module Spree module BaseHelper def link_to_cart(text = nil) text = text ? h(text) : Spree.t(:cart) css_class = nil if simple_current_order.nil? || text = "#{text}: (#{Spree.t(:empty)})" css_class = 'empty' else text = "#{text}: (#{simple_current_order.item_count}) #{simple_current_order.display_total.to_html}" css_class = 'full' end link_to text.html_safe, spree.cart_path, class: "cart-info #{css_class}" end # human readable list of variant options def variant_options(v, _options = {}) v.options_text end def meta_data object = instance_variable_get('@' + controller_name.singularize) meta = {} if object.is_a? ActiveRecord::Base meta[:keywords] = object.meta_keywords if object[:meta_keywords].present? meta[:description] = object.meta_description if object[:meta_description].present? end if meta[:description].blank? && object.is_a?(Spree::Product) meta[:description] = truncate(strip_tags(object.description), length: 160, separator: ' ') end meta.reverse_merge!({ keywords: current_store.meta_keywords, description: current_store.meta_description }) if meta[:keywords].blank? || meta[:description].blank? meta end def meta_data_tags do |name, content| tag('meta', name: name, content: content) end.join("\n") end def body_class @body_class ||= content_for?(:sidebar) ? 'two-col' : 'one-col' @body_class end def logo(image_path = Spree::Config[:logo]) link_to image_tag(image_path), spree.root_path end def flash_messages(opts = {}) ignore_types = ["order_completed"].concat(Array(opts[:ignore_types]).map(&:to_s) || []) flash.each do |msg_type, text| unless ignore_types.include?(msg_type) concat(content_tag(:div, text, class: "flash #{msg_type}")) end end nil end def breadcrumbs(taxon, separator = " » ", breadcrumb_class = "inline") return "" if current_page?("/") || taxon.nil? crumbs = [[Spree.t(:home), spree.root_path]] if taxon crumbs << [Spree.t(:products), products_path] crumbs += taxon.ancestors.collect { |a| [, spree.nested_taxons_path(a.permalink)] } unless taxon.ancestors.empty? crumbs << [, spree.nested_taxons_path(taxon.permalink)] else crumbs << [Spree.t(:products), products_path] end separator = raw(separator)! do |crumb| content_tag(:li, itemscope: "itemscope", itemtype: "") do link_to(crumb.last, itemprop: "url") do content_tag(:span, crumb.first, itemprop: "title") end + (crumb == crumbs.last ? '' : separator) end end content_tag(:nav, content_tag(:ul, raw(, class: breadcrumb_class), id: 'breadcrumbs', class: 'sixteen columns') end def taxons_tree(root_taxon, current_taxon, max_level = 1) return '' if max_level < 1 || root_taxon.children.empty? content_tag :ul, class: 'taxons-list' do taxons = do |taxon| css_class = (current_taxon && current_taxon.self_and_ancestors.include?(taxon)) ? 'current' : nil content_tag :li, class: css_class do link_to(, seo_url(taxon)) + taxons_tree(taxon, current_taxon, max_level - 1) end end safe_join(taxons, "\n") end end def available_countries checkout_zone = Zone.find_by(name: Spree::Config[:checkout_zone]) if checkout_zone && checkout_zone.kind == 'country' countries = checkout_zone.country_list else countries = Country.all end countries.collect do |country| = Spree.t(country.iso, scope: 'country_names', default: country end.sort_by { |c| } end def seo_url(taxon) spree.nested_taxons_path(taxon.permalink) end def display_price(product_or_variant) product_or_variant.price_for(current_pricing_options).to_html end def pretty_time(time) [I18n.l(time.to_date, format: :long), time.strftime("%l:%M %p")].join(" ") end def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) if image_style = image_style_from_method_name(method_name) define_image_method(image_style) send(method_name, *args) else super end end def link_to_tracking(shipment, options = {}) return unless shipment.tracking && shipment.shipping_method if shipment.tracking_url link_to(shipment.tracking, shipment.tracking_url, options) else content_tag(:span, shipment.tracking) end end private # Returns style of image or nil def image_style_from_method_name(method_name) if method_name.to_s.match(/_image$/) && style = method_name.to_s.sub(/_image$/, '') possible_styles = Spree::Image.attachment_definitions[:attachment][:styles] style if possible_styles.with_indifferent_access end end def create_product_image_tag(image, product, options, style) options.reverse_merge! alt: image.alt.blank? ? : image.alt image_tag image.attachment.url(style), options end def define_image_method(style) self.class.send :define_method, "#{style}_image" do |product, *options| ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn "Spree image helpers will be deprecated in the near future. Use the provided resource to access the intendend image directly.", caller options = options.first || {} if product.images.empty? if !product.is_a?(Spree::Variant) && !product.variant_images.empty? create_product_image_tag(product.variant_images.first, product, options, style) elsif product.is_a?(Variant) && !product.product.variant_images.empty? create_product_image_tag(product.product.variant_images.first, product, options, style) else image_tag "noimage/#{style}.png", options end else create_product_image_tag(product.images.first, product, options, style) end end end end end