module Cloudster #Cloud objects have many resources. This class can generate the cloudformation template and provision the stack. class Cloud include Output # Initialize a Cloud instance # # ==== Notes # options parameter must include values for :access_key_id and # :secret_access_key in order to create a connection # # ==== Parameters # * options<~Hash> # * :access_key_id : A string containing the AWS access key ID (Required) # * :secret_access_key : A string containing the AWS secret access key (Required) # * :region : A string containing the region where the stack should be created/updated (Optional). Can be one of # us-east-1(default), us-west-1, us-west-2, eu-west-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-northeast-1, ap-southeast-2, sa-east-1 # # ==== Examples # cloud = # :access_key_id => 'aws_access_key_id', # :secret_access_key => 'aws_secret_access_key', # :region => 'us-east-1' # ) def initialize(options = {}) require_options(options, [:access_key_id, :secret_access_key]) @region = options[:region] @access_key_id = options[:access_key_id] @secret_access_key = options[:secret_access_key] @cloud_formation = :aws_access_key_id => @access_key_id, :aws_secret_access_key => @secret_access_key, :region => @region ) end # Generates CloudFormation Template for the stack # # ==== Examples # cloud = # :access_key_id => 'aws_access_key_id', # :secret_access_key => 'aws_secret_access_key', # :region => 'us-east-1' # ) # # cloud.template(:resources => [<AWS RESOURCES ARRAY>], :description => 'This is the description for the stack template') # # ==== Notes # options parameter must include values for :resources # # ==== Parameters # * options<~Hash> - # * :resources : An array of Cloudster resource instances. Defaults to {}. # * :description : A string which will be used as the Description of the CloudFormation template. # # ==== Returns # * JSON cloud formation template def template(options = {}) require_options(options, [:resources]) resources = options[:resources] description = options[:description] || 'This stack is created by Cloudster' resource_template = {} output_template = {} resources.each do |resource| resource_template.merge!(resource.template['Resources']) output_template.merge!(resource.template['Outputs']) unless resource.template['Outputs'].nil? end cloud_template = {'AWSTemplateFormatVersion' => '2010-09-09', 'Description' => description } cloud_template['Resources'] = resource_template if !resource_template.empty? cloud_template['Outputs'] = output_template if !output_template.empty? return cloud_template.delete_nil.to_json end # Triggers the stack creation # # ==== Examples # cloud = # :access_key_id => 'aws_access_key_id', # :secret_access_key => 'aws_secret_access_key', # :region => 'us-east-1' # ) # # cloud.provision(:resources => [<AWS RESOURCES ARRRAY>], # :stack_name => 'Shitty Stack', # :description => 'This is the description for the stack template') # # ==== Notes # options parameter must include values for :resources and :stack_name # # ==== Parameters # * options<~Hash> # * :resources : An array of Cloudster resource instances. Defaults to {}. # * :stack_name : A string which will be used to name the CloudFormation stack. # * :description : A string which will be used as the Description of the CloudFormation template. # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * 'StackId'<~String> - Id of the new stack def provision(options = {}) require_options(options, [:resources, :stack_name]) return @cloud_formation.create_stack(options[:stack_name], 'TemplateBody' => template(:resources => options[:resources], :description => options[:description])) end # Updates already created stack # # ==== Examples # cloud = # :access_key_id => 'aws_access_key_id', # :secret_access_key => 'aws_secret_access_key', # :region => 'us-east-1' # ) # # cloud.update(:resources => [<AWS RESOURCES ARRRAY>], # :stack_name => 'Shitty Stack', # :description => 'This is the description for the stack template') # # ==== Notes # options parameter must include values for :resources and :stack_name # # ==== Parameters # * options<~Hash> # * :resources : An array of Cloudster resource instances. Defaults to {}. # * :stack_name : A string which is the name of the CloudFormation stack which will be updated. # * :description : A string which will be used as the Description of the CloudFormation template. # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * 'StackId'<~String> - Id of the new stack def update(options = {}) require_options(options, [:resources, :stack_name]) return @cloud_formation.update_stack(options[:stack_name], 'TemplateBody' => template(:resources => options[:resources], :description => options[:description])) end # Get events related to a stack # # ==== Examples # cloud = # :access_key_id => 'aws_access_key_id', # :secret_access_key => 'aws_secret_access_key', # :region => 'us-east-1' # ) # => 