# frozen_string_literal: true require 'fiddle/import' module Win32 =begin rdoc = Win32 Registry win32/registry is registry accessor library for Win32 platform. It uses importer to call Win32 Registry APIs. == example Win32::Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER.open('SOFTWARE\foo') do |reg| value = reg['foo'] # read a value value = reg['foo', Win32::Registry::REG_SZ] # read a value with type type, value = reg.read('foo') # read a value reg['foo'] = 'bar' # write a value reg['foo', Win32::Registry::REG_SZ] = 'bar' # write a value with type reg.write('foo', Win32::Registry::REG_SZ, 'bar') # write a value reg.each_value { |name, type, data| ... } # Enumerate values reg.each_key { |key, wtime| ... } # Enumerate subkeys reg.delete_value(name) # Delete a value reg.delete_key(name) # Delete a subkey reg.delete_key(name, true) # Delete a subkey recursively end = Reference == Win32::Registry class --- info --- num_keys --- max_key_length --- num_values --- max_value_name_length --- max_value_length --- descriptor_length --- wtime Returns an item of key information. === constants --- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT --- HKEY_CURRENT_USER --- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE --- HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA --- HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG --- HKEY_DYN_DATA Win32::Registry object whose key is predefined key. For detail, see the MSDN[http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/predefined_keys.asp] article. =end rdoc WCHAR = Encoding::UTF_16LE WCHAR_NUL = "\0".encode(WCHAR).freeze WCHAR_CR = "\r".encode(WCHAR).freeze WCHAR_SIZE = WCHAR_NUL.bytesize LOCALE = Encoding::UTF_8 class Registry # # For detail, see the MSDN[http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/registry.asp]. # # --- HKEY_* # # Predefined key ((*handle*)). # These are Integer, not Win32::Registry. # # --- REG_* # # Registry value type. # # --- KEY_* # # Security access mask. # # --- KEY_OPTIONS_* # # Key options. # # --- REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY # # --- REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY # # If the key is created newly or opened existing key. # See also Registry#disposition method. module Constants HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = 0x80000000 HKEY_CURRENT_USER = 0x80000001 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x80000002 HKEY_USERS = 0x80000003 HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA = 0x80000004 HKEY_PERFORMANCE_TEXT = 0x80000050 HKEY_PERFORMANCE_NLSTEXT = 0x80000060 HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG = 0x80000005 HKEY_DYN_DATA = 0x80000006 REG_NONE = 0 REG_SZ = 1 REG_EXPAND_SZ = 2 REG_BINARY = 3 REG_DWORD = 4 REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 4 REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN = 5 REG_LINK = 6 REG_MULTI_SZ = 7 REG_RESOURCE_LIST = 8 REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR = 9 REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST = 10 REG_QWORD = 11 REG_QWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 11 STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ = 0x00020000 STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE = 0x00020000 KEY_QUERY_VALUE = 0x0001 KEY_SET_VALUE = 0x0002 KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY = 0x0004 KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS = 0x0008 KEY_NOTIFY = 0x0010 KEY_CREATE_LINK = 0x0020 KEY_READ = STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ | KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | KEY_NOTIFY KEY_WRITE = STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE | KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY KEY_EXECUTE = KEY_READ KEY_ALL_ACCESS = KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE | KEY_CREATE_LINK REG_OPTION_RESERVED = 0x0000 REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE = 0x0000 REG_OPTION_VOLATILE = 0x0001 REG_OPTION_CREATE_LINK = 0x0002 REG_OPTION_BACKUP_RESTORE = 0x0004 REG_OPTION_OPEN_LINK = 0x0008 REG_LEGAL_OPTION = REG_OPTION_RESERVED | REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE | REG_OPTION_CREATE_LINK | REG_OPTION_BACKUP_RESTORE | REG_OPTION_OPEN_LINK REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY = 1 REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY = 2 REG_WHOLE_HIVE_VOLATILE = 0x0001 REG_REFRESH_HIVE = 0x0002 REG_NO_LAZY_FLUSH = 0x0004 REG_FORCE_RESTORE = 0x0008 MAX_KEY_LENGTH = 514 MAX_VALUE_LENGTH = 32768 end include Constants include Enumerable # # Error # class Error < ::StandardError module Kernel32 extend Fiddle::Importer dlload "kernel32.dll" end FormatMessageW = Kernel32.extern "int FormatMessageW(int, void *, int, int, void *, int, void *)", :stdcall def initialize(code) @code = code buff = WCHAR_NUL * 1024 lang = 0 begin len = FormatMessageW.call(0x1200, 0, code, lang, buff, 1024, 0) msg = buff.byteslice(0, len * WCHAR_SIZE) msg.delete!