do |s| = 'adyen' s.version = "0.2.0" = "2009-10-21" s.summary = "Integrate Adyen payment services in you Ruby on Rails application." s.description = <<-EOS Package to simplify including the Adyen payments services into a Ruby on Rails application. The package provides functionality to create payment forms, handling and storing notifications sent by Adyen and consuming the SOAP services provided by Adyen. Moreover, it contains helper methods, mocks and matchers to simpify writing tests/specsfor your code. EOS s.authors = ['Willem van Bergen', 'Michel Barbosa'] = ['', ''] s.homepage = '' s.add_development_dependency('rspec', '>= 1.1.4') s.add_development_dependency('git', '>= 1.1.0') s.requirements << 'Handsoap is required for accessing the SOAP services. See' s.requirements << 'LibXML is required for using the RSpec matchers.' s.requirements << 'ActiveRecord is required for storing the notifications in your database.' s.rdoc_options << '--title' << << '--main' << 'README.rdoc' << '--line-numbers' << '--inline-source' s.extra_rdoc_files = ['README.rdoc'] s.files = %w(spec/spec_helper.rb lib/adyen/form.rb .gitignore LICENSE spec/soap_spec.rb spec/notification_spec.rb lib/adyen/soap.rb init.rb spec/adyen_spec.rb adyen.gemspec Rakefile tasks/github-gem.rake spec/form_spec.rb README.rdoc lib/adyen/notification.rb lib/adyen/matchers.rb lib/adyen/formatter.rb lib/adyen.rb lib/adyen/encoding.rb) s.test_files = %w(spec/soap_spec.rb spec/notification_spec.rb spec/adyen_spec.rb spec/form_spec.rb) end