# encoding: utf-8

module Veritas
  class Relation
    module Operation

      # A class representing a sorted relation
      class Order < Relation
        include Unary

        # The relation sort order
        # @return [Operation::Order::DirectionSet]
        # @api private
        attr_reader :directions

        # Instantiate a new Order
        # @example
        #   order = Order.new(operand, directions)
        # @param [Relation] operand
        #   the relation to sort
        # @param [DirectionSet, Array<Direction, Attribute>] directions
        #   the directions to sort tuples in
        # @return [Order]
        # @api public
        def self.new(operand, directions)
          directions = operand.header if directions.empty?
          directions = DirectionSet.coerce(directions)
          assert_order_by_full_header(operand, directions)

        # Assert the full header is sorted on
        # Sorting on the full header ensures deterministic results,
        # which is necessary for ordering to be useful.
        # @param [Relation] operand
        # @param [#attributes] directions
        # @return [undefined]
        # @raise [InvalidDirectionsError]
        #   raised if the full header is not sorted on
        # @api private
        def self.assert_order_by_full_header(operand, directions)
          if operand.header.to_set != directions.attributes.to_set
            raise InvalidDirectionsError, 'directions must include every attribute in the header'

        private_class_method :assert_order_by_full_header

        # Initialize an Order
        # @param [Relation] operand
        #   the relation to sort
        # @param [DirectionSet, Array<Direction, Attribute>] directions
        #   the directions to sort tuples in
        # @return [undefined]
        # @api private
        def initialize(operand, directions)
          @directions = directions

        # Iterate over each tuple in the set
        # @example
        #   order = Order.new(operand, directions)
        #   order.each { |tuple| ... }
        # @yield [tuple]
        # @yieldparam [Tuple] tuple
        #   each tuple in the set
        # @return [self]
        # @api public
        def each
          return to_enum unless block_given?
          directions.sort_tuples(operand).each { |tuple| yield tuple }

        # Compare the Order with other relation for equality
        # @example
        #   order.eql?(other)  # => true or false
        # @param [Relation] other
        #   the other relation to compare with
        # @return [Boolean]
        # @api public
        def eql?(other)
          super && directions.eql?(other.directions)

        # Return the hash of the order
        # @example
        #   hash = order.hash
        # @return [Fixnum]
        # @api public
        def hash
          super ^ directions.hash

        module Methods

          # Return an ordered relation
          # @example with no directions
          #   order = relation.order  # sort by the header
          # @example with a block
          #   order = relation.order { |r| [ r[:a].desc, r[:b] ] }
          # @yield [relation]
          #   optional block to evaluate for directions
          # @yieldparam [Relation] relation
          # @yieldreturn [Array<Direction>, Header]
          # @return [Order]
          # @api public
          def order
            Order.new(self, block_given? ? Array(yield(self)) : header)

        end # module Methods

        Relation.class_eval { include Methods }

        memoize :hash

      end # class Order
    end # module Operation
  end # class Relation
end # module Veritas