require 'serverspec' require 'serverspec/type/base' require 'net/http' require 'json' module Serverspec::Type class OctopusDeployAccount < Base @account = nil @accountName = nil @serverUrl = nil @apiKey = nil @serverSupportsSpaces = nil @spaceId = nil @spaceFragment = "" # constants for account types AZURE = 'AzureSubscription'.freeze AWS = 'AmazonWebServicesAccount'.freeze SSH = 'SshKeypair'.freeze TOKEN = 'Token'.freeze USERNAME = 'UsernamePassword'.freeze ACCOUNT_TYPES = [AZURE, AWS, SSH, TOKEN, USERNAME] def initialize(*url_and_api_key, account_name) server_url, api_key = get_octopus_creds(url_and_api_key) @serverSupportsSpaces = check_supports_spaces(server_url) @name = "Octopus Deploy Account #{account_name}" @runner = Specinfra::Runner @accountName = account_name @serverUrl = server_url @apiKey = api_key if account_name.nil? or account_name == "" raise "'account_name' was not provided. Unable to connect to Octopus server to validate configuration." end end def exists? load_resource_if_nil() (!@account.nil?) && (@account != []) end def has_description?(account_description) load_resource_if_nil() return false if @account.nil? @account["Description"] == account_description end def account_type?(account_type_name) load_resource_if_nil() if !ACCOUNT_TYPES.include? account_type_name raise("'#{account_type_name}' is not a valid account type") end return false if @account.nil? @account["AccountType"] == account_type_name end def azure_account? return false if @account.nil? account_type?(AZURE) # should also have a subscription number, but Octopus manages validation on this end def aws_account? return false if @account.nil? account_type?(AWS) end def ssh_key_pair? return false if @account.nil? account_type?(SSH) end def username_password? return false if @account.nil? account_type?(USERNAME) end def token? return false if @account.nil? account_type?(TOKEN) end def in_environment?(environment_name) load_resource_if_nil() return false if @account.nil? url = "#{@serverUrl}/api/#{@spaceFragment}environments/all?api-key=#{@apiKey}" resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url)) environments = JSON.parse(resp.body) environment_id = {|e| e["Name"] == environment_name}.first["Id"] !@account["EnvironmentIds"].select {|e| e == environment_id}.empty? end def has_tenanted_deployment_participation?(mode) load_resource_if_nil() return false if @machine.nil? @machine["TenantedDeploymentParticipation"] == mode # copied directly from tentacle end def has_property?(property_name, expected_value) load_resource_if_nil() return false if @account.nil? @account[property_name] == expected_value end def in_space(space_name) # allows us to tag .in_space() onto the end of the resource. as in # describe octopus_account("account name").in_space("MyNewSpace") do @spaceId = get_space_id?(space_name) if @accountName.nil? raise "'account_name' was not provided. Please provide an account name and try again." end self end private def load_resource_if_nil if @account.nil? @account = get_account_via_api(@serverUrl, @apiKey, @accountName) end end def get_space_id?(space_name) return false if @serverSupportsSpaces.nil? url = "#{@serverUrl}/api/Spaces/all?api-key=#{@apiKey}" resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url)) spaces = JSON.parse(resp.body) space_id = {|e| e["Name"] == space_name}.first["Id"] space_id end end def octopus_deploy_account(*url_and_api_key, account_name) serverUrl, apiKey = get_octopus_creds(url_and_api_key), apiKey, account_name) end def octopus_account(*url_and_api_key, account_name) serverUrl, apiKey = get_octopus_creds(url_and_api_key), apiKey, account_name) end private def get_account_via_api(serverUrl, apiKey, account_name) account = nil unless @spaceId.nil? # set the spaceId correctly @spaceFragment = "#{@spaceId}/" end url = "#{serverUrl}/api/#{@spaceFragment}accounts/all?api-key=#{apiKey}" begin resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url)) body = JSON.parse(resp.body) account = {|i| i['Name'] == account_name }.first unless body.nil? rescue => e raise "get_account_via_api: Unable to connect to #{url}: #{e}" end account end end include Serverspec::Type