'ShittyStack') # # ==== Parameters # * options<~Hash> # * :stack_name : A string which will contain the name of the stack for which the events will be fetched. # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: def events(options = {}) return @cloud_formation.describe_stack_events(options[:stack_name]) end # Deletes a stack and the attached resources # # ==== Examples # cloud = # :access_key_id => 'aws_access_key_id', # :secret_access_key => 'aws_secret_access_key', # :region => 'us-east-1' # ) # cloud.delete(:stack_name => 'ShittyStack') # # ==== Parameters # * options<~Hash> # * :stack_name : A string which will contain the name of the stack for which will be deleted # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: def delete(options = {}) require_options(options, [:stack_name]) return @cloud_formation.delete_stack(options[:stack_name]) end # Returns all RDS(database) endpoints in a stack # # ==== Examples # cloud = # :access_key_id => 'aws_access_key_id', # :secret_access_key => 'aws_secret_access_key', # :region => 'us-east-1' # ) # cloud.get_database_endpoints(:stack_name => 'ShittyStack') # # ==== Parameters # * options<~Hash> # * :stack_name : A string which will contain the name of the stack # # ==== Returns # * Array of hashes, example: [{:address => '', :port => '3306'}] def get_database_endpoints(options = {}) rds_physical_ids = get_resource_ids(resources(options), "AWS::RDS::DBInstance").values return [] if rds_physical_ids.empty? rds = => @access_key_id, :aws_secret_access_key => @secret_access_key, :region => @region) endpoints = [] rds_physical_ids.each do |rds_physical_id| endpoint = rds.describe_db_instances(rds_physical_id).body["DescribeDBInstancesResult"]["DBInstances"][0]["Endpoint"] rescue nil endpoints << {:address => endpoint["Address"], :port => endpoint["Port"]} unless endpoint.nil? end return endpoints end # Get details of all RDS resources in a stack # # ==== Examples # cloud = # :access_key_id => 'aws_access_key_id', # :secret_access_key => 'aws_secret_access_key', # :region => 'us-east-1' # ) # cloud.get_rds_details(:stack_name => 'ShittyStack') # # ==== Parameters # * options<~Hash> # * :stack_name : A string which will contain the name of the stack # # ==== Returns # * A hash of RDS details where the key is the logical name and value is the RDS detail def get_rds_details(options = {}) stack_resources = resources(options) rds_resource_ids = get_resource_ids(stack_resources, "AWS::RDS::DBInstance") rds = => @access_key_id, :aws_secret_access_key => @secret_access_key, :region => @region) rds_details = {} rds_resource_ids.each do |key, value| rds_instance_details = rds.describe_db_instances(value) rds_details[key] = rds_instance_details.body["DescribeDBInstancesResult"]["DBInstances"][0] rescue nil end return rds_details end # Get details of all EC2 instances in a stack # # ==== Examples # cloud = # :access_key_id => 'aws_access_key_id', # :secret_access_key => 'aws_secret_access_key', # :region => 'us-east-1' # ) # cloud.get_ec2_details(:stack_name => 'ShittyStack') # # ==== Parameters # * options<~Hash> # * :stack_name : A string which will contain the name of the stack # # ==== Returns # * A hash of instance details where the key is the logical instance name and value is the instance detail def get_ec2_details(options = {}) stack_resources = resources(options) ec2_resource_ids = get_resource_ids(stack_resources, "AWS::EC2::Instance") ec2 = => @access_key_id, :aws_secret_access_key => @secret_access_key, :region => @region) ec2_details = {} ec2_resource_ids.each do |key, value| ec2_instance_details = ec2.describe_instances('instance-id' => value) ec2_details[key] = ec2_instance_details.body["reservationSet"][0]["instancesSet"][0] rescue nil end return ec2_details end # Get details of all Elastic Load Balancers in the stack # # ==== Examples # cloud = # :access_key_id => 'aws_access_key_id', # :secret_access_key => 'aws_secret_access_key', # :region => 'us-east-1' # ) # cloud.get_elb_details(:stack_name => 'ShittyStack') # # ==== Parameters # * options<~Hash> # * :stack_name : A string which will contain the name of the stack # # ==== Returns # * A hash containing elb details where the key is the logical name and value contains the details def get_elb_details(options = {}) stack_resources = resources(options) elb_resource_ids = get_resource_ids(stack_resources, "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer") elb = => @access_key_id, :aws_secret_access_key => @secret_access_key, :region => @region) elb_details = {} elb_resource_ids.each do |key, value| elb_instance_details = elb.describe_load_balancers("LoadBalancerNames" => [value]) elb_details[key] = elb_instance_details.body["DescribeLoadBalancersResult"]["LoadBalancerDescriptions"][0] rescue nil end return elb_details end # Returns an array containing a list of Resources in a stack # # ==== Examples # cloud = # :access_key_id => 'aws_access_key_id', # :secret_access_key => 'aws_secret_access_key', # :region => 'us-east-1' # ) # cloud.resources(:stack_name => 'RDSStack') # # ==== Parameters # * options<~Hash> # * :stack_name : A string which will contain the name of the stack # # ==== Returns # * Array of hashes, example: [{"Timestamp"=>2012-11-16 14:31:55 UTC, "ResourceStatus"=>"CREATE_COMPLETE", "StackId"=>"arn:aws::asd", "LogicalResourceId"=>"TestDB", "StackName"=>"RDSStack", "PhysicalResourceId"=>"rtad", "ResourceType"=>"AWS::RDS::DBInstance"}] def resources(options = {}) require_options(options, [:stack_name]) return @cloud_formation.describe_stack_resources('StackName' => options[:stack_name]).body["StackResources"] rescue [] end # Describes the attributes of a Stack # # ==== Examples # cloud = # :access_key_id => 'aws_access_key_id', # :secret_access_key => 'aws_secret_access_key', # :region => 'us-east-1' # ) # cloud.describe(:stack_name => 'RDSStack') # # ==== Parameters # * options<~Hash> # * :stack_name : A string which will contain the name of the stack # # ==== Returns # * Hash containing description of the stack def describe(options = {}) require_options(options, [:stack_name]) return @cloud_formation.describe_stacks('StackName' => options[:stack_name]).body["Stacks"][0] rescue nil end # Returns a hash containing the output values of each resource in the Stack # # ==== Examples # cloud = # :access_key_id => 'aws_access_key_id', # :secret_access_key => 'aws_secret_access_key', # :region => 'us-east-1' # ) # cloud.outputs(:stack_name => 'RDSStack') # # ==== Parameters # * options<~Hash> # * :stack_name : A string which will contain the name of the stack # # ==== Returns # * Hash containing outputs of the stack def outputs(options = {}) require_options(options, [:stack_name]) stack_description = describe(:stack_name => options[:stack_name]) outputs = stack_description["Outputs"] rescue [] outputs_hash = {} outputs.each do |output| outputs_hash[output["OutputKey"]] = parse_outputs(output["OutputValue"]) end return outputs_hash end # Returns the status of the stack # # ==== Examples # cloud = # :access_key_id => 'aws_access_key_id', # :secret_access_key => 'aws_secret_access_key', # :region => 'us-east-1' # ) # cloud.status(:stack_name => 'RDSStack') # # ==== Parameters # * options<~Hash> # * :stack_name : A string which will contain the name of the stack # # ==== Returns # * One of these strings : # * CREATE_IN_PROGRESS # * CREATE_FAILED # * CREATE_COMPLETE # * ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS # * ROLLBACK_FAILED # * ROLLBACK_COMPLETE # * DELETE_IN_PROGRESS # * DELETE_FAILED def status(options = {}) require_options(options, [:stack_name]) description = describe(options) return description["StackStatus"] rescue nil end # Returns all keypairs created in the AWS account # # ==== Examples # cloud = # :access_key_id => 'aws_access_key_id', # :secret_access_key => 'aws_secret_access_key', # :region => 'us-east-1' # ) # cloud.get_key_pairs # # ==== Parameters # * none # # ==== Returns # * Array of hashes, example: [{"keyName"=>"default", "keyFingerprint"=>"84:67:e2:f8:04:c1:5f:d4:ff"}] def get_key_pairs ec2 = => @access_key_id, :aws_secret_access_key => @secret_access_key, :region => @region) return ec2.describe_key_pairs.body["keySet"] rescue [] end # Returns all SecurityGroups created in the AWS account # # ==== Examples # cloud = # :access_key_id => 'aws_access_key_id', # :secret_access_key => 'aws_secret_access_key', # :region => 'us-east-1' # ) # cloud.get_security_groups # # ==== Parameters # * none # # ==== Returns # * Array of hashes containing the security group details def get_security_groups ec2 = => @access_key_id, :aws_secret_access_key => @secret_access_key, :region => @region) return ec2.describe_security_groups.body["securityGroupInfo"] rescue [] end # Returns true if S3 bucket name is available, else returns false # # ==== Examples # cloud = # :access_key_id => 'aws_access_key_id', # :secret_access_key => 'aws_secret_access_key', # :region => 'us-east-1' # ) # cloud.is_s3_bucket_name_available?('test-bucket-name') # # ==== Parameter # * String containing the bucket name # # ==== Returns # * true - If bucket name is available # * false - If bucket name is not available def is_s3_bucket_name_available?(bucket_name) s3 = => @access_key_id, :aws_secret_access_key => @secret_access_key) begin response = s3.get_bucket(bucket_name) rescue Exception => e response = e.response end not_found_status = 404 return response[:status] == not_found_status end private #Returns a hash {<logical_resource_id> => <physical_resource_id>} def get_resource_ids(stack_resources, resource_type) resource_ids = {} stack_resources.each do |resource| if resource["ResourceType"] == resource_type key = resource["LogicalResourceId"] value = resource["PhysicalResourceId"] resource_ids[key] = value end end return resource_ids end end end