module Todoist ## # It is the connection module's responsibility to make all requests to the # todoist API, and to deserialize the response into a Hash. Before any # requests are made to the todoist service, the connection information should # be provided via the setup method. module Connection @@url_base = '' @@api_base = '/API' @@is_set_up = false ## # # This method should be called before all others to initialize the # variables needed for any API requests, the API key and if the account is # premium or not. No actual request is made at this stage. # # @param [String] api_key The todoist API key, findable in your preferences # @param [Boolean] premium Is the account premium? If set to true, API # requests are made via https. Not required and # defaults to false. # def self.setup(api_key, premium = false) @@is_set_up = true @@api_key = api_key @@premium = premium end ## # # Instantiates and makes a query to the given API method with the provided # request keys. # # The response is parsed from the JSON to native ruby objects as appropriate # # @param [String] api_method The API method to call. Must be supplied. # @param [Hash] keys An array of keys to be included in the URL. # This shouldn't include the token # # @return [Hash] The response, parsed from the JSON # # @raise [NotSetupError] The connection has not been set up # @raise [TokenNotCorrect] The server returned a message indicating a bad # token was sent # @raise [InvalidAPICall] The request was made to an invalid API address # @raise [BadResponse] The server didn't return a 200 (and wasn't a bad # token or a 404) # def self.api_request(api_method, keys={}) raise(NotSetupError, "Call Todoist::Connection.setup before making any API requests") unless @@is_set_up # first, construct our URL string request = construct_request_string(api_method, keys) # next, make our request response = make_api_request(request) return JSON.parse(response) end protected # constructs a request string from the method and the keys passed in, adding # the token def self.construct_request_string(api_method, keys={}) # convert our hash of keys into an appropriate array. urlized_keys = jsonized_url_array(keys) urlized_keys.unshift "token=#{@@api_key}" return "#{@@api_base}/#{api_method}?#{urlized_keys.join('&')}" end # converts the keys to a JSONized array, and CGI escapes them def self.jsonized_url_array(keys={}) array = keys.inject([]) do |array, h| jsonized = h[1].to_json escaped = CGI.escape(jsonized) array << "#{h[0]}=#{escaped}" end return array end # makes a request from the todoist API def self.make_api_request(request) port = (@@premium) ? 443 : 80 http =, port) http.use_ssl = @@premium new_request = # actually make our request! response = http.request(new_request) if response.code == '200' return response.body else if response.code == '404' raise InvalidAPICall elsif response.code == '500' && response.body =~ /Token not correct!/ raise TokenNotCorrect else raise(BadResponse,"#{response.code} - #{response.body})") end end end end end