(WCHAR_CR) msg.chomp! msg.encode!(LOCALE) rescue EncodingError raise unless lang == 0 lang = 0x0409 # en_US retry end super msg end attr_reader :code end # # Predefined Keys # class PredefinedKey < Registry def initialize(hkey, keyname) @hkey = hkey @parent = nil @keyname = keyname @disposition = REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY end # Predefined keys cannot be closed def close raise Error.new(5) ## ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED end # Fake #class method for Registry#open, Registry#create def class Registry end # Make all Constants.constants.grep(/^HKEY_/) do |c| Registry.const_set c, new(Constants.const_get(c), c.to_s) end end # # Win32 APIs # module API include Constants extend Fiddle::Importer dlload "advapi32.dll" [ "long RegOpenKeyExW(void *, void *, long, long, void *)", "long RegCreateKeyExW(void *, void *, long, long, long, long, void *, void *, void *)", "long RegEnumValueW(void *, long, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *)", "long RegEnumKeyExW(void *, long, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *)", "long RegQueryValueExW(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *)", "long RegSetValueExW(void *, void *, long, long, void *, long)", "long RegDeleteValueW(void *, void *)", "long RegDeleteKeyW(void *, void *)", "long RegFlushKey(void *)", "long RegCloseKey(void *)", "long RegQueryInfoKey(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *)", ].each do |fn| cfunc = extern fn, :stdcall const_set cfunc.name.intern, cfunc end module_function def check(result) raise Error, result, caller(1) if result != 0 end def win64? /^(?:x64|x86_64)/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM end TEMPLATE_HANDLE = 'J<' def packhandle(h) [h].pack(TEMPLATE_HANDLE) end def unpackhandle(h) (h + [0].pack(TEMPLATE_HANDLE)).unpack1(TEMPLATE_HANDLE) end TEMPLATE_DWORD = 'V' def packdw(dw) [dw].pack(TEMPLATE_DWORD) end def unpackdw(dw) (dw + [0].pack(TEMPLATE_DWORD)).unpack1(TEMPLATE_DWORD) end TEMPLATE_QWORD = 'Q<' def packqw(qw) [qw].pack(TEMPLATE_QWORD) end def unpackqw(qw) (qw + [0].pack(TEMPLATE_QWORD)).unpack1(TEMPLATE_QWORD) end def make_wstr(str) str.encode(WCHAR) end def OpenKey(hkey, name, opt, desired) result = packhandle(0) check RegOpenKeyExW.call(hkey, make_wstr(name), opt, desired, result) unpackhandle(result) end def CreateKey(hkey, name, opt, desired) result = packhandle(0) disp = packdw(0) check RegCreateKeyExW.call(hkey, make_wstr(name), 0, 0, opt, desired, 0, result, disp) [ unpackhandle(result), unpackdw(disp) ] end def EnumValue(hkey, index) name = WCHAR_NUL * Constants::MAX_KEY_LENGTH size = packdw(Constants::MAX_KEY_LENGTH) check RegEnumValueW.call(hkey, index, name, size, 0, 0, 0, 0) name.byteslice(0, unpackdw(size) * WCHAR_SIZE) end def EnumKey(hkey, index) name = WCHAR_NUL * Constants::MAX_KEY_LENGTH size = packdw(Constants::MAX_KEY_LENGTH) wtime = ' ' * 8 check RegEnumKeyExW.call(hkey, index, name, size, 0, 0, 0, wtime) [ name.byteslice(0, unpackdw(size) * WCHAR_SIZE), unpackqw(wtime) ] end def QueryValue(hkey, name) type = packdw(0) size = packdw(0) name = make_wstr(name) check RegQueryValueExW.call(hkey, name, 0, type, 0, size) data = "\0".b * unpackdw(size) check RegQueryValueExW.call(hkey, name, 0, type, data, size) [ unpackdw(type), data[0, unpackdw(size)] ] end def SetValue(hkey, name, type, data, size) case type when REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ data = data.encode(WCHAR) size ||= data.bytesize + WCHAR_SIZE end check RegSetValueExW.call(hkey, make_wstr(name), 0, type, data, size) end def DeleteValue(hkey, name) check RegDeleteValueW.call(hkey, make_wstr(name)) end def DeleteKey(hkey, name) check RegDeleteKeyW.call(hkey, make_wstr(name)) end def FlushKey(hkey) check RegFlushKey.call(hkey) end def CloseKey(hkey) check RegCloseKey.call(hkey) end def QueryInfoKey(hkey) subkeys = packdw(0) maxsubkeylen = packdw(0) values = packdw(0) maxvaluenamelen = packdw(0) maxvaluelen = packdw(0) secdescs = packdw(0) wtime = ' ' * 8 check RegQueryInfoKey.call(hkey, 0, 0, 0, subkeys, maxsubkeylen, 0, values, maxvaluenamelen, maxvaluelen, secdescs, wtime) [ unpackdw(subkeys), unpackdw(maxsubkeylen), unpackdw(values), unpackdw(maxvaluenamelen), unpackdw(maxvaluelen), unpackdw(secdescs), unpackqw(wtime) ] end end # # Replace %\w+% into the environment value of what is contained between the %'s # This method is used for REG_EXPAND_SZ. # # For detail, see expandEnvironmentStrings[http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/expandenvironmentstrings.asp] \Win32 \API. # def self.expand_environ(str) str.gsub(Regexp.compile("%([^%]+)%".encode(str.encoding))) { v = $1.encode(LOCALE) (ENV[v] || ENV[v.upcase])&.encode(str.encoding) || $& } end @@type2name = %w[ REG_NONE REG_SZ REG_EXPAND_SZ REG_BINARY REG_DWORD REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN REG_LINK REG_MULTI_SZ REG_RESOURCE_LIST REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST REG_QWORD ].inject([]) do |ary, type| ary[Constants.const_get(type)] = type ary end.freeze # # Convert registry type value to readable string. # def self.type2name(type) @@type2name[type] || type.to_s end # # Convert 64-bit FILETIME integer into Time object. # def self.wtime2time(wtime) Time.at((wtime - 116444736000000000) / 10000000) end # # Convert Time object or Integer object into 64-bit FILETIME. # def self.time2wtime(time) time.to_i * 10000000 + 116444736000000000 end # # constructor # private_class_method :new # # --- Registry.open(key, subkey, desired = KEY_READ, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED) # # --- Registry.open(key, subkey, desired = KEY_READ, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED) { |reg| ... } # # Open the registry key subkey under key. # key is Win32::Registry object of parent key. # You can use predefined key HKEY_* (see Constants) # desired and opt is access mask and key option. # For detail, see the MSDN[http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/regopenkeyex.asp]. # If block is given, the key is closed automatically. def self.open(hkey, subkey, desired = KEY_READ, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED) subkey = subkey.chomp('\\') newkey = API.OpenKey(hkey.hkey, subkey, opt, desired) obj = new(newkey, hkey, subkey, REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY) if block_given? begin yield obj ensure obj.close end else obj end end # # --- Registry.create(key, subkey, desired = KEY_ALL_ACCESS, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED) # # --- Registry.create(key, subkey, desired = KEY_ALL_ACCESS, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED) { |reg| ... } # # Create or open the registry key subkey under key. # You can use predefined key HKEY_* (see Constants) # # If subkey is already exists, key is opened and Registry#created? # method will return false. # # If block is given, the key is closed automatically. # def self.create(hkey, subkey, desired = KEY_ALL_ACCESS, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED) newkey, disp = API.CreateKey(hkey.hkey, subkey, opt, desired) obj = new(newkey, hkey, subkey, disp) if block_given? begin yield obj ensure obj.close end else obj end end # # finalizer # @@final = proc { |hkey| proc { API.CloseKey(hkey[0]) if hkey[0] } } # # initialize # def initialize(hkey, parent, keyname, disposition) @hkey = hkey @parent = parent @keyname = keyname @disposition = disposition @hkeyfinal = [ hkey ] ObjectSpace.define_finalizer self, @@final.call(@hkeyfinal) end # Returns key handle value. attr_reader :hkey # Win32::Registry object of parent key, or nil if predefeined key. attr_reader :parent # Same as subkey value of Registry.open or # Registry.create method. attr_reader :keyname # Disposition value (REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY or REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY). attr_reader :disposition # # Returns if key is created ((*newly*)). # (see Registry.create) -- basically you call create # then when you call created? on the instance returned # it will tell if it was successful or not # def created? @disposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY end # # Returns if key is not closed. # def open? !