#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'clamp'
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib', 'synx')

Clamp do

  parameter "xcodeproj", "Path to the xcodeproj", :attribute_name => :xcodeproj_path
  option ["--prune", "-p"], :flag, "remove source files and image resources that are not referenced by the the xcode project"
  option "--no-default-exclusions", :flag, "doesn't use the default exclusions of /Libraries, /Frameworks, and /Products"
  option ["--quiet", "-q"], :flag, "silence all output"
  option ["--exclusion", "-e"], "EXCLUSION", "ignore an Xcode group while syncing", :multivalued => true

  def execute
    project = Synx::Project.open(xcodeproj_path)
    project.sync(:prune => prune?, :quiet => quiet?, :no_default_exclusions => no_default_exclusions?, :group_exclusions => exclusion_list)
