require 'uv' require 'textpow' ## fix Textpow::ScoreManager::START_VALUE class supposed to be a Bignum unless Textpow::ScoreManager::START_VALUE.is_a? Bignum require 'bigdecimal' Textpow::ScoreManager.send(:remove_const,:START_VALUE) Textpow::ScoreManager.const_set(:START_VALUE,(BigDecimal("2") ** ( Textpow::ScoreManager::POINT_DEPTH * Textpow::ScoreManager::NESTING_DEPTH )).to_i) end module Uv self.syntax_path=File.join(ENV["HOME"],"dyndoc","etc","uv","syntax") self.render_path=File.join(ENV["HOME"],"dyndoc","etc","uv","render") def self.parse(text, output = "xhtml", syntax_name = nil, line_numbers = false, render_style = nil, headers = false) Dyndoc::RenderProcessor.load(output, render_style, line_numbers, headers) do |processor| syntax_node_for(syntax_name).parse(text, processor) end.string end end module Dyndoc class RenderProcessor @@score_manager = attr_reader :string attr_accessor :escapeHTML def self.load(output, style = nil, line_numbers = false, headers = false) style ||= Uv.default_style renderer = File.join( Uv.render_path, output,"#{style}.render") raise( ArgumentError, "Output for #{output} in #{style} style is not yet implemented" ) unless File.exists?(renderer) options = YAML.load_file(renderer) processor =, line_numbers, headers) yield processor if block_given? processor end def initialize render_options, line_numbers = false, headers = true, score_manager = nil @score_manager = score_manager || @@score_manager @render_options = render_options @options = {} @headers = headers @line_numbers = line_numbers @escapeHTML = true end def start_parsing name @stack = [name] @string = "" @line = nil @line_number = 0 print @render_options["document"]["begin"] if @headers print (@line_numbers ? @render_options["listing"]["begin"] : @render_options["listing"]["begin-line-numbers"]) # opt = options @stack # print opt["begin"] if opt end def print string @string << string end def escape string if @render_options["filter"] @escaped = string @escaped = self.instance_eval( @render_options["filter"] ) @escaped else string end end def open_tag name, position @stack << name print escape(@line[@position...position].gsub(/\n|\r/, '')) if position > @position @position = position opt = options @stack print opt["begin"] if opt end def close_tag name, position print escape(@line[@position...position].gsub(/\n|\r/, '')) if position > @position @position = position opt = options @stack print opt["end"] if opt @stack.pop end def close_line stack = @stack[0..-1] while stack.size > 1 opt = options stack print opt["end"] if opt stack.pop end end def open_line stack = [@stack.first] clone = @stack[1..-1] while stack.size < @stack.size stack << clone.shift opt = options stack print opt["begin"] if opt end end def new_line line if @line print escape(@line[@position..-1].gsub(/\n|\r/, '')) close_line print @render_options["line"]["end"] print "\n" end @position = 0 @line_number += 1 @line = line print @render_options["line"]["begin"] if @line_numbers print @render_options["line-numbers"]["begin"] print @line_number.to_s.rjust(4).ljust(5) print @render_options["line-numbers"]["end"] print " " end open_line end def end_parsing name if @line print escape(@line[@position..-1].gsub(/\n|\r/, '')) while @stack.size > 1 opt = options @stack print opt["end"] if opt @stack.pop end print @render_options["line"]["end"] print "\n" end # opt = options @stack # print opt["end"] if opt @stack.pop print @render_options["listing"]["end"] print @render_options["document"]["end"] if @headers end def options stack ref = stack.join ' ' return @options[ref] if @options.has_key? ref result = @render_options['tags'].max do |a, b| @score_manager.score( a['selector'], ref ) <=> @score_manager.score( b['selector'], ref ) end result = nil if @score_manager.score( result['selector'], ref ) == 0 @options[ref] = result end end end