app = angular.module('browser', ['ui.bootstrap', 'LocalStorageModule']) app.config ($httpProvider) -> funShow = (data, headersGetter) -> document.getElementById('http-loader').style.display = "block" data $httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest.push(funShow) $httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push('HttpLoader') app.factory 'HttpLoader', ['$q', ($q) -> (promise) -> promise.then (response) -> document.getElementById('http-loader').style.display = "none" response , (response) -> document.getElementById('http-loader').style.display = "none" response ] app.factory 'API', ['$http', ($http) -> (connection) -> ps = {connection: connection} { ping: () -> $http.get("#{jsEnv.root_path}ping.json", { params: ps }).then (e) ->, keys: (namespace) -> $http.get("#{jsEnv.root_path}keys.json", { params: angular.extend({}, ps, {namespace: namespace}) }).then (e) ->, get: (params) -> $http.get("#{jsEnv.root_path}key.json", { params: angular.extend({}, ps, params) }).then (e) -> delete: (params) -> $http.delete("#{jsEnv.root_path}key.json", { params: angular.extend({}, ps, params) }) } ] @BrowserCtrl = ($scope, API, localStorageService, $dialog) -> # Internal functions fetchValue = -> $scope.api.get( key: $scope.key.full start: $scope.list.start stop: $scope.list.stop ).then((e) -> $scope.key.values = e.values) updateList = -> $scope.list.pages = Math.ceil($scope.key.length / $scope.list.per_page) $scope.list.start = $scope.list.per_page * ($scope.list.current - 1) $scope.list.stop = ($scope.list.per_page * $scope.list.current) - 1 # Init variables $scope.keys = [] $scope.key = {type: "empty"} $scope.list = {} $scope.connections = jsEnv.connections $scope.config = {connection: jsEnv.connection} db = localStorageService $scope.config = connection: db.get("connection") || $scope.config.connection hashView: db.get("hashView") || "table" open: -> $ = true close: -> $ = false save: -> # Check connection $scope.config.error = null test = API($scope.config.connection) (resp) -> if resp.ok db.add("connection", $scope.config.connection) $scope.api = API($scope.config.connection) $scope.fetchKeys() $$scope.key) $scope.config.close() else $scope.config.error = resp.error setHashView: (view) -> $scope.config.hashView = view db.add("hashView", view) modalOpts: backdropFade: true dialogFade: true $scope.api = API($scope.config.connection) # Scope functions $scope.fetchKeys = -> $scope.keys = $scope.api.keys() $ = (key) -> $scope.keyOpen(key) $scope.api.get(key: key.full).then((e) -> $scope.key = e switch e.type when "list" $scope.list = per_page: db.get("per_page") || 100 current: 1 max: 10 updateList() when "hash" e.json = {} for k,v of e.value e.json[k] = v.value ) $scope.keyOpen = (key) -> console.log key.children if key.count > 1 && !key.children $scope.api.keys(key.full).then (keys) -> key.children = keys = true $scope.keyClose = (key) -> = false $scope.setPerPage = (i) -> db.add("per_page", i) $scope.list.per_page = i $scope.list.current = 1 updateList() fetchValue() $scope.deleteKey = (key) -> title = "Are you sure?" msg = "Are you sure you want to delete key \n #{}" btns = [ {result:'cancel', label: 'Cancel'} {result:'delete', label: 'Delete', cssClass: 'btn-danger'} ] $dialog.messageBox(title, msg, btns) .open() .then((result) -> if result == "delete" $scope.api.delete(key: $$scope.key) ) $scope.deleteAll = -> title = "Are you sure?" msg = "Are you sure you want to delete ALL keys matching \n #{$scope.key.full}" btns = [ {result:'cancel', label: 'Cancel'} {result:'delete', label: 'Delete ALL', cssClass: 'btn-danger'} ] $dialog.messageBox(title, msg, btns) .open() .then((result) -> if result == "delete" $scope.api.delete(key: $scope.key.full) $$scope.key) ) # Scope watchers $scope.$watch "list.current", () -> if $scope.key.type == "list" updateList() fetchValue() # Init $scope.fetchKeys()