| ---- | ---- | -------- | ----------- | ------- | ------- |
| applicationId | string | Y | ID associated with the application | | 575ec8687ae143cd83dc4a97 |
| importData | [Workflows Import Post](_schemas.md#workflows-import-post) | Y | New flow and flow version information | | [Workflows Import Post Example](_schemas.md#workflows-import-post-example) |
| losantdomain | string | N | Domain scope of request (rarely needed) | | example.com |
#### Successful Responses
| Code | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| 201 | [Workflow Import Result](_schemas.md#workflow-import-result) | Successfully imported workflows |
#### Error Responses
| Code | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| 400 | [Error](_schemas.md#error) | Error if malformed request |
| 404 | [Error](_schemas.md#error) | Error if application was not found |
## Post
Create a new flow for an application
result = client.flows.post(
applicationId: my_application_id,
flow: my_flow)
puts result
#### Authentication
The client must be configured with a valid api access token to call this
action. The token must include at least one of the following scopes:
all.Application, all.Organization, all.User, flows.*, or flows.post.
#### Available Parameters
| Name | Type | Required | Description | Default | Example |
| ---- | ---- | -------- | ----------- | ------- | ------- |
| applicationId | string | Y | ID associated with the application | | 575ec8687ae143cd83dc4a97 |
| flow | [Workflow Post](_schemas.md#workflow-post) | Y | New flow information | | [Workflow Post Example](_schemas.md#workflow-post-example) |
| includeCustomNodes | string | N | If the result of the request should also include the details of any custom nodes referenced by the returned workflows | false | true |
| losantdomain | string | N | Domain scope of request (rarely needed) | | example.com |
#### Successful Responses
| Code | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| 201 | [Workflow](_schemas.md#workflow) | Successfully created flow |
#### Error Responses
| Code | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| 400 | [Error](_schemas.md#error) | Error if malformed request |
| 404 | [Error](_schemas.md#error) | Error if application was not found |