@hkey.nil? end # # Full path of key such as 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\foo\bar'. # def name parent = self name = @keyname while parent = parent.parent name = parent.keyname + '\\' + name end name end def inspect "\#" end # # marshalling is not allowed # def _dump(depth) raise TypeError, "can't dump Win32::Registry" end # # Same as Win32::Registry.open (self, subkey, desired, opt) # def open(subkey, desired = KEY_READ, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED, &blk) self.class.open(self, subkey, desired, opt, &blk) end # # Same as Win32::Registry.create (self, subkey, desired, opt) # def create(subkey, desired = KEY_ALL_ACCESS, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED, &blk) self.class.create(self, subkey, desired, opt, &blk) end # # Close key. # # After close, most method raise an error. # def close API.CloseKey(@hkey) @hkey = @parent = @keyname = nil @hkeyfinal[0] = nil end # # Enumerate all values in this registry path. # # For each value it yields key, type and data. # # key is a String which contains name of key. # type is a type contant kind of Win32::Registry::REG_* # data is the value of this key. # def each_value return enum_for(:each_value) unless block_given? index = 0 while true begin subkey = API.EnumValue(@hkey, index) rescue Error break end subkey = export_string(subkey) begin type, data = read(subkey) rescue Error else yield subkey, type, data end index += 1 end index end alias each each_value # # return values as an array # def values vals_ary = [] each_value { |*, val| vals_ary << val } vals_ary end # # Enumerate all subkeys. # # For each subkey it yields subkey and wtime. # # subkey is String which contains name of subkey. # wtime is last write time as FILETIME (64-bit integer). # (see Registry.wtime2time) # def each_key return enum_for(:each_key) unless block_given? index = 0 while true begin subkey, wtime = API.EnumKey(@hkey, index) rescue Error break end subkey = export_string(subkey) yield subkey, wtime index += 1 end index end # # return keys as an array # def keys keys_ary = [] each_key { |key,| keys_ary << key } keys_ary end # Read a registry value named name and return array of # [ type, data ]. # When name is nil, the `default' value is read. # type is value type. (see Win32::Registry::Constants module) # data is value data, its class is: # :REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ # String # :REG_MULTI_SZ # Array of String # :REG_DWORD, REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN, REG_QWORD # Integer # :REG_BINARY, REG_NONE # String (contains binary data) # # When rtype is specified, the value type must be included by # rtype array, or TypeError is raised. def read(name, *rtype) type, data = API.QueryValue(@hkey, name) unless rtype.empty? or rtype.include?(type) raise TypeError, "Type mismatch (expect [#{ rtype.map{|t|Registry.type2name(t)}.join(', ')}] but #{ Registry.type2name(type)} present)" end case type when REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ [ type, data.encode(name.encoding, WCHAR).chop ] when REG_MULTI_SZ [ type, data.encode(name.encoding, WCHAR).split(/\0/) ] when REG_BINARY, REG_NONE [ type, data ] when REG_DWORD [ type, API.unpackdw(data) ] when REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN [ type, data.unpack1('N') ] when REG_QWORD [ type, API.unpackqw(data) ] else raise TypeError, "Type #{Registry.type2name(type)} is not supported." end end # # Read a registry value named name and return its value data. # The class of the value is the same as the #read method returns. # # If the value type is REG_EXPAND_SZ, returns value data whose environment # variables are replaced. # If the value type is neither REG_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ, REG_DWORD, # REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN, nor REG_QWORD, TypeError is raised. # # The meaning of rtype is the same as for the #read method. # def [](name, *rtype) type, data = read(name, *rtype) case type when REG_SZ, REG_DWORD, REG_QWORD, REG_MULTI_SZ data when REG_EXPAND_SZ Registry.expand_environ(data) else raise TypeError, "Type #{Registry.type2name(type)} is not supported." end end # Read a REG_SZ(read_s), REG_DWORD(read_i), or REG_BINARY(read_bin) # registry value named name. # # If the values type does not match, TypeError is raised. def read_s(name) read(name, REG_SZ)[1] end # # Read a REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ registry value named name. # # If the