require 'sqsrun/worker' require 'sqsrun/controller' require 'optparse' op = op.banner += " [-- <ARGV-for-exec-or-run>]" type = nil message = nil confout = nil defaults = { :timeout => 30, :interval => 1, } conf = { } op.on('-k', '--key-id ID', 'AWS Access Key ID') {|s| conf[:key_id] = s } op.on('-s', '--secret-key KEY', 'AWS Secret Access Key') {|s| conf[:secret_key] = s } op.on('-q', '--queue NAME', 'SQS queue name') {|s| conf[:queue] = s } op.on('-t', '--timeout SEC', 'SQS visibility timeout (default: 30)', Integer) {|i| conf[:timeout] = i } op.on('--push MESSAGE', 'Push maessage to the queue') {|s| type = :push message = s } op.on('--list', 'List queues') {|s| type = :list } op.on('--configure PATH.yaml', 'Write configuration file') {|s| type = :conf confout = s } op.on('--exec COMMAND', 'Execute command') {|s| type = :exec conf[:exec] = s } op.on('--run SCRIPT.rb', 'Run method named \'run\' defined in the script') {|s| type = :run conf[:run] = s } op.on('-e', '--extend-timeout SEC', 'Threashold time before extending visibility timeout (default: timeout * 3/4)', Integer) {|i| conf[:extend_timeout] = i } op.on('-x', '--kill-timeout SEC', 'Threashold time before killing process (default: timeout * 5)', Integer) {|i| conf[:kill_timeout] = i } op.on('-i', '--interval SEC', 'Polling interval (default: 1)', Integer) {|i| conf[:interval] = i } op.on('-d', '--daemon PIDFILE', 'Daemonize (default: foreground)') {|s| conf[:daemon] = s } op.on('-f', '--file PATH.yaml', 'Read configuration file') {|s| conf[:file] = s } (class<<self;self;end).module_eval do define_method(:usage) do |msg| puts op.to_s puts "error: #{msg}" if msg exit 1 end end begin if eqeq = ARGV.index('--') argv = ARGV.slice!(0, eqeq) ARGV.slice!(0) else argv = ARGV.slice!(0..-1) end op.parse!(argv) if argv.length != 0 usage nil end if conf[:file] require 'yaml' yaml = YAML.load[:file]) y = {} yaml.each_pair {|k,v| y[k.to_sym] = v } conf = defaults.merge(y).merge(conf) if ARGV.empty? && conf[:args] ARGV.clear ARGV.concat conf[:args] end else conf = defaults.merge(conf) end unless type if conf[:run] type = :run elsif conf[:exec] type = :exec else raise "--push, --list, --configure, --exec or --run is required" end end unless conf[:key_id] raise "-k, --key-id ID option is required" end unless conf[:secret_key] raise "-s, --secret-key KEY option is required" end unless conf[:extend_timeout] conf[:extend_timeout] = conf[:timeout] / 4 * 3 end unless conf[:kill_timeout] conf[:kill_timeout] = conf[:timeout] * 5 end if !conf[:queue] && (type == :push || type == :exec || type == :run) raise "-q, --queue NAME option is required" end rescue usage $!.to_s end if confout require 'yaml' conf.delete(:file) conf[:args] = ARGV y = {} conf.each_pair {|k,v| y[k.to_s] = v }, "w") {|f| f.write y.to_yaml } exit 0 end case type when :push pro = pro.push(message) when :list pro = pro.list.each {|name| puts name } when :exec, :run if conf[:daemon] exit!(0) if fork Process.setsid exit!(0) if fork File.umask(0) STDIN.reopen("/dev/null") STDOUT.reopen("/dev/null", "w") STDERR.reopen("/dev/null", "w")[:daemon], "w") {|f| f.write } end worker = SQSRun.worker = worker trap :INT do puts "shutting down..." worker.shutdown end trap :TERM do puts "shutting down..." worker.shutdown end if type == :run load File.expand_path(conf[:run]) run_proc = method(:run) else run_proc =[:exec]) end end