dojo.provide("dojo.back"); /*===== dojo.back = { // summary: Browser history management resources } =====*/ (function(){ var back = dojo.back; // everyone deals with encoding the hash slightly differently function getHash(){ var h = window.location.hash; if(h.charAt(0) == "#"){ h = h.substring(1); } return dojo.isMozilla ? h : decodeURIComponent(h); } function setHash(h){ if(!h){ h = ""; } window.location.hash = encodeURIComponent(h); historyCounter = history.length; } // if we're in the test for these methods, expose them on dojo.back. ok'd with alex. if(dojo.exists("tests.back-hash")){ back.getHash = getHash; back.setHash = setHash; } var initialHref = (typeof(window) !== "undefined") ? window.location.href : ""; var initialHash = (typeof(window) !== "undefined") ? getHash() : ""; var initialState = null; var locationTimer = null; var bookmarkAnchor = null; var historyIframe = null; var forwardStack = []; var historyStack = []; var moveForward = false; var changingUrl = false; var historyCounter; function handleBackButton(){ //summary: private method. Do not call this directly. //The "current" page is always at the top of the history stack. //console.debug("handlingBackButton"); var current = historyStack.pop(); if(!current){ return; } var last = historyStack[historyStack.length-1]; if(!last && historyStack.length == 0){ last = initialState; } if(last){ if(last.kwArgs["back"]){ last.kwArgs["back"](); }else if(last.kwArgs["backButton"]){ last.kwArgs["backButton"](); }else if(last.kwArgs["handle"]){ last.kwArgs.handle("back"); } } forwardStack.push(current); //console.debug("done handling back"); } back.goBack = handleBackButton; function handleForwardButton(){ //summary: private method. Do not call this directly. //console.debug("handling forward"); var last = forwardStack.pop(); if(!last){ return; } if(last.kwArgs["forward"]){ last.kwArgs.forward(); }else if(last.kwArgs["forwardButton"]){ last.kwArgs.forwardButton(); }else if(last.kwArgs["handle"]){ last.kwArgs.handle("forward"); } historyStack.push(last); //console.debug("done handling forward"); } back.goForward = handleForwardButton; function createState(url, args, hash){ //summary: private method. Do not call this directly. return {"url": url, "kwArgs": args, "urlHash": hash}; //Object } function getUrlQuery(url){ //summary: private method. Do not call this directly. var segments = url.split("?"); if(segments.length < 2){ return null; //null } else{ return segments[1]; //String } } function loadIframeHistory(){ //summary: private method. Do not call this directly. var url = (dojo.config["dojoIframeHistoryUrl"] || dojo.moduleUrl("dojo", "resources/iframe_history.html")) + "?" + (new Date()).getTime(); moveForward = true; if(historyIframe){ dojo.isSafari ? historyIframe.location = url : window.frames[].location = url; }else{ //console.warn("dojo.back: Not initialised. You need to call dojo.back.init() from a