value type is REG_EXPAND_SZ, environment variables are replaced. # Unless the value type is REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ, TypeError is raised. # def read_s_expand(name) type, data = read(name, REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ) if type == REG_EXPAND_SZ Registry.expand_environ(data) else data end end # # Read a REG_SZ(read_s), REG_DWORD(read_i), or REG_BINARY(read_bin) # registry value named name. # # If the values type does not match, TypeError is raised. # def read_i(name) read(name, REG_DWORD, REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN, REG_QWORD)[1] end # # Read a REG_SZ(read_s), REG_DWORD(read_i), or REG_BINARY(read_bin) # registry value named name. # # If the values type does not match, TypeError is raised. # def read_bin(name) read(name, REG_BINARY)[1] end # # Write data to a registry value named name. # When name is nil, write to the `default' value. # # type is type value. (see Registry::Constants module) # Class of data must be same as which #read # method returns. # def write(name, type, data) case type when REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ data = data.encode(WCHAR) << WCHAR_NUL when REG_MULTI_SZ data = data.to_a.map {|s| s.encode(WCHAR)}.join(WCHAR_NUL) << WCHAR_NUL when REG_BINARY, REG_NONE data = data.to_s when REG_DWORD data = API.packdw(data.to_i) when REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN data = [data.to_i].pack('N') when REG_QWORD data = API.packqw(data.to_i) else raise TypeError, "Unsupported type #{Registry.type2name(type)}" end API.SetValue(@hkey, name, type, data, data.bytesize) end # # Write value to a registry value named name. # # If wtype is specified, the value type is it. # Otherwise, the value type is depend on class of value: # :Integer # REG_DWORD # :String # REG_SZ # :Array # REG_MULTI_SZ # def []=(name, rtype, value = nil) if value write name, rtype, value else case value = rtype when Integer write name, REG_DWORD, value when String write name, REG_SZ, value when Array write name, REG_MULTI_SZ, value else raise TypeError, "Unexpected type #{value.class}" end end value end # # Write value to a registry value named name. # # The value type is REG_SZ(write_s), REG_DWORD(write_i), or # REG_BINARY(write_bin). # def write_s(name, value) write name, REG_SZ, value.to_s end # # Write value to a registry value named name. # # The value type is REG_SZ(write_s), REG_DWORD(write_i), or # REG_BINARY(write_bin). # def write_i(name, value) write name, REG_DWORD, value.to_i end # # Write value to a registry value named name. # # The value type is REG_SZ(write_s), REG_DWORD(write_i), or # REG_BINARY(write_bin). # def write_bin(name, value) write name, REG_BINARY, value.to_s end # # Delete a registry value named name. # We can not delete the `default' value. # def delete_value(name) API.DeleteValue(@hkey, name) end alias delete delete_value # # Delete a subkey named name and all its values. # # If recursive is false, the subkey must not have subkeys. # Otherwise, this method deletes all subkeys and values recursively. # def delete_key(name, recursive = false) if recursive open(name, KEY_ALL_ACCESS) do |reg| reg.keys.each do |key| begin reg.delete_key(key, true) rescue Error # end end end API.DeleteKey(@hkey, name) else begin API.EnumKey @hkey, 0 rescue Error return API.DeleteKey(@hkey, name) end raise Error.new(5) ## ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED end end # # Write all the attributes into the registry file. # def flush API.FlushKey @hkey end # # Returns key information as Array of: # :num_keys # The number of subkeys. # :max_key_length # Maximum length of name of subkeys. # :num_values # The number of values. # :max_value_name_length # Maximum length of name of values. # :max_value_length # Maximum length of value of values. # :descriptor_length # Length of security descriptor. # :wtime # Last write time as FILETIME(64-bit integer) # # For detail, see RegQueryInfoKey[http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/regqueryinfokey.asp] Win32 API. # def info API.QueryInfoKey(@hkey) end # # Returns an item of key information. # %w[ num_keys max_key_length num_values max_value_name_length max_value_length descriptor_length wtime ].each_with_index do |s, i| eval <<-__END__ def #{s} info[#{i}] end __END__ end private def export_string(str, enc = Encoding.default_internal || LOCALE) # :nodoc: str.encode(enc